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Free Leather Journal From Renaissance Art


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maybe I'm the unlucky one, as I've placed the order for the journal on 21 April and still not receive it. (I live in Thailand)

Already send email to ask them twice without any reply. Still waiting for the update and the journal

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maybe I'm the unlucky one, as I've placed the order for the journal on 21 April and still not receive it. (I live in Thailand)

Already send email to ask them twice without any reply. Still waiting for the update and the journal


Rats. Maybe the Thailand address is mucking things up. I think I'd just keep emailing them at reasonable intervals, they're most likely working on it but just haven't had a chance to reply to you.

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You are not alone. I live in the States and I ordered on the 30th of April and I still have not received mine either. Arthur did confirm that somehow I got skipped (I contacted him last week and received a reply). However, I'm still waiting. I did order another item with it and figured it must have gotten tucked away in the "regular orders pile". I'm not sure. In my personal experience, receiving a reply can be hit or miss if they are busy. I would email again if it has been a few days since you've heard anything. I hope we both get ours soon!!!!




maybe I'm the unlucky one, as I've placed the order for the journal on 21 April and still not receive it. (I live in Thailand)

Already send email to ask them twice without any reply. Still waiting for the update and the journal

Edited by FountainPenBibliophile
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With this free offer getting so much attention, I bet Renaissance Art is snowed under with orders and getting way behind. I got mine shortly after the offer was announced here on FPN, but the orders seem to have been snowballing ever since.

Eschew Sesquipedalian Obfuscation

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Would anybody recommend this Journal? It's 'only' 15 dollars for the shipping, but that's still quite a bit for me. I read a lot of people haven't received theirs yet.

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It can take a while since these are all hand-made. It took a couple of weeks for mine to get to me. It's a really good looking leather cover and fits the standard Midori passport-sized booklets. You can also very easily make your own booklets.


I write a quick journal entry into mine at night. It's too small to really get going, at least for me. It will make a great trip journal where I record a note on what we did each day. Then I can use a larger journal for more extensive entries.


I've seen other journals that aren't nearly as nice for 5 times the price. This price is to get you aware of his work. I really want one of his bags, but it's not in the budget at the moment. Maybe Christmas.


I recommend it if you're at all interested in a leather journal cover like this. I think it's the best deal of its kind out there.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


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I received one a couple of weeks ago. I love the looks of it. The leather is very nice, and I like the pockets on the inside cover. It's a bit nicer than the Midori passport, I would say. The paper is very nice, too. It works with my fountain pen inks, but I tend to use a fine point or extra fine point, and I have not tried it with a wetter writer. I have suggested to Arthur that he consider offering the Tomoe River paper inserts.

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I received mine and like it quite a bit. It's small, but very conducive to recording the quick thought or two. The leather, bead and paper are quite nice.


I have larger journals for longer pieces of writing, but they aren't nearly as handy.

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I received one a couple of weeks ago. I love the looks of it. The leather is very nice, and I like the pockets on the inside cover. It's a bit nicer than the Midori passport, I would say. The paper is very nice, too. It works with my fountain pen inks, but I tend to use a fine point or extra fine point, and I have not tried it with a wetter writer. I have suggested to Arthur that he consider offering the Tomoe River paper inserts.

Good idea re TR inserts :)
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I received mine today! It came with the rest of my order as I thought. I haven't taken the tie off of it yet but it looks and smells amazing! I hope the rest of you who are waiting will get yours soon!



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Ordered mine this a.m. Also picked up 3 plain refills.

Watched a video of Arthur throwing these journals against a wall & onto a gravel driveway.

He was winging them pretty hard & there was no damage after he was done.


Thanks liden99 for posting this deal.

Couldn't have come at a better time for me as I really needed some quality paper for my newfound obssession hobby.

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Postal service tracking says it's been delivered, so looking forward to getting home from work this evening!

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Mine just came in today! It's really nice. I like the paper it came with, but there's not a lot of sheets, so I just added one of my Midori passport-sized refills. I'm going to take it with me as a travel journal, and relegate my passport-sized Midori to my purse for any quick jottings while I'm out anywhere.


It's really a lovely journal. It lies flat, smells great, and will take a beating.

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Mine arrived in good time, and looked better than the picture. If you need a small journal, you can't do any better than this buy. It's a marketing deal, of course. It does give a great view of the quality and hand workmanship that goes into their products. I'm going to need a good backpack for later this year, and this will be the first place I'll look.

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I bought one (well, "bought"), as well as three inserts and the personalization option. I wouldn't have gone for that normally, but it's nice to have, and hopefully that way he'll not loose money on my order. :P

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Would anybody recommend this Journal? It's 'only' 15 dollars for the shipping, but that's still quite a bit for me. I read a lot of people haven't received theirs yet.


I'd recommend anything Arthur makes. I've bought different things from him over the years and have always been impressed with his service and the quality of his work. He's likely working right now trying to catch up on orders as a result of this promotion. It's a brilliant idea. I became a lifetime customer after my first purchase (3x5 Card Pouch). We have two of the RA Large Journals (240 page) that Donna and I use for special memories.
I have two different RA book covers that I use daily. One for a Moleskine Large, & a custom one for a Shinola Large (which is bigger than the Moleskine and made in the USA)!
As an aside, Shinola.com is another company that has the same type of work ethic and customer service attitude. Their small and medium are the same size as the Moleskine small & large.
If I ever make it back to Sante Fe, I hope to look Arthur up and thank him personally for doing it right.
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OK...I'm officially amazed that a business would do an offer like this. I stumbled on the related thread and went through the link, still going on the count down clock...so I placed my order and already have the auto confirmation back. Wow. Very cool.

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To follow-up, again, the quality is amazing. For vPro, the issue (IMO) is whether it's right for what you're looking for or if the money could be spent on a "simple", non-leather journal. It's a tad small for me to use regularly but it definitely a work of art.

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