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Superb Pen Chest At Giveaway Price Of $40? Available Online And In Stores


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How heavy exactly is this chest? This information is not on the website...

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How heavy exactly is this chest? This information is not on the website...

It feels around 25-30 pounds to me.



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It feels around 25-30 pounds to me.

Shipping to Brazil goes over 400 usd... No way... :(

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Wow! Thanks for posting this. Just ordered my minutes ago.


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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It feels around 25-30 pounds to me.


You got it almost exactly. UPS says the shipping weight is 28.90 lbs

So space and time are linked together. As we are looking across space, we are looking back in time. The further and further away those stars are the further back in time you are looking. Now you are seeing a star that is say six thousand years ago. Imagine somebody at that star looking at us They would be seeing us as we were six thousand years ago. Which of those two is now? - Alan Parsons Project The Time Machine - Temporalia (Paraphrased)

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:( Lucky Americans getting the best stuff - I would have loved to get one but costco in the UK does not have it.

Mcgeechan...I'd get one for you and ship it to you but you'd probably have to mortgage your house to pay for the shipping...its that heavy.

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Got tired of looking at this deal, and wishing I could pull the trigger ... so I pulled the trigger.



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Jaybeez...you won't regret it...it's that nice. And definitely a steal for what they're charging.

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I ordered one after reading about it on this thread - it got delivered this evening. It's beautifully made, and an astonishingly good deal at $43 with shipping and tax for me in California.


Bit larger than I expected, but that's my own fault for not reading the dimensions before buying it.

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Thanks for the head's-up on this. Just ordered 2.

Free shipping on this is icing on the cake.

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And as usual, Canada gets the sh*t end of the stick...not available here.

"I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original." - Franz Joseph Haydn 1732 - 1809
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This is perfect timing! I recently ordered two of those pen slotter trays from Gary and when I saw them, my first thought was "If I had more of these I could convert my wooden tool box into a pen chest." So since then, I keeping opening my toolbox and wondering where I would put my tools. So when I saw this, I ordered it. I think it is nicer than my toolbox too. Thanks for the heads up! So anybody who has theirs and the pen slotter trays already, how many of those trays do I need for the chest? I'd like to order them before the chest comes in.

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Dang it! There's goes another $43 bucks (high sales tax). Fortunately(?), I needed to go to Costco for some other stuff anyway. Like a job application.



My ink-swap post(s) become out of date eventually. My signature is always current. If you want to swap some ink, here's what I have: Diamine: Ancient Copper, Oxblood, Poppy Red, Red Dragon, Sherwood Green; Iroshizuku: Kon-peki, Ku-jaku, Take-sumi; Noodlers: 54th Mass, BSB, Purple Martin, X-Feather, Widow Maker; Private Reserve: Blue Suede. I'm partial to highly saturated inks, but am open to suggestions. PM if interested.

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I got mine today too, and fortunately it fit perfectly where I wanted to put it. All of my bottled ink fit in the middle deep drawer in the center except for the 4oz bottle of Noodler's It would have fit too, but the eye dropper made it too tall. It does exude a strong odor, but I'm sure that will dissipate with time. Now I need to figure out the dimensions so I can order the pen slots. Its so NICE! :D

So space and time are linked together. As we are looking across space, we are looking back in time. The further and further away those stars are the further back in time you are looking. Now you are seeing a star that is say six thousand years ago. Imagine somebody at that star looking at us They would be seeing us as we were six thousand years ago. Which of those two is now? - Alan Parsons Project The Time Machine - Temporalia (Paraphrased)

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I've loved the original that this is "modeled" after, the Gerstner chest, for a long time as a woodworker. But they're so expensive. They're definitely worth it, and if taken care of will last several lifetimes, but I could never justify it.


Well, guess what I got myself for Father's day? Don't know just where I'll put it, but I'll find a place. Couldn't resist the price and it looks a step or two above the really cheap Chinese knock-off's I've seen for years.


If you've got the money for the heirloom quality version, check out



“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928

Check out my Steel Pen Blog

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Oh thank you thank you thank you. I've been waiting for the $99.00 price to go down, and was just thinking that it was only going to go up.

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Mine came today and it looks very good. Larger than I had imagined but I'll fill it up soon enough.


Thanks again for the heads up



We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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