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Rotring Core Pricing?


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I recently had an opportunity to see a Rotring Core owned by a fellow pen enthusiast and while I understand some people find the design a bit .... off putting, I really liked it. I decided that I wanted one and started checking around online for these pens and I am a touch confused on the apparent broad range in pricing. On ebay I have found prices from $7-8 USD plus ~$18 shipping all the way into the hundreds. Even here on FPN I have found some people claiming to have picked them up for $10 while others say $40.


At first I thought that perhaps some colors are more collectable than others, like the Lamy's, but have not seen a pattern of this nature.


All this to say that I m in the market to acquire one and have no idea what is the going rate these days. Anyone have some insight / quotes?


To the moderators, I was not sure where to put this as I am technically asking for pricing information, if this should go to a market place like part of the Forums could you please make the proper adjustments?

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my understanding is that most of the Rotring Core designs are discontinued but there is still some new old stock floating around. The Lysium variety seems to be the most readily available new ( I saw on amazon for like $30ish recently), and I don't remember it, so it might be one of the newer color schemes. The older colors are not available new anymore that I have seen. When talking about buying them used, it depends on who has them and condition and if it is an individual trying to get rid of them, or a store trying to clear our some stock, or someone who thinks they have gold! I have seen a lot of variability on similar models and no real pattern, except that the bolder colors seem to be more popular (black, red, blue) then the more pastel schemes. I think if you find one in a scheme you like at a good price, pick it up, you should enjoy it. I am not sure I would buy one with the intention of selling into a rational market down the line though.


Aunty Entity: Remember where you are - this is Thunderdome, and death is listening, and will take the first man that screams.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I manage to find one I want to buy the intention will not be to sell it back, I tend to hoard once I have. The question was focused more on not getting terribly ripped off in the initial purchase as opposed to considering if I will make money off it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my understanding is that most of the Rotring Core designs are discontinued but there is still some new old stock floating around. The Lysium variety seems to be the most readily available new ( I saw on amazon for like $30ish recently), and I don't remember it, so it might be one of the newer color schemes. The older colors are not available new anymore that I have seen. When talking about buying them used, it depends on who has them and condition and if it is an individual trying to get rid of them, or a store trying to clear our some stock, or someone who thinks they have gold! I have seen a lot of variability on similar models and no real pattern, except that the bolder colors seem to be more popular (black, red, blue) then the more pastel schemes. I think if you find one in a scheme you like at a good price, pick it up, you should enjoy it. I am not sure I would buy one with the intention of selling into a rational market down the line though.


I did manage to score a used grey/orange model in amazing shape on ebay for $27.50 CAD with shipping. It was a last minute bidding war and I suspect I upset someone. I will put together my thoughts over the next day or so and see if my review can add anything new to the good ones already here by Dillon, MYU, and Shinma.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just picked up a lot of 5 Rotring Core in the Titanium color for less that $13 each, including shipping.


I too am a Core fan. The very first Core I had was when I was in graduate school. I loved it and wore the poor thing out. They are amazing reliable and relatively smooth writer. I have my "nice" pens, but the Core is my everyday kind of pen, and one I can taking hiking if I want without worry.


You will love it!

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I just picked up a lot of 5 Rotring Core in the Titanium color for less that $13 each, including shipping.


I too am a Core fan. The very first Core I had was when I was in graduate school. I loved it and wore the poor thing out. They are amazing reliable and relatively smooth writer. I have my "nice" pens, but the Core is my everyday kind of pen, and one I can taking hiking if I want without worry.


You will love it!

So far so good, I do love it. Though it the grip does take some getting used to. The deal you found, I assume it was on ebay? I am pretty sure I saw that auction and just could not convince myself to pull the trigger on it. The price was awesome but I already had mine and could not really justify another 5. Nice catch!

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