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Serial Or Product Number On A Parker 75 Section?


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I just got a Parker 75, '70s issue, and while inspecting it, found this on the section:




I've studied the usual 75 resources, but none mention this number. Is it a product code?

Many thanks,




 timsvintagepens.com and @timsvintagepens



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You have a Parker 75 produced for the Italian market - it would have originally have been issued with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. This was done in an attempt to control the sale of fake Parker pens which was commonplace in Italy after WWII, although I've yet to see a fake Parker 75 these seem to be the pens that were most commonly marked with serial numbers - obviously a very effective measure :)

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CJB -- thanks, helpful. Was it only Italy-bound 75's that got numbers? Were the numbers coded by model or production run, or just numbers that matched a certificate?


Thanks again,



 timsvintagepens.com and @timsvintagepens



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Icardoth --

I missed that completely, thanks! A whole section on the Italian Market, too, also missed. Will study it over the weekend.

Many thanks.




 timsvintagepens.com and @timsvintagepens



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CJB -- thanks, helpful. Was it only Italy-bound 75's that got numbers? Were the numbers coded by model or production run, or just numbers that matched a certificate?


Thanks again,


Only Italy had the numbered section that I'm aware of, as far as I can fathom the earlier Parker 75 sections were produced in numerical order and consisted of 5 digits and the preceding letter followed by 4 digits (as with your section) was a later issue and they then ran in alphabetical order until production ceased in the early 90''s the latest one I've seen was on a wide feed section and began with a V. I can't say I've seen enough of other models to say whether the same sequence was used on those too? Edited by ceejaybee
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