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Waterman Weights & Measures

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It seems there are people who cannot write with pens which are too heavy, too light, too thick or too thin. I am not among these. Perhaps ArchiMark or so can answer you.

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Size and/or weight have influence on the hand muscles. Some people get cramps from writing with the wrong size/weight.


Personally I prefer a somewhat fatter pen and heavier. I have the feeling I can better control a heavier pen, a lighter pen seems to go places I don't intend.


I had the same very long ago when we played field-hockey in school. Most other students had a lightweight hockey stick, mine was a lot heavier.






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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FWIW, My olive wood Man 100 is a couple grams heavier than the listed 'regular' Man 100 at 38g.



Edited by gregamckinney

Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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It seems there are people who cannot write with pens which are too heavy, too light, too thick or too thin. I am not among these. Perhaps ArchiMark or so can answer you.


I was requesting barrel diameter info....


It helps understand what the form of the pen is like.


Whether a pen is very thick or thin has a great impact (at least for me...) whether a specific pen would feel comfortable in my hand.


Can also understand wanting to know length, and weight too in this regard.

FP Addict & Pretty Nice Guy




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  • 4 months later...

I see that the Laureat mk1 and mk2 are there but not the mk3. I'll need to check the measurements of mine, or are they the same as the mk2?.



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  • 11 months later...

Adding Expert II, Exception, 55, 94 and Le Man 100 Patrician, merged the lists and sorted alphabetically.


Weight (grams) capped/uncapped.

Measurement (mm) capped/uncapped/posted/barrel diameter
(empty converter installed where applicable)
(ink sac installed where applicable)
Unless otherwise stated (UOS), consider the modern pens to be lacquer or plastic finish.

#01852 in cardinal red with clip 17.80/12.08, 136.5/129.5/169/11.2

#01852 with clip 13.66/9.19, 137/131/168/11.3

#0512 10.36/7.80, 133/122/171/?

#12 1/2 V.S. BABY with two narrow 18k gold bands 9.76/7.24, 94/95/123/10.6

#12 PSF 12.57/9.26, 135/130/168/11.1

#12 S.G.M. with two chased gold-filled bands 13.02/10.76, 126/133/148/11.8

#14S 13.62/11.07, 129/132.5/156/11.9

#24 G.M. with two chased gold-filled bands 7.23/5.57, 145/113/172/9.2

#42 1/2 V 8.10/6.48, 89/95/115/10.7

#42 12.42/10.07, 120/122/149/11.7

#42 with continental 14k gold full overlay 20.78/13.77, 126/121/156/12.3

#42 with Italian Waterman/Kosca 18k gold full overlay 32.40/21.76, 129/124/161/12.7

#44 with Austrian 14k gold jewelers full overlay 30.80/22.98, 130/131/-/12.5

#45 17.07/14.17, 136/138/165/12.8

#452 1/2 V 12.96/7.74, 95/87/127/9.6

#46 23.00/19.20, 143/148/175/14.2

#52 1/2 V w.r. 8.87/5.83, 114/120/146.5/9.8

#52 1/2 V w.r. with English 9k gold F.D.W. full overlay 14.39/8.14, 96/87/127/9.7

#52 in Ripple Red 14.28/10.45, 137/132/171/11.2

#52 Red Ripple (one gold collar on cap) 16/11, 137/130/172

#52 w.r. with English 18k gold F.D.W. full overlay 30.42/16.21, 127/116/163/11.1

#52V with clip 11.47/7.13, 111/105/143/10.2

#55 BHR 16/13, 141/134/178/12

#552 1/2 with 14k trefoil vine filigree 18.50/11.14, 135.5/129/166/10.2

#642 1/2 with two 9k gold F.D.W. bands 11.56/?, 127/?/?/10.6

#645 with clip and two wide gold bands 17.36/14.06, 135/141/168/12.6

#94 BHR 18/10, 128/122/166/12

512V 12/7, 109/100/132

Carene 34/24, 144/128/148

Centurion 21/13, 138/124/165

Edson (Red Ruby) 44/23, 151/131/155

Exception black lacquer 57/38, 142/132/168/13* (* barrel is somewhat squared off)

Exclusive 29/18, 142/121/159

Executive 24/16, 140/120/156

Expert II 33/22, 141/126/151/12

Gentleman 33/21, 141/125/159

L'etalon 39/25, 140/126/152

L'etalon Silver 39/24, 140/126/152

Laureat (V1) 26/19, 130/124/152

Laureat (V2) 26/19, 132/123/152

Le Man 100 36/27, 144/133/170

Le Man 100 silver (not the Etoile) 45,5/32,5, 144/133/170

Le Man 100 Patrician 44/33, 144/133/170

Phileas 24/17, 135/127/148

Preface 24/15, 134/122/149

W5 15/9, 127/118/150

We must appreciate there may be differences in weights and measures more so on earlier pens which may have additional hardware (cap and barrel rings) and possible worn threads and barrel diameters.


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Good work praxim. Thanks

What do you think, Force, if this is now the complete and comprehensive list we could hide the other posts?






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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What do you think, Force, if this is now the complete and comprehensive list we could hide the other posts?




It is still missing a few modern pens,


Hemisphere, Lady, Man 200, Liaison etc.


But if you feel some posts are no longer relevant then please have a clear out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Le Man 100 silver (not the Etoile) differs only in its weight from other Man 100, 45.5 g capped / 32.5 g uncapped, very similar to the Patrician.



EDIT: incorporated these in the list above. Thanks! D.ick


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  • 9 months later...

Update: Adding Le Man 200.

Weight (grams) capped/uncapped.

Measurement (mm) capped/uncapped/posted/barrel diameter
(empty converter installed where applicable)
(ink sac installed where applicable)
Unless otherwise stated (UOS), consider the modern pens to be lacquer or plastic finish.

#01852 in cardinal red with clip 17.80/12.08, 136.5/129.5/169/11.2

#01852 with clip 13.66/9.19, 137/131/168/11.3

#0512 10.36/7.80, 133/122/171/?

#12 1/2 V.S. BABY with two narrow 18k gold bands 9.76/7.24, 94/95/123/10.6

#12 PSF 12.57/9.26, 135/130/168/11.1

#12 S.G.M. with two chased gold-filled bands 13.02/10.76, 126/133/148/11.8

#14S 13.62/11.07, 129/132.5/156/11.9

#24 G.M. with two chased gold-filled bands 7.23/5.57, 145/113/172/9.2

#42 1/2 V 8.10/6.48, 89/95/115/10.7

#42 12.42/10.07, 120/122/149/11.7

#42 with continental 14k gold full overlay 20.78/13.77, 126/121/156/12.3

#42 with Italian Waterman/Kosca 18k gold full overlay 32.40/21.76, 129/124/161/12.7

#44 with Austrian 14k gold jewelers full overlay 30.80/22.98, 130/131/-/12.5

#45 17.07/14.17, 136/138/165/12.8

#452 1/2 V 12.96/7.74, 95/87/127/9.6

#46 23.00/19.20, 143/148/175/14.2

#52 1/2 V w.r. 8.87/5.83, 114/120/146.5/9.8

#52 1/2 V w.r. with English 9k gold F.D.W. full overlay 14.39/8.14, 96/87/127/9.7

#52 in Ripple Red 14.28/10.45, 137/132/171/11.2

#52 Red Ripple (one gold collar on cap) 16/11, 137/130/172

#52 w.r. with English 18k gold F.D.W. full overlay 30.42/16.21, 127/116/163/11.1

#52V with clip 11.47/7.13, 111/105/143/10.2

#55 BHR 16/13, 141/134/178/12

#552 1/2 with 14k trefoil vine filigree 18.50/11.14, 135.5/129/166/10.2

#642 1/2 with two 9k gold F.D.W. bands 11.56/?, 127/?/?/10.6

#645 with clip and two wide gold bands 17.36/14.06, 135/141/168/12.6

#94 BHR 18/10, 128/122/166/12

512V 12/7, 109/100/132

Carene 34/24, 144/128/148

Centurion 21/13, 138/124/165

Edson (Red Ruby) 44/23, 151/131/155

Exception black lacquer 57/38, 142/132/168/13* (* barrel is somewhat squared off)

Exclusive 29/18, 142/121/159

Executive 24/16, 140/120/156

Expert II 33/22, 141/126/151/12

Gentleman 33/21, 141/125/159

L'etalon 39/25, 140/126/152

L'etalon Silver 39/24, 140/126/152

Laureat (V1) 26/19, 130/124/152

Laureat (V2) 26/19, 132/123/152

Le Man 100 36/27, 144/133/170

Le Man 100 silver (not the Etoile) 45,5/32,5, 144/133/170

Le Man 100 Patrician 44/33, 144/133/170

Le Man 200 Black GT 29/22, 140/128/165/11

Phileas 24/17, 135/127/148

Preface 24/15, 134/122/149

W5 15/9, 127/118/150

We must appreciate there may be differences in weights and measures more so on earlier pens which may have additional hardware (cap and barrel rings) and possible worn threads and barrel diameters.

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  • 4 years later...

Audace 19/15, 131/125

Carene Silver Meridians 34/23, 145/129

Edson Diamond Black 44/23, 151/131

Serenite Black 31/22, 144/129

Serenite Blue 49/32, 144/129

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  • 3 years later...

Mann 200... 29g/14/16.5cm. 750/18k A springy Waterman narrow F=Pelikan EF.

Girth 4cm, in from my reading it's supposed to be narrower than the Mann 100.


0554 Gothic.... 23g/13.5/17.1cm Ideal nib, Wet Noodle. 1918-mid 30's.

Rolled or filled gold overlay.

(I sent it off to Francis for a new sac, as a semi-flex....he fiddled correctly setting the feed and the nib, so it came back to me as a Wet Noodle.) Mauricio; a superflex expert, says there's a lot of fiddly work, setting a superflex nib and feed in correctly to get the proper amount of flex, that the pen originaly had,


When I win a pen, I get, and keep the picture, in they make better ones than me.

And the 800 silver dip pen holder. I really wanted the ink well.

Both the gold nib and the silver pen holder cleaned up very nicely.


In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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  • 2 weeks later...

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