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Triangle Pen Show Report


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I was able to attend the Triangle Pen Show today for this afternoon's fun. There was a good crowd and I had an opportunity to meet a couple of FPN'ers in the flesh, fountainpenlady and Aetheric Continua, and I think I saw Mr Thoth as well.


I didn't bring a major budget but did manage to snag a couple of nice pens and get a sweet old pen finally fixed up to use.


First, you'll have to excuse the poor iPhone photos. I'm too impatient tonight to get out the real camera.


I recently bought a Conklin Crescent #25 from a fellow FPN'er and I love the pen but the nib needed a little bit of work. The tines needed to be brought together a tiny bit, and one tine was a hair longer than the other. A few minutes with Ron Zorn and it's a wonderful writer. Now I need to learn how to write with a flex nib. I'm being careful until I learn so as not to spring it, so it may be capable of more flex than this, but I'm not pushing it.






The next pen I purchased with a trade of a couple of more modern (and modest but interesting) pens and some cash. It's a gorgeous Parker Vacuumatic in Major size with great transparency and a broad stub nib. The filler needs work as it won't take up water, but I could dip it and it's a dream to write with.





The last purchase was from the inimitable Gary Berg, one of the masters of the Sheaffer vacuum filler. This one is quite interesting. I'll have to get a confirmation from Gary or the Sheaffer forum of exactly what it's called, [edited: I'm pretty sure it's a Sovereign, but I'm sure I'll be corrected if it's not] but it's a vacuum filler and looks just like my brown Statesman, but instead of a triumph nib, it has a huge open, two-tone nib. The nib is the same size as the OS Balance pens. It's huge, and smooth and quite striking. And of course the pen has been quite professionally restored and holds a ton of ink. It came as a set with a pencil which has a little brassing on the clip, but the pen is flawless and looks like it's straight out of the box. Even the visulated section is totally clear with no tint or staining. This is a very fun pen.





It was a great time. There was a good crowd today and a lot of vendors and master repairpersons. I recommend the show to anyone in the area.


So, anyone else get anything fun at the show?

Edited by AAAndrew


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Congrats on some nice finds!


Still sizing up potential purchases. Haven't seen any "OMG I must buy it NOW!" pens, sadly, but there are definitely a few things on the tables worth considering. ;) And who knows -- no doubt some of the dealers will bring some new goodies to restock their tables for tomorrow.


Also looking forward to getting some of my repaired/adjusted pens back. :D

Edited by MrThoth


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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Congrats on some nice finds!


Still sizing up potential purchases. Haven't seen any "OMG I must buy it NOW!" pens, sadly, but there are definitely a few things on the tables worth considering. ;) And who knows -- no doubt some of the dealers will bring some new goodies to restock their tables for tomorrow.


Also looking forward to getting some of my repaired/adjusted pens back. :D

Although, I was able to go the Indy Dance....(Can't recall off hand the entire name of them) I took my old Bexley nib. I was told by the young lady who specializes in extra fine nibs and finer, she could not attempt it at the show, she could definitely do something, it would take off the gold plating though. She said it would take 14 weeks. Although I am glad to have the question of the nib answered, I doubt I will go any further trying to salvage the original nib at this point. here are quick and dirty pictures taken in my hotel room (apologies) of what I purchased today. I made marks on the Franklin-Christophe Journal cover, I was told normal and will give it character, I will get some leather cleaner when I get home just in case. Tomorrow attending the Calligraphy workshop. There is a course being offered at my local community college so this will give me some idea whether I want to spend additional time, energy and money learning further when offered again near me. Nib on the pen shown is steel and extra fine of course, filled (courtesy of Scott from Franklin-Christophe) with the red ink shown; when you purchase a pen, they ask what color ink or ink cartridge you want put in the pen. Of course, I selected red. :wub:





Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Looks like you all had a good time at the show. I'm a little jealous.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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Looks like you all had a good time at the show. I'm a little jeaous.

Do you believe I had my purchase mapped out before arriving? Happens though I entered almost at the table of Franklin-Christophe where I had planned to purchase the journal cover. Well, as the tale goes, one thing led to another and.... Well, at least I purchased the journal cover, and the Penvelope in the same color leather and the pen???? Both are in Maroon leather. Well, shhhhh! That was not on the list and neither was the bottle of ink. :rolleyes:

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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One thing I did not want to forget to mention is that there are several, I mean really quite a few, to my knowledge Nib Meisters here. The Indy Dance one had two of them alone and the woman has a list you put your name on and then once she gets finished with those on the list; she will also see what you have for her and whether she can do anything. There are several inks being sold at different vendor tables at this show. I am still trying to get a look see on the scented ones from De Artremis (?) like wine, but as yet, I was not able to locate them at one vendor and decided to move on for the day. I'll see again tomorrow. Susan Wirth, who gave a workshop on writing with fountain pens, (not the title at all) is also a Nib Meister. Makes me wish I needed a pen tuned, but all are doing well. Terry Mcwherter is really nice. I am so glad that he had my new Penvelope with the pens you see sitting in front of him. With a smile, he said, "is this your pen case?" With relief, I almost wanted to cry, yes, profusely I thanked him and the person, whom I sensed he knows for finding and turning in my writing instruments and new pen case. A hand written thank you card with a wax seal being forwarded in care of Terry once I return home. :thumbup: Fountain Pen people rock! I am most appreciative and grateful.

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Those are gorgeous pens, and I've heard nothing but praise for them. And all of the little marks on the leather will just add character. Some people purposely mark up their leather notebook covers. I prefer to just let mine happen naturally.


Have fun in the calligraphy workshop!


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Those are gorgeous pens, and I've heard nothing but praise for them. And all of the little marks on the leather will just add character. Some people purposely mark up their leather notebook covers. I prefer to just let mine happen naturally.


Have fun in the calligraphy workshop!

I agree with you. However, I really don't know what I did to get the marks on the journal cover. I would have preferred it had no marks or at least not in the short time from the purchase to initial use. I had a journal I was using, purchased during the Massdrop months ago, so Scott of Franklin-Christophe put it inside, instead of the blank one I also purchased. He fitted it so that I can as a left hand (southpaw) use it without flap distracting my use. It is why the flap is on the right, instead of lefthand side. Since I can hold the pen I purchased from Franklin-Christophe inside the journal cover itself due to the loop, probably will hold either a Lamy or my Pelikan M800 in the last empty space. For now, the Pelikans are not getting any use. I am loving the ones you see, the Omas Ogiva Alba, the two Noodler's Ahabs (mars Pearl/burmese red) both fitted with goulet xf nibs. and the Bexley America the Beautiful, also fitted with the Goulet xf nib. I think the goulet folks are at the pen show, I did not see them though, I will look for them tomorrow. Might as well, since I could now buy stock in their Goulet #6 extra fine nibs with the amount of them purchased. I did slip and add to my collection with the Franklin-Christophe table my small and wonderfully loved collection. Must admit, it was the color of the finial and then the smoothness of the extra fine nib, which caused me to be impulsive. They have a tray or rather trays which you can select what nib you want and then they fit your choice of pen cases with what you selected and even fill your pen with ink or you can get an ink cartridge of your choice of colors I believe. Opted for the red ink being put in my converter, which comes along with the pen. Life time guarantee. My new pen may last longer than I have left on earth. WoW! :lticaptd:

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Believe when I attended early 2000s, I only attended for the day. Believe I could have done the same this time. Yet, I do not regret making plans to be here the entire weekend. I am planning to do some other things also while here. Yet, for those who may plan to come in the future, you could really do the Triangle Pen Show in one day if you absolutely can't spend the entire weekend or several days of it. You could perhaps, if you did not want to attend workshops, in a pinch see many of the vendors. The grand ballroom is huge! All the vendors are in rows. It can get kind of crowded though. Yet, if you can also commit to the days, see what works for you. Just an option. What it took for me to get here would still have to be done, even if I only spent one day so my adventure is still one without regrets at this point. Although, I could have done with a paper receipt for my outrageous, but wonderful purchases. Powering up my laptop and having my receipts pop up is really not for the faint of heart, namely mine right now. Well, exhausted and getting up really early tomorrow morning. My air conditioner does not work and after breakfast, before Calligraphy session, they are going to move me to another room with a working air conditioner.

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Thank you all for your reports! It IS almost like being there. Since I have NEVER been to a PEN show it is for me quite exciting to see the enthusiasm apparent from those attending. I appreciate everyone taking the time to share your thoughts, experiences & purchases.

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Looks like you all had a good time at the show. I'm a little jealous.

No, just kind of too excited for my own good and impulsive for no reason at all. I had planned on the journal cover and perhaps a couple more blank Franklin-Christophe journals to avoid shipping cost and because I would have invested in the journal cover. I also wanted to see their notepads, but reminded me too much of a rhodia, but different in the quality of it, but still a rhodia with the top opening, but pages scored on top to stay in place after use I suppose; I was told about the operation of their notepad series by the nice young woman who continued to assist me. I overheard her say when I first walked up to the Franklin-Christophe table to I believe Deb M., a Nib Meister located here in NC, she is getting paid to be around things she enjoys (my paraphrasing) pens, paper and inks. How lucky can she be with her fortunate choice of careers right now!

Believe, I read something similar from those working for Goulet Pen Company.

In my next lifetime..., if there is one of course for those who might believe in the possibility. :D

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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One thing I did not want to forget to mention is that there are several, I mean really quite a few, to my knowledge Nib Meisters here. The Indy Dance one had two of them alone and the woman has a list you put your name on and then once she gets finished with those on the list; she will also see what you have for her and whether she can do anything. There are several inks being sold at different vendor tables at this show. I am still trying to get a look see on the scented ones from De Artremis (?) like wine, but as yet, I was not able to locate them at one vendor and decided to move on for the day. I'll see again tomorrow. Susan Wirth, who gave a workshop on writing with fountain pens, (not the title at all) is also a Nib Meister. Makes me wish I needed a pen tuned, but all are doing well. Terry Mcwherter is really nice. I am so glad that he had my new Penvelope with the pens you see sitting in front of him. With a smile, he said, "is this your pen case?" With relief, I almost wanted to cry, yes, profusely I thanked him and the person, whom I sensed he knows for finding and turning in my writing instruments and new pen case. A hand written thank you card with a wax seal being forwarded in care of Terry once I return home. :thumbup: Fountain Pen people rock! I am most appreciative and grateful.


I purchased an Edison pen at the LA Pen Show just to have Pendleton Brown turn it into a Butterline Stub. Even if you don't have a pen that you need tuned, you can buy one that needs tuning!

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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Here are some photographs I took of the Triangle Pen Show 2015. Enjoy! :) Thanks Barkingpig, thought you might like to get a visual of what a pen show looks like.


Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Gee, fountainpenlady, I'm sorry I missed seeing you there. Was there, drove up from Charlotte for the Friday show. Talked to Bert Oser of Bertram's Inkwell, Sam Harris, Deb Kinney, and Richard Binder, among others. Bought two of the Franklin-Christophe pads. Great paper! My daughter financed this year's visit, so found a set of Caran d'Ache pencils for her. And picked up a TWSBI and a Konrad-Galapagos Tortoise. Totally exhausted by the end but was glad that I had come. Drove back by way of NC-49, a lovely drive through Burlington, Asheboro, the Uwharri National Forest, Albemarle, and Richfield. Glorious day for a drive.


If you can make it, I highly recommend going to the Triangle Pen Show each year. And to the DC Pen Show as well. Both are a lot of fun. Was glad to see Richard Binder there, as I had the impression he had quit doing the pen shows. He said he might have cut back on the online work but, the pens shows were just too much fun to miss.




From a person's actions, we may infer attitudes, beliefs, --- and values. We do not know these characteristics outright. The human dichotomies of trust and distrust, honor and duplicity, love and hate --- all depend on internal states we cannot directly experience. Isn't this what adds zest to our life?

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Gee, fountainpenlady, I'm sorry I missed seeing you there. Was there, drove up from Charlotte for the Friday show. Talked to Bert Oser of Bertram's Inkwell, Sam Harris, Deb Kinney, and Richard Binder, among others. Bought two of the Franklin-Christophe pads. Great paper! My daughter financed this year's visit, so found a set of Caran d'Ache pencils for her. And picked up a TWSBI and a Konrad-Galapagos Tortoise. Totally exhausted by the end but was glad that I had come. Drove back by way of NC-49, a lovely drive through Burlington, Asheboro, the Uwharri National Forest, Albemarle, and Richfield. Glorious day for a drive.


If you can make it, I highly recommend going to the Triangle Pen Show each year. And to the DC Pen Show as well. Both are a lot of fun. Was glad to see Richard Binder there, as I had the impression he had quit doing the pen shows. He said he might have cut back on the online work but, the pens shows were just too much fun to miss.



Hate I missed you also. I don't know whether I had left or not. I had on a straw fedora tilted with a sterling silver and marcasite bumble bee scatter pin on the edge on Friday. Today, I wore a red hat with a red lady bug on its edge also tilted similar to my avatar.

I was probably somewhere in Cary lost. I have yet to make it there without getting lost, but eventually I made it each time. No GPS. Have I enjoyed sightseeing in Cary? I had plenty of adventures traveling to and from the Pen Show. Still have to find my way back on the interstate tomorrow and drive home. I say we try to meet up next year. I will probably still be wearing hats. By that time, I will probably be needing some more flex journals from Franklin-Christophe. :lticaptd:

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Next year for those staying or in the area, there's always a possible post-Friday decompression at Gonza Tacos and Tequila. :P


The Triangle is actually a nationally recognized Foodie area with lots of great restaurants. I recommend coming for the pens and staying for the refreshments.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Next year for those staying or in the area, there's always a possible post-Friday decompression at Gonza Tacos and Tequila. :P


The Triangle is actually a nationally recognized Foodie area with lots of great restaurants. I recommend coming for the pens and staying for the refreshments.

Bring your GPS, unless you want to do more visiting and U turning than you can ever imagine. :yikes: :lticaptd:

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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This is my first show. I live in the area. I love it. Such a fun experience for a noobie to fountain pens. Met Susan Wirth, one of the nicest people on Earth and the legend that is Richard Binder.

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This is my first show. I live in the area. I love it. Such a fun experience for a noobie to fountain pens. Met Susan Wirth, one of the nicest people on Earth and the legend that is Richard Binder.

Deb Kinney is a member of the Triangle Fountain Club. She won't be there, but they have a meeting next Sunday.


It will be held at The Mad Hatter Bakery. Located in Durham, not far from Cary, NC. It will be held at 2pm.


The directions I was given were 40 West to 147 North;Exit 14

Turn right top of ramp; 2 blocks, cross over railroad tracks

located on left corner after railroad tracks. You may or may not as anyone reading this may go, but I did want to pass along the information for those who are looking for others who share your passion/interest.

Edited by fountainpenlady

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Is there such a thing as a FPN nametag, on which you can write your FPN name and be visible to those who are FPN members at pen shows?

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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