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Fp-Friendly Paper In India


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I think I read somewhere, years ago, that "If you can't find it in NYC it doesn't exist!"

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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I'm a beginner so pray thee have patience! Does this indian paper have a generic name other than “indian paper”: what do i ask for when i walk into a store (in NY City); what is “indian paper” usually used for?



I did indeed find “Made in India” notebooks and filler paper in one of the many “99¢” stores in New York City. I have not tested my fp on “indian paper” because I haven't yet purchased an fp!



Glad you found some "Made in India" paper. However, the context of the OPs question, IMO, is what would be a good FP-friendly paper available in India?


The standard Rhodia/Clairefontaine/Tomoe River and other brands known to be FP-friendly are rather difficult to come by, if available at all, and tend to be very expensive.


Hence our quest for an equivalent everyday use FP-friendly paper.




Fountain pen geek, bibliophile, aspiring audiophile.

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Slytherin, INTJ.

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If you know someone in Japan where TR is made or where Clairefontaine/Rhodia are made, it's not that difficult.


I'm getting TR at about INR 5 a sheet.


BILT matrix paper and rubberband are supposed to be FP Friendly and are made in India.

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Navneet, Classmate, Nightingale - three notebooks that friends in India have sent me. Very nice, FP friendly paper. Even the exercise books for school use are pretty decent. And very often you find space on the page for the date, and an index either front or back of the book.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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