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Help Needed Please To Decipher Name On Pen


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I am enjoying researching old fountain pens but am relatively new to this area.
Recently I cam across this nice looking pen but am unable to work out what ot is or who it is made by. Is there anyone out there who could help me please?
Many thanks.

I have triedto add photos - any problems or help please get back to me.

Looking forward to hearing some news :-)









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Rhank you fountainpagan.

As you can see this is a whole new area to me! I will try again with the photos.

All I can actually make out is a script 'The.....

and underneath I am pretty sure it says BRITISH MAKE

Thanks for taking the time to contact me.

Kind Regards

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Might it be "The Burnham Pen"? If you scroll about 5/6 of the way down this page, looks similar.


Cheers, Al

Think you're right. They even had the Gothic "B" on the clip in the 1930's editions.



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If it's a Burnham be careful to keep it away from moisture; it may well be made from Casein; water+casein = disaster!



fpn_1428963683__6s.jpg “The pen of the British Empire” fpn_1423349537__swan_sign_is.jpg

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Hi Thanks guys for the great idea. You may well be right.

Re the nib it says Warrented 14 ct Ist Quality so no clues there!

The clip looks like an FB - would that fit?

I have taken some more pics using talc to help get a clearer pic. I will have a go at uploading them just to be sure.... but looks like you may have sorted it Al

Many many thanks.


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Looking at this it could very well be Burnham.

I had thought it started with an S but a B fits too.....

def an m at the end.... and very very poss a ham so I think we have a fit.....

Are we all agreed?



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I have two old celluloid Burnhams that look very similar to your pen, different colors. The insignia on the clip is a fancified capital B. The engraving says The Burnham in cursive and underneath that in caps, BRITISH MAKE. My nibs say Burnham on them; perhaps yours is a replacement?


Burnham celluloids were very beautiful.

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Looking at this it could very well be Burnham.

I had thought it started with an S but a B fits too.....

def an m at the end.... and very very poss a ham so I think we have a fit.....

Are we all agreed?




Let us compare and contrast (thanks to Ebay), and well, I'm sold.




A whole new world of Burnham pens has been revealed to me because of this thread; some very attractive writing sticks. Why do I have a feeling that could prove expensive...? :lol:


Cheers, Al

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