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Help - What Is The Best Rubber And Ink For Removing Ink?

Ink Eater

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Can you please your votes for the best ink removing rubber? Or ink removing rubber + ink combo (I'm assuming that some manufacturers produce both products to work well together).


While we are at it, is there a specific ink or manufacturer who produces good erasable ink? I know that whiteboard ink and UV light ink exists so there must be something formulated specifically to be erased with EASE.

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A number of royal blue inks are vulnerable to chemical ink erasers. It doesn't remove the ink so much as render it transparent. Beyond that, I can't specify any solvents. All I can suggest is that you read lots of reviews, and see if the reviewer mentions trying other solvents. Odds are that you aren't going to remove them with a rubber eraser, because ink soaks into the paper, while pencil lead is rubbed off onto the surface, allowing it to be removed with rubbing with a gentle abrasive.


Unless we're discussing Papermate Erasermate ballpoints. Those are also designed to not soak in, but they are subject to smudging.

Edited by Arkanabar
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