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Where Is The Blue In Noodler's 54Th "blue-Black"?


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Be sure to post pictures. I've never seen the horror stories of what what BS inks look like mixed.

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My 54th Mass is about a year old and looks very much blue-gray at any dilution, though it gets bluer with dilution and shades more. In comparison, Tsuki-Yo looks more like it leans toward teal and Namiki Blue-Black leans more toward violet. Of the three, I would say that 54th Mass is the most true blue. However, all three are clearly blues, which is my preference, though for some, I'm sure none of them is black enough for blue-black. Also, I have found that on some papers the inks are easier to distinguish than on others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just blended some with BSB. Insane, maybe, but now to see if it gets weird or stays usable.

I wouldn't get my hopes up. I saw what happened when someone tried to mix BSB with Noodler's Black. The two inks did not really mix, leading to parts of lines of writing being blue and parts being black (sometimes within the same line). And then the coagulation happened, and the ink came out sort of in chunks.

It wasn't a pretty sight.

The Baystate inks are very alkaline (unlike most inks, which are either neutral pH OR slightly to fairly acidic). And as a result they don't play well with others -- even other Noodler's lines.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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