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Some Vac700 Love


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It's a great pen!


After several years of ownership, this week I discovered that I can trade the default TWSBI nib for the Goulet nibs. It opened up a lot of possibility with this pen.

I've been doing this for nearly a year, with my two Vac 700's. However, all of my Goulet nibs (EF, F, M, B, 1.1, 1.5) write much wetter than the same nibs made by TWSBI. I only have the F, M, and B Vac 700 nibs, but the difference is striking.


I use it to my advantage when I want a very wet nib for a dry ink, or, especially when I want a very wet 1.5 mm nib for greeting cards, addressing Christmas cards, etc. I cannot tell any difference between the nibs visually, holding them together, nesting together, examination of nib and slit under magnification, etc. The only thing that I can figure is that the profile of the feed leaves a little bit more gap with the Goulet nibs than it does with the TWSBI nibs, there could be a difference in curvature that I can't measure. Both nibs are made by JoWo in Germany, look identical, extremely smooth writing.


I'm not complaining, as I said sometimes that is exactly what I want, to make the Vac-700 a wetter writer. And, I've swapped nibs with the Vac-700 inked with no problems (except inky fingers).


Has anyone else noticed this?

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It costs $15 to swap in a Goulet nib, as compared with $23.99 for a Vac 700 nib unit - and essentially the same quality of nib from the same manufacturer. If the nib you brought was too narrow, too broad or whatever - or if you simply like a bit of variety - it's a cheaper way of changing things up.


Brilliant. I was going to pick up a fine nib as well.

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