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Here's the WWI flying ace penning his memoirs with a fountain pen whilst quaffing a few root beers.

"how do I know what I think until I write it down?"

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I got my Snoopy pen today. I filled the converter with Akkermann's Shocking Blue, emptying the ink through the feed a couple of times to prime it. It writes a nice fine line and feels quite smooth. A fun pen to take to work--my students will like it. I'll probably end up giving the pen away to someone who likes it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha you guys are the best on this thread !! I'm glad everyone picked one up and had a blast with it !! FPN rules da school

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Awesome review and what a cute pen! I definitely love a pen that is cheap, robust and gets the job done.

Edited by penxade
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What a fun and suspenseful review! Loved the video too.

Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized. -- Albert Einstein

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great review! It epitomizes so much of the passion we all have for our pens in a wonderful satirical manner. Well done!

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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My lone quibble is...the converter that came with it didn't fit. :-/


I found one that did. And filled it first with Kon-peki, then OS Manganese.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Wonderful review! And the video was brilliant. Thanks so much, and keep reviews like this coming! (you probably have and I've just been too boorish to notice, if so, then feel free to ignore me)


Loved it.


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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I have never enjoyed a thread so thoroughly! Snoopyblanc. I'm laughing even as I type this.




Edited to add: I bought one :)

Edited by delano
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  • 9 months later...

Great review, thanks. Even better, I have a Clear Candy on order (just a plain red with white trim) and was going thru these reviews hoping to find one of the Candy.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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