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Hello everyone, new poster here, purchased myself a Lamy CP1 a short while ago with Diamine Red Dragon for redlines at work. Since buying this setup I have fallen in love with fountain pens and hand writing. I went further and purchased a 1.1mm italic nib and Diamine Majestic Blue ink. I am completely torn between the 2 inks and it is way too inconvenient to go through the process of cleaning out the pens just to change ink colours. So I purchased a Jinhao 126 from a local shop. I don't like the look of the nib and was wondering about replacing it for a 1.1mm nib. I have found no information on this pen and switching nibs, and was told I can, cant, and can but only with expensive nibs, replace the nib. The nib's come off like a fountain pen would, I was wondering if someone could identify the type of nib I need to pick up which would fit the pen.


If anyone has any idea what kind of nib would be compatible I would appreciate it :)


Please see picture below.



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It looks like what's called a number 5 nib. Size is based on the feed. There are a number of inexpensive options to try, look at xfountainpens or fountain pen revolution.

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I agree, this looks like a #5 Jinhao nib. JoWo make #5 nibs, but they're a little hard to source, and therefore a bit pricey ($18 plus postage from meisternibs.com, if you're in the US). Fountain Pen Revolution nibs are cheaper, and pretty good quality, but they don't do 1.1mm stubs. So maybe check xfountainpens?

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I see a lot of #5 nibs which include a feed in pictures - would those work with this pen or do I just need the nib itself. If I need just the nib, is it possible to separate the nib from the feed or would I have to put a fair bit of work to it?

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