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Striated Sheaffer Vs Noodlers Black....ok?


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I've decided I am in the market for a Tuckaway. After hours of trying to decide which body material, trim, filler system, etc that I want, I am leaning toward the older striated vac models. I would prefer a Touchdown sac filler, but I assume they dont exist in striated as that would defeat the purpose of the transparent barrel. Then I got concerned that the vac barrel could get permanently stained and ruin the transparency. Noodler's Bulletproof Black is pretty much my exclusive ink just because I require as much water resistance as possible. All my other pens are sacced or C/C pens. Can someone confirm if this is or is not a problem before I purchase a striated? If not possible, then I will concentrate on a solid bodied Touchdown Tucky.


Also, is there a very SIMPLE (eg. one sentence description) of all the different Sheaffer trim levels and a hierarchy? Every time I try to read some posts, the discussion gets way heavy with minor nuances and one-year variants, etc, etc. As someone just getting his feet wet with Sheaffer, I would just like a very simple primer. I'm sure there is a good post on FPN, I just haven't found it yet. I know this is probably wrong, but to give an idea:


Valiant: ?

Crest: has a metal cap

Craftsman: cap and barrel match. Thin wire cap band. Lowest tier

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Peyton Street Pens has a pretty good guide for Touchdown and Snorkel models. David Nishimura's site has a similar guide. Other sources include Richardspens.com and Penhero.com


I'm not aware of a comprehensive guide to all Sheaffer models. It would be a significant undertaking. I hope this is helpful.

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Thanks, I will check those out. FOR NOW, I am just concerned with the Tuckaway line as my first foray into Sheaffer. Maybe that will narrow it down some...

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Also, is there a very SIMPLE (eg. one sentence description) of all the different Sheaffer trim levels and a hierarchy? Every time I try to read some posts, the discussion gets way heavy with minor nuances and one-year variants, etc, etc.


Yep, that pretty much is what you're going to get with Sheaffer :), but seriously, I have been collecting vintage pens for several years including Sheaffers and the model names still perplex me at times.


One thing I can add is that "Crest" models have gold filled caps, not just any metal cap.


There is one FPN member, Greg (gregamckinney), that probably has the most extensive Tuckaway collection assembled. Hopefully he or another knowledgeable member can chime in. You could try sending Greg a PM.


In regards to the ink, yes, Bulletproof Black will probably stain the ink windows in a Vac-fill Sheaffer.

Parker: Sonnet Flighter, Rialto Red Metallic Laque, IM Chiseled Gunmetal, Latitude Stainless, 45 Black, Duovac Blue Pearl Striped, 51 Standard Black, Vac Jr. Black, 51 Aero Black, 51 Vac Blue Cedar, Duofold Jr. Lapis, 51 Aero Demi Black, 51 Aero Demi Teal, 51 Aero Navy Gray, Duofold Pastel Moire Violet, Vac Major Golden Brown, Vac Deb. Emerald, 51 Vac Dove Gray, Vac Major Azure, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, 51 Vac Black GF Cap, 51 Forest Green GF cap, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, Duovac Senior Green & Gold, Duovac Deb. Black, Challenger Black, 51 Aero Midnight, Vac. Emerald Jr., Challenger Gray Pearl, 51 Vac Black, Duofold Int. Black, Duofold Jr. Red.

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Thanks for the links...they were indeed helpful. Seems I'm on the hunt for a fine nib Sentinel Triumph Touchdown Tuckaway in brown, blue, black, or ?.....sounds like a Starbucks order. Sheesh. Also thanks for the clarification/warning on the staining of ink windows. I'm glad that thought arose before I purchased a striated.


Next question....Is there a way to tell a vac from a Touchdown without extending the pump rod? I'm referring to bad auction site photos if you know what I mean. I didn't know if there were any visual cues? Maybe price code??


Last question....Do Tuckaways post really securely or somewhat loose. Unlike a solid posting P51, I don't tend to post my Esterbrooks just because I don't feel confident that it wont come off. Since it is necessary to use a Tuckaway posted, I don't want any worries.

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Saturated inks in see through barrels is a bad idea.


Roger W.


Even worse are see-through threads and crevices.



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I have taken the advice of Ron Zorn, Richard Binder, Rick Propas and a few others to heart and no longer use Noodler's or any of the other so-called "boutique inks" in my vintage pens. I still use them in my modern C/C pens because there are so many jewel like colors available and I can't resist them. (I don't know how you can stick to just a black ink, hotrodz. I don't have any black inks at all, lol.)


I should think that "bullet proof" inks might be even more toxic to pens, but you, however, sound as if Noodler's is all you use and you haven't had any problems with it even in your other vintage pens, so perhaps your Tuckaway would be just fine with it!


The main knock against the saturated inks I have read about is that they can/do clog feeds and destroy sacs, and the clogging is what I thought about when you asked about using Noodler's in your Tuckaway - plus trying to clean it out of a vacuum filling pen might be a pain. Embarrassingly enough, I didn't know that black inks, even if saturated, would stain a pen, which is what both Robert and Fred are warning you against. :blush: I thought the staining culprits were primarily inks in shades of red and purple and - of course - Noodler's (infamous? notorious?) Baystate Blue. This is good to know - someday I will break down and get a black ink.



Edited by OakIris
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It is my understanding and my personal experience that Noodlers Black works very well with most all pens.


Bruce in Ocala, Fl

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