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Shin-Kai - Pilot Iroshizuku


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Great review. Thank you.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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I'm still madly in love with one.

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- Joe

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I like this ink and how it flows, but if the grey had been a bit darker it would have been even better!



Instagram: inkyandy

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Shin-Kai is my daily ink: very nice flow, good lubrication, perfect colour: not too bright, not too pale, easy on eyes, not too greenish like Tsuki-Yo.


It is not the best blue black ever created since it is rather a GREYISH BLUE. But, still perfect enough in terms of ink properties and professional look.





Edit: Dictation Correction

Edited by tursilmatik
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  • 1 month later...

Bought this, my first Iroshizuku, about a month ago and have used it daily since. It's a really well behaved, smooth ink with nice shading.


The color is very nice, very dark, navy when used with my wettest pen (Lamy 2000). Pretty much spot on with the samples posted in this thread.


In a drier pen, it's still well-shaded but dries to a lighter navy blue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the review. Don't know what to make of this one. Am trying it in an Aurora Optima italic nib. Not enough lubrication for this nib and the grayness leads to a look I call chalky. I like how fast it dries, and it will throw up some sheen if laid down thick. Nice performing but not too exciting color.

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