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2015 March Tokyo Trip! Loot And Itoya Pictures


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Just spent five days in Tokyo, mostly eating and shopping, little bit of sightseeing. Passed by the Mitsukoshi pen show, Itoya in Ginza, Euro-box, Sekeido and Kingdom-note, as well as the stationery section in Bic Camera.





While their first floor has most of their inks and pens, their second floor is all Limited Editions and Maki-e pens. After a small purchase of pen kimonos and maki-e cartridges, I asked for permission to take some shots. Unfortunately, I cannot remember all the models. Featured here are mostly Danitrio, Namiki, Sailor and Pelikan.




















As for my loot.


The inks - MB inks, Hakase Sepia light, some kingdom-note mushroom and wild birds specials, iroshizukus, and Sailor Jentle shigure and oku-yama.



The rolls - two delfonics wraps from Narita airport, two Nakaya pen kimonos from Itoya and some roll from Sekaido.



The pens



Two 3776s



Tokyo Skytree edition of the Clear Candy



Platinum standard Maki-e cranes and Mt. Fuji




Sailor King of Pens Demonstrator off amazon.jp, M nib.




Ohashido from the pen show. Black hard chased rubber, F nib.




And a Nakaya piccolo cigar ao-tamenuri. They had no music nib units in stock, so their nib engineer at the show, Shinichi Yoshida, ground a stub nib from an extra broad nib right in front of me with a few small whetstone blocks and a heat-set machine for the feed.




Thanks for sticking till the end! Also thanks to Tinjapan for all his helpful fountain pen shopping advice.

Inquisitive Quill on Instagram and YouTube 

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There seems to be a little puddle of drool on my desk. Not sure how that got there...

"Wer schweigt, stimmt zu."

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Wow, what a store. Thanks for these very interesting & beautiful shots! What's up with that KOP demonstrator though? It looks like it has a seam running down the section.

TWSBI 580AL EF | Pilot Custom 823 F

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The owl pen is incredible. All those little pieces . . . Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the lovely show-n-tell!

Life's too short to use crappy pens.  -carlos.q

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Fantastic trip and congratulations on your new toys!


Would you mind posting another photo of the ao tamenuri? The color tends more towards green rather than turquoise, right?

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Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your photos. I would have picked every one of those inks myself. The Nakaya is stunning.



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There seems to be a little puddle of drool on my desk. Not sure how that got there...



Wow, what a store. Thanks for these very interesting & beautiful shots! What's up with that KOP demonstrator though? It looks like it has a seam running down the section.

Probably a trick of the light? *checks pen* No seam!


Fantastic trip and congratulations on your new toys!


Would you mind posting another photo of the ao tamenuri? The color tends more towards green rather than turquoise, right?

Thank you! Will do when I have access to my camera. When I saw it in the tray it was very much black-bodied with lime green edges. Maybe it's not the ao-tamenuri then...but if so, what is its true identity? I saw a decapod in the same colour scheme.


Thanks so much for sharing your Tokyo pen world adventure with us!

The owls are stunning.. and the cat!


Soooo, have you inked everything? reviews please. : )

Thank you! I think I'll space out the pens over the next year...my wallet is done for - until the next trip!

Inquisitive Quill on Instagram and YouTube 

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The owl pen is incredible. All those little pieces . . . Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the lovely show-n-tell!


Agree on all counts. And that Radon M1000...only 200,000 Yen? Surely I have $1800 worth of change in my change jar.

I enjoy MB 146 pens, Sailor, Pilot and Platinum pens as well. I have a strong attraction to dark red and muted green ink, colors I dislike for everything but FP ink. I also enjoy practicing my handwriting and attempting to improve it. I love the feel of quality paper under a gold nib.

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Thank you! Will do when I have access to my camera. When I saw it in the tray it was very much black-bodied with lime green edges. Maybe it's not the ao-tamenuri then...but if so, what is its true identity? I saw a decapod in the same colour scheme.



I believe there's also a midori tamenuri, which is a green background. But I've also read that the color of the ao tamenuri can vary between various gradations of blue and green.


The ao tamenuri is on my crosshairs, which is why I'm bothering you.Can't wait for my trip to Tokyo in two months.

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Wow! What a haul. On behalf of all of us living in the Tokyo area, let me say "thank you" for your contributions to the local economy.


I see we have similar tastes in pens. Our Ohashido pens differ in chasing patteren only. I too had my pen ground to a music nib at the show I bought it at, but it was my Ohashido. I was planning on getting a Nakaya this year but was not able to.


I didn't see the LE Mistsukoshi ink, not interested in reds?


Glad you had a nice trip. Enjoy your new toys.

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Thanks for sharing and giving us a glimpse of the fun.

The prizes of life are never to be had without trouble - Horace
Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much - Pascal

You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream - C.S. Lewis

 Favorite shop:https://www.fountainpenhospital.com

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Amazing photos! Thanks for showing us your trip - reminds me of my visit to Itoya last December. Love that Nakaya too!

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And a Nakaya piccolo cigar ao-tamenuri...


That is soooo beautiful! I love the color showing on the cap threads!

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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That owl pen is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your photos with us. I've had great pleasure admiring all these lovely pens through your photos.

I was once a bottle of ink, Inky Dinky Thinky Inky, Blacky Minky Bottle of Ink!

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Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos with us and


Out of curiosity, what was the Mitsikoshi pen show like?


add me to the curious souls with this question burning under their nails. ;)

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