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Writing Instrument Museum Closing


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I was reading the New York Times, and I came across an article that sort of disturbed me, buried within the text was a mention of a writing instrument museum in Tilburg (there was a pen show there recently, if I recall) called "Scryption". The article went on further to say that it had closed and that there was a group set up to sell off all of the exhibits (which of course included fountain pens as well as antique typewriters).


Being an avid typewriter collector, I knew of the existence of this museum, and of the fact that quite a few very rare machines were kept there, and the thought that these will now disappear into a private collection is quite unfortunate.


Essentially, can anyone confirm if this "Scryption" museum is still operational? If it is no longer operating, I think it would be interesting to see what is being sold off, as the article stated.


Here is the article, the mention of the museum is quite far down the page, however: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/05/arts/design/seeing-a-cash-cow-in-museums-precious-art.html?&moduleDetail=section-news-2&action=click&contentCollection=Europe&region=Footer&module=MoreInSection&pgtype=article


Edited by Tadeusz
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I found this URL on Google ( http://www.tiele-stichting.nl/Home/Activiteiten/Inventarisatie-Grafische-musea/2013/04/23/-II8-Scryption-Museum-voor-Schriftelijke-Communicatie ) that gave a description of the museum along with a several photographs. However, when I went to the URL on the above site listed as the museums homepage (http://www.scryption.nl/) it took me to place maker page advertising a gambling sites, so I would have to the museum is more than likely closed. Just another indication of the general decline of society I guess.

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