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Free Leather Journal From Renaissance Art


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OK...this is serious. I put my order in on the 15th...and just got a shipping notice! Seems like crazy fast turnaround to me. Wow!

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The journal cover is excellent.


Not sure about the paper though. I may need to get some banditapple or midouri passport sized refills.

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Out For Delivery! Out For Delivery!


Aren't those some of the greatest words on the internet?


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Lucky you! I needed to ship to India and wrote an email to them after registering, apart from canned emails, I haven't heard back at all. I wanted to buy two of their journals, sigh!

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Item in hand right now (kinda hard to type so I'll set it down for a bit) and a very nice cover it is indeed. It absolutely looks hand made. The leather is supple, soft but heavy duty. The design, which we've all likely seen at least in online photos, is straightforward, except perhaps for the retention band which is nicely done. The inserted paper 'booklet' is interesting, workable but not what I would choose for my intended use. I ordered a couple of Midori grid inserts from Goulet's which are closer to what I need. But...the cover is very nice - and a good introduction to their other products. Interesting company, interesting ethic, interesting products, well worth the cost. Again, thanks to those that posted this offer...a stunner!

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Received yesterday. As usual, Arthur delivers. Great quality item, fast shipping, outstanding packaging/presentation.

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What type of notebooks (besides the refills) will fit these?

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Delta Stantuffo Mocha Oro Rosso Grande |

Pelikan M605

Pelikan M215 | Piper Empire Dark Forest

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I would think anything designed to be secured by the band device? Like Midori has the inserts...and the plastic zip closure thing...and the card stock file thingie...etc. So then, anything with a "soft" spine like the inserts?

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What type of notebooks (besides the refills) will fit these?


I have read reviews of people using the Scout Books (3 x 5) in the RA cover. I think you may find these on Amazon if the shipping/price on the Scout site is prohibitive.


I don't know about the fountain pen friendliness of the paper though. Maybe somebody else can chime in who has used them?


Update: Google search shows that the paper is pretty fountain pen friendly!







Edited by FountainPenBibliophile
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I received mine a couple of weeks ago and its amazing! I don't like the paper it comes with though...it's thick and and fountain pen friendly but it doesn't play well with my fine nibs. I ended up putting a Backpocket Journal Tomoe River Edition into it as well as the included refill. It's not cut to size, but it still fits within it. I'm eventually going to order more Backpocket journals cut to the size of the journal so it fits in better. Other than that, I love it. The leather cover is amazing and the patina it's getting is great and gives it character.

Those who hurt me were not only someone else,

but also those who pretended not to notice. It was my friend.

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Ordered one June 16 and received it June 20!!! Leather is very nice. I look forward to using this journal. The paper insert

has deckled edges which adds a nice touch. I look forward to supporting Arthur with future purchases.

Thank you Arthur!

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I just received several Midori inserts from the Goulet's and subbed them into my cover. I wanted to save the original insert for a mini watercolor or pen and wash series...the Midori paper is more for general use. The Midori inserts fit nicely. I'm liking this little beast more and more.

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I just got an email from Arthur at Renaissance with a survey specifically for Fountain Pen users, he is looking for fp friendly paper and the survey is quick and easy to fill out. I suggested in my survey he come check out FPN for paper ideas as well. He is looking for volunteers to try out some European paper and give a review. Check your email! the link may be there if you've gotten one of his Journals. :)

So space and time are linked together. As we are looking across space, we are looking back in time. The further and further away those stars are the further back in time you are looking. Now you are seeing a star that is say six thousand years ago. Imagine somebody at that star looking at us They would be seeing us as we were six thousand years ago. Which of those two is now? - Alan Parsons Project The Time Machine - Temporalia (Paraphrased)

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