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Aurora Inks Can Now Be Mixed Together? Reformulation? Infos?


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It is no secret I love Aurora ink. It is my go to ink for all new modern pens. (I use 1940's vintage Quink B-B for new-to-me vintage pens, but that is just an irrational new vs. vintage thing.)

However, from time to time, I would like to have a nice blue-black, also a slightly darker blue might be good.


I've seen posts from 2009 and 2010 that indicate fairly consistent bad results mixing Aurora's black ink with their blue ink (their only colors.)

Also, I had always (as long as I've been in the hobby and been aware of Aurora ink.)


Then, I saw several reports in posts from last year of posters having no problems using Aurora B-B mixes. I did not see what ratios were used.

There have long been reports of Aurora ink being safe in Aurora:[non Aurora ink] mixes, but I'm specifically interested in Aurora:Aurora.


Can anyone provide any information about Aurora ink (black or blue or both?) changing in any way between 2010 and 2014 that would allow it to be safely mixed?


My experimental mix of 7:2 blue:black had been sitting in a glass jar for 4 days before I scrutinized it to confirm no goop, particles or weird viscosity issues.

I took a deep breath and filled my Sole with it. About 2 pages of notes in, and everything seems to be working well. Color is good (darker Aurora blue) as is flow.

(Some early reports when mixing did not work were that the result was a black ink with no flow properties.)


So, I'm now in the "well, it works for me" camp. But, I'd still like to know if the ink changed, or if the horse learned to talk.


Best Regards, greg

Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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Glad to hear this worked. I am not an ink-mixer, per se, but I do wish that Aurora made blue-black.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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Ah, I don't use Black inks so I cannot answer your question directly, but do have a tuppence worth to add ...


Perhaps Aurora inks were modified to conform with REACH regulation.


On the other hand, your 'unexpected' success might be attributed to method - something so simple as mixing technique. i.e. Blue into Black or Black into Blue? Was the ink added drop-wise or just dumped in? Stirring or not? Phase of the moon?




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thanks for the information Sandy1. I wasn't familiar with this initiative. I personally haven't detected any differences in Aurora Ink. But, after all, I mostly just write with them.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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Ah, I don't use Black inks so I cannot answer your question directly, but do have a tuppence worth to add ...


Perhaps Aurora inks were modified to conform with REACH regulation.


On the other hand, your 'unexpected' success might be attributed to method - something so simple as mixing technique. i.e. Blue into Black or Black into Blue? Was the ink added drop-wise or just dumped in? Stirring or not? Phase of the moon?





The only thing I did carefully with my technique was to keep track of drops (rather, fills of insulin syringes) and to make sure I didn't contaminate the original bottles.

I've had the mix in my Sole for the 1.5 weeks since my first post, and am still enjoying a very well-behaved blue black.


Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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