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Is there such a thing as a FPN nametag, on which you can write your FPN name and be visible to those who are FPN members at pen shows?

Well, I did way before the Triangle Pen Show contact a couple members of the Triangle Pen Club to see whether they would mind if we could meet each other somewhere they were located. Yet, no one responded. Also, this year I saw Deb Kinney and a couple other members, but they had no location where they actually officially met. We could kind of make something with some logo or something like we have the tag if we are members of the postcard exchange or snail mail. If we did it in plenty enough time, say in enough time before next year's show, we who live in NC or anywhere and attending the Triangle Pen Show 2016 could identify each other this way. We could attach something as simple as a colored dot, placing it on our name tag which is either mailed when we pre-register or the one we make out at Terry's table when we register in person. Like written, It does not have to be anything fancy, can be something as simple as one of those colored sticky dots on a slick sheet at office supply stores. We can pick a color or two which are bright and easily identifiable. We would know upon encountering each other we are FPN members. Just an idea or so off the tip of my hat.

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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A lot of us are known to each other only by our FPN names--in many case, like mine, the real name and the FPN name are pretty similar, but that is not always so. It would be fun if we had FPN nametags, for those wishing to do so, that would say something like, "MY FPN NAME IS _________."


When I typed that, I couldn't help remembering the pledging scene in Animal House, with the line, "Your Delta Tau Chi name is . . . Flounder."

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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My name tag was pretty easy to figure out. But my problem is that I spend so much time staring down I barely notice the people around me. I think a set time and place to meet would be good.


I even though about a FPN table, maybe even one just outside the main exhibition hall. Something to raise awareness and try and recruit paid memberships to FPN. I don't know what it would entail and whether or not the show would maybe grant a small space for free as I'm sure FPN doesn't have an advertising budget. If I could get more than a few hours of time in May when my wife usually has whole-weekend rehearsals in May, I'd be happy to sit at the table for a few hours and tell passersby how wonderful FPN is.


And regulars to FPN could stop by and register that they're there somewhere on the floor.


It would be great if we could have a computer there as well. Just a thought.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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At the LA Pen Show, one of the FPN members from the area arranges a dinner at a nearby restaurant and posts it on FPN in the meetings section. About twenty or so people attend. Thereafter, when you see a familiar face around the show, you can strike up a conversation.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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I included my "MrThoth" name on my nametag in the hopes it would help folx identify me.


Unfortunately the felt-tip marker at the front desk was so blunt-tipped that it was a bit hard for people to read. On the bright side, this led to some interesting discussions about Egyptian mythology. ;)


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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Sorry I missed you. Were you in Ron Zorn's workshop on Friday?


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Sorry I missed you. Were you in Ron Zorn's workshop on Friday?

Decided last night to leave today and not do the final day of the TPS. Yet, this morning finds me deciding to attend this one final day of this year's show before leaving Cary, NC. I have purchased what I wanted to acquire and of course several items I had no intentions initially purchasing, but so happy I did. Yesterday, took pictures during the event, emailed and posted them; later last night emailed copies out to Terry Mcwherter and others.

So, today, there is just the cursive writing session. I may stop by Franklin-Christophe one last time to pick up the smaller version of my flex journal, no leather cover for this small one though. I can use it to continue collecting affirmations in style. I will depart for the interstate and my journey home not needing much in the way of background music or the book on CD which I listened to on the way here. Feeling content and filled with enough brief tales of adventures and experiences of my recent weekend spent attending only my second Triangle Pen Show after so many years. I also have a small gift to give to the Angel who found my Penvelope and collection of pens Friday. I could not think of leaving here and not once again expressing gratitude. I'll be in a black and white stripe dress and favorite red hat.

Just in case.... Be well :)

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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My name tag was pretty easy to figure out. But my problem is that I spend so much time staring down I barely notice the people around me. I think a set time and place to meet would be good.


I even though about a FPN table, maybe even one just outside the main exhibition hall. Something to raise awareness and try and recruit paid memberships to FPN. I don't know what it would entail and whether or not the show would maybe grant a small space for free as I'm sure FPN doesn't have an advertising budget. If I could get more than a few hours of time in May when my wife usually has whole-weekend rehearsals in May, I'd be happy to sit at the table for a few hours and tell passersby how wonderful FPN is.


And regulars to FPN could stop by and register that they're there somewhere on the floor.


It would be great if we could have a computer there as well. Just a thought.

I had to first give some thought to your reply. There was space at the Registration table where Terry was registering people for the Show. The space available, as I recall was big enough for one or two people. The only problem I can foresee in even asking is this is not a FountainpenNetwork event. Therefore, being able to pick up whatever to identify each other, or even an unofficial meeting place at designated times throughout the show might not be too difficult. Anything more, such as soliciting for paid membership to the FountainpenNetwork becomes something else all together. Believe FPN was officially at one or more of the Pen Shows elsewhere.


Therefore, anything beyond something informal in which members could perhaps meet each other becomes something which believe the other vendors have paid to set up booths, or tables as it is in order to be at the TPS and also advertised on the brochures. Also, we have briefly expanded from initial reply of someone wanting a way for us to identify each other, now to our seeking something a bit more cumbersome in wanting to recruit, obtain payment and needing a computer. We have made a jump in what we are hoping to accomplish. It would be nice to see whether Terry may agree to something simple and informal for those of us who want to see the faces behind the avatars and monikers to meet. Perhaps nothing more. Just my opinion. I would like simply to meet some of the people here so that when we meet virtually; we would have a vague mental image of having encountered each other.

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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I ended up not doing any workshops. I was having too much fun just wandering around the dealer's room, looking at stuff and talking to people.


If I end up attending the DC show, though, I definitely need to look at what classes and workshops are being offered and make some plans in advance. It never hurts to learn new things (unless those new things are "what it's like to experience intense pain" ;) ).


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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I ended up not doing any workshops. I was having too much fun just wandering around the dealer's room, looking at stuff and talking to people.


If I end up attending the DC show, though, I definitely need to look at what classes and workshops are being offered and make some plans in advance. It never hurts to learn new things (unless those new things are "what it's like to experience intense pain" ;) ).

Safely returned home. I enjoyed the Cursive Writing session today much more than the Calligraphy session yesterday. The instructor was really good. It was me. I believe I will enjoy tweaking my cursive writing more than what it would take for me to learn Calligraphy. I loved the handouts which will get me started seriously. I ended up still purchasing a couple more items, Diamine ink and the Franklin-Christophe small journal. My goodness what a wonderful adventure. Still managed to never get to the Embassy doing one straight drive, rather I found my way exploring Cary and twice ended up in Morrisville and coming back into Cary, NC. Well, no worse for wear, still made it to the sessions nearly on time. Now, unpacking, enjoying my wonderful bounty. I approached Terry McWherter regarding the possibility of us next year having space on a table to meet each other, I'll let you know what his response is once he contacts and gives me an answer.

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Gahhh, I wish I'd known you were teaching a class. I'd've made a point of taking it, or at least showing up as it was ending, to make sure I had the chance to meet you. Curses, foiled again! :angry:


I hope to finish unpacking enough by tomorrow to put up a picture of my swag. :)


To add to the fun, several pens arrived in the mail while I was way, including a long-awaited Cross Peerless 125. :D


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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If one requests permission from FPN administrators to make name tags with the logo, it may be given. If sales were, say $0.50 per tag, a little profit might go to support FPN.


Didn't Cafe Press once have name tag blanks?

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Gahhh, I wish I'd known you were teaching a class. I'd've made a point of taking it, or at least showing up as it was ending, to make sure I had the chance to meet you. Curses, foiled again! :angry:


I hope to finish unpacking enough by tomorrow to put up a picture of my swag. :)


To add to the fun, several pens arrived in the mail while I was way, including a long-awaited Cross Peerless 125. :D

No, I did not teach it. I believe the lady's name was Deborah E. Basel. she told me what her FPN sreen name is and I wrote it down somewhere. She will also be at the DC Pen Show. Believe she said her workshops will be longer, cost $50.00. I saw her advertisement on the DC website. It was $7.00 for each material fee for the two sessions she taught here. Good, can hardly wait to see what you got.

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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OK, finally had the time to take some pics and struggle through FPN's image-posting system. The first picture shows all the stuff I came home with; the second is a close-up shot of the pens themselves (the stand they're on I already had).


The details:


The Cross display case to the left was a particularly delightful find, since I got it for only $10, whereas I'd considered buying one in worse condition on eBay several weeks ago for $50.


The display case to the right was hand-made by a friend of the dealer and is sort of a prototype. I am definitely thinking of ordering more, since I quite like it, but will have a few suggestions for the craftsman to make it even better (mostly simple things, like "use countersunk screws").


I was delighted to finally get a copy of the (2014 reprint of the) Lambrou book, at a very good price, signed and numbered by the author. I expect it will provide many hours of enjoyable browsing. :)


And now for the pens themselves, Going from left to right, we have:


1. Wahl-Eversharp Skyline Skyscraper, #6 of 100. This was my "spend too much money on a pen" purchase of the show. ;) But between the rose gold (which I love) and the elegant look of the pen, I couldn't resist.


2. Wahl-Eversharp Skyline Technik in Cobalt Blue. While I was getting the Skyscraper from Anderson Pens, I also got one of his cousins. ;)


3. Bexley Poseidon Magnum II in Blue, bought from Indy-Pen-Dance. I had a delightful time watching Linda Kennedy work on the nib for a few minutes to get the nib just right for me after I bought it; it always fascinates me to watch a skilled craftsman at work.


4. Levenger True Writer Metalist in Sapphire (though for my money that's an idiotic name; Sapphire should be a darker, richer blue). This one has an italic nib.


5. Franklin-Christoph Collegia (Model 27) in Radiant Red with a #5 Medium Italic nib. I had them put a nice red ink in it to test it out to complete the "red" motif. This will be the perfect thing to impress my students when I teach my "How To Write Tolkien's Elvish" seminar at science fiction conventions. ;)


6. Parker Rialto in red lacquer. This one caught my eye as I was leaving the show and I couldn't resist one last purchase.


7. Sheaffer Prelude Snow. This one caught my eye as I was buying the Parker Rialto and I couldn't resist one last last purchase. It's another italic nib, broader than the F-C, also good for my Elvish classes.


All in all the show was a lot of fun -- especially talking to other pen afficionados. I'm now considering hitting the DC Pen Supershow for a day or two more strongly than ever.







Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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OK, finally had the time to take some pics and struggle through FPN's image-posting system. The first picture shows all the stuff I came home with; the second is a close-up shot of the pens themselves (the stand they're on I already had).


The details:


The Cross display case to the left was a particularly delightful find, since I got it for only $10, whereas I'd considered buying one in worse condition on eBay several weeks ago for $50.


The display case to the right was hand-made by a friend of the dealer and is sort of a prototype. I am definitely thinking of ordering more, since I quite like it, but will have a few suggestions for the craftsman to make it even better (mostly simple things, like "use countersunk screws").


I was delighted to finally get a copy of the (2014 reprint of the) Lambrou book, at a very good price, signed and numbered by the author. I expect it will provide many hours of enjoyable browsing. :)


And now for the pens themselves, Going from left to right, we have:


1. Wahl-Eversharp Skyline Skyscraper, #6 of 100. This was my "spend too much money on a pen" purchase of the show. ;) But between the rose gold (which I love) and the elegant look of the pen, I couldn't resist.


2. Wahl-Eversharp Skyline Technik in Cobalt Blue. While I was getting the Skyscraper from Anderson Pens, I also got one of his cousins. ;)


3. Bexley Poseidon Magnum II in Blue, bought from Indy-Pen-Dance. I had a delightful time watching Linda Kennedy work on the nib for a few minutes to get the nib just right for me after I bought it; it always fascinates me to watch a skilled craftsman at work.


4. Levenger True Writer Metalist in Sapphire (though for my money that's an idiotic name; Sapphire should be a darker, richer blue). This one has an italic nib.


5. Franklin-Christoph Collegia (Model 27) in Radiant Red with a #5 Medium Italic nib. I had them put a nice red ink in it to test it out to complete the "red" motif. This will be the perfect thing to impress my students when I teach my "How To Write Tolkien's Elvish" seminar at science fiction conventions. ;)


6. Parker Rialto in red lacquer. This one caught my eye as I was leaving the show and I couldn't resist one last purchase.


7. Sheaffer Prelude Snow. This one caught my eye as I was buying the Parker Rialto and I couldn't resist one last last purchase. It's another italic nib, broader than the F-C, also good for my Elvish classes.


All in all the show was a lot of fun -- especially talking to other pen afficionados. I'm now considering hitting the DC Pen Supershow for a day or two more strongly than ever.






The Franklin-Christophe is a beauty (my love of red showing) I actually had my pen purchased from Franklin-Christophe filled with the same color and even purchased a bottle of it. You really did well in your purchases. I looked at the site for the DC Pen Show. It does look nice, kind of like it would probably be one of the big ones on the East Coast. For a second I thought about it. I enjoy looking at what you picked up. Love the descriptions, also objective reasoning for each purchase filling a need. On the other hand, I simply went into the right door, which had the Chocolate table to my right, Franklin-Christophe a close distance; got excited about all the items I had been seeing on their site and there I was actually able to physically see them all, smell the wonderful leather, see their logo imprinted on their items, touch them and went completely self-indulgent. No reasoning, no need, no rational contemplation, just giddiness and reckless abandonment. No excuse. No regrets. Just complete... :happycloud9: Maybe next time we can actually meet in person.

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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As you expect from the God of Scribes, Toth does not disappoint. Beautiful pens, a good write-up and fun pictures to show it really happened (no pictures, didn't really happen rule)


The Skyline Skyscraper is my favorite!


Thanks for sharing.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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As you expect from the God of Scribes, Toth does not disappoint. Beautiful pens, a good write-up and fun pictures to show it really happened (no pictures, didn't really happen rule)


The Skyline Skyscraper is my favorite!


Thanks for sharing.


As you expect from the God of Scribes, Toth does not disappoint. Beautiful pens, a good write-up and fun pictures to show it really happened (no pictures, didn't really happen rule)


The Skyline Skyscraper is my favorite!


Thanks for sharing.

"no pictures, didn't really happen rule." :yikes: now you present the rules. :lticaptd:

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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On the other hand, I simply went into the right door, which had the Chocolate table to my right, Franklin-Christophe a close distance; got excited about all the items I had been seeing on their site and there I was actually able to physically see them all, smell the wonderful leather, see their logo imprinted on their items, touch them and went completely self-indulgent. No reasoning, no need, no rational contemplation, just giddiness and reckless abandonment. No excuse. No regrets.


I can't deny that more than a few of my pen purchases are essentially "because I think that's a cool-looking pen." ;) Collecting is, after all, a somewhat self-indulgent sort of hobby in any event. But as long as it makes us happy.... :)


And it certainly was rather devious, putting the chocolate table right next to the door into the dealer's room, wasn't it? ;)


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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I can't deny that more than a few of my pen purchases are essentially "because I think that's a cool-looking pen." ;) Collecting is, after all, a somewhat self-indulgent sort of hobby in any event. But as long as it makes us happy.... :)


And it certainly was rather devious, putting the chocolate table right next to the door into the dealer's room, wasn't it? ;)

:wallbash: Yes, indeed. The only reason I bypassed the chocolate is I knew the Franklin-Christophe leather would smell better longer, the pen could be used and nerve enough to have a lifetime guarantee; the ink is such I will probably be using it for much longer than anything I could have indulged in on the Chocolate table, even if the guys appeared nice. I took their picture. Believe though, as I recall, only the guy on the left of the table they were sharing was the chocolate vendor. The gentleman on the right was selling pens I think. Satisfied. The leather goods from Franklin-Christophe are the maroon and resemble dark chocolate, just with a tinge of rust. Hardly edible, but oh, so beautiful, I am enjoying writing even more these last couple days :wub:

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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I can't deny that more than a few of my pen purchases are essentially "because I think that's a cool-looking pen." ;) Collecting is, after all, a somewhat self-indulgent sort of hobby in any event. But as long as it makes us happy.... :)


And it certainly was rather devious, putting the chocolate table right next to the door into the dealer's room, wasn't it? ;)

What did you like most about the pen show, besides the finds? I'll share some with you.People for the most part were really nice. Like the woman who found all my pens and turned them into Terry. Also, the things I found in common with Lori of Franklin-Christophe. Even at the end, I met a gentleman who was next to the guy out in the lobby with the Pelikan display. I had written a poem about B.B. King recently. Lori let Mario read the poem and before I left, we actually met. He once sold an original B.B. King guitar. Well, I told him about my Bexley's odor problem, he offered up a suggestion of me using a solution of water and ammonia. I have my Bexley soaking right now as I type. It was really nice to for one weekend have some sense of loving fountainpens, inks and creme colored blank paper being normal; no explanations, no need to apologize for overindulging. Well, those were a couple of my highlights. I have to go check on my pen now.

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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