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Using An Esterbrook Flex Nib


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When using an Esterbrook flex nib 9048 or 9128, how do you hold and write with the pen?


With a fountain pen, I normally write with a tripod grip with the pen at about 5 o-clock angle to the writing. And the downstroke is actually a diagonal stroke with the pen.


But with my 9048 nib, I switch to a finger over grip, with the index finger at 12 o-clock on the pen, and the pen aligned at about 7 o-clock to the writing, so the downstroke is in line with the pen. This allows the downstroke to be a straight down pull rather than a cross stroke. Similar to a grip that is taught in the old Spencerian and Palmer instructions.

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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I use a tripod grip no matter the pen or style of writing, but mine sounds similar to yours. The vertical downstroke keeps even pressure on both tines and makes the flexing easier.

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When using an Esterbrook flex nib 9048 or 9128, how do you hold and write with the pen?


With a fountain pen, I normally write with a tripod grip with the pen at about 5 o-clock angle to the writing. And the downstroke is actually a diagonal stroke with the pen.


But with my 9048 nib, I switch to a finger over grip, with the index finger at 12 o-clock on the pen, and the pen aligned at about 7 o-clock to the writing, so the downstroke is in line with the pen. This allows the downstroke to be a straight down pull rather than a cross stroke. Similar to a grip that is taught in the old Spencerian and Palmer instructions.

How 'flexible' is it, I might ask? I currently have 3 Esties ... and 2 have 9550 nibs. I just ordered a cheapie 'flexie' pen, but have wondered about these nibs for my pens. I've been told they aren't 'real' flexie nibs, but do flex a bit, and can offer varying width lines with some pressure and effort.

3 Etsy J's:9314-F, 9550, 9550

Shaeffer's Balance/Gold Lifetime nib


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My 9048 is not real flexible (compared to my flex dip pen nibs), but it does not take too much to make it flex.

I don't have a Noodler's to compare it to, but I'm thinking that it is about the same. I have a Konrad on order, so when it shows up, I can compare the two.


For me the 9048 Esterbrook nib and the Noodler's Konrad are convenient flex pens.

If I want real flex, I would go to my dip pens, where I can also use my oblique dip pen holder.

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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I found my 9048 to be less flexible than the 9128, the latter being a bit easier to flex than a Noodler's nib. No vintage wet noodles here, but they have a nice bouncy sort of feel.

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