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Bung Box (Sailor) - Fresh Oranges Of Lake Hamana (Lots Of Pictures)


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This is a review of the Bung Box (Sailor) color Fresh Oranges of Lake Hamana.


Papers: This review was done on HP 32 pound Prem. Laser paper, printed using a laser printer. I also include writing and printing samples on Tomoe River cream and white, and Rhodia white dot pad.




TWSBI 580 (orange) with a Medium nib.

Pilot Metropolitan with a Medium Plumix Italic nib.

Esterbrook J with a Esterbrook 9788-M nib


This review includes both scans and photo.


Observations about interaction of nibs and ink:


The TWSBI wrote nice and wet with this ink. It was darker with little shading in a wet pen.


The Pilot felt (and was) extremely dry - which surprised me, but it might be from swapping nibs.The ink appeared much lighter in hue using this pen. More pronounced shading.


The Estie laid this down beautifully and seemed the best balanced between a very wet vs dry pen.


My review is as follows (Photo):






Additionally, please find this sheet of Tomoe River White, with writing and printing by all three pens. (Scanned image):



I did do a writing sample on Tomoe Cream but the gamma was really off and showed green around the edges :/


Finally, a scan of the writing samples on Rhodia dot paper:






This is a lovely ink and it shades beautifully in the right nib and pen. Last night I didn't put in a shading score, as I wanted to see it in sunlight, having done this, I would say shading is an 8/10.



In conclusion, although this is a tad bright for me, I found I really liked how vibrant and lush the color was.


ETA I can't believe I typoed the name lol

Edited by webgeckos
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Opps, one more note. I didn't do the water test last night. And I am posting this from work with all kinds of VPs running around, so I can't do it. I'll run the water test tonight and upload it. My apologies.

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Great JOB!!! Thank you!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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Wonderful Orange color!!!!!!!!.. I love my oranges... :wub: :wub:



Reminds me of Saffron... THANKS for the review... :lol: :lol:





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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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It still amazes me how the same ink can look completely different in every pen you put it in.


Love this color and the shading it gives is really pretty.

Jesse http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png

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Thanks for the review. I like oranges, I just don't have too many occasions to use them. I've been buying the Bung Box inks as Vanness gets them. This is on my short list.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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Just got this ink and I'm waiting for the Kon-peki in my Nakaya to run out so I can use it :). Great review! Now I'm looking forward to using this ink even more :)

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I got this ink to see how it compared to Kin-mokusei and Apricot and Honey. In my experience, it's a bit duller and less bright than KM/A/H when used in a M/B nib, but I have to say, in your pictures it looks pretty great in a flex nib!

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Wonder what it would do in my Pel 3B...

OH Lordy! What I wouldn't give to see THAT! I have been using it in an old Omas but have Nostalgia in a 1.4 Online & the difference is pretty intense. I am not sure I could stand a #B. I might just PASS OUT!


I am actually just grateful I got a brown tortoise with BB last year before they did away with it. I have been "eyeballing" a white tortoise but hate to give up & settle for merely the B. A BBB is what I shall dream about tonite. I may just "skip" my supper & close my eyes.

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If you sniff around the 'Bay, there are a few vendors still selling the discontinued nub sizes at a premium.

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  • 1 year later...

Does this orange display any of that much-sought-after silver sheen typical of Apricot and Honey? Because there's a Massdrop that just started which includes Oranges of Lake Hamana as an option, and while I'm generally not interested in spending over $70 for 2 bottles of ink, well ...

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