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Montblanc: Lavender Purple


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When I use mine it never seems to come out like this - more like a mix between burgundy and purple :(

'Someone shoot me please.'

~the delectable Louisa Durrell~

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When I use mine it never seems to come out like this - more like a mix between burgundy and purple :(


Have you tried it in a wet pen? Right now I have it in a relatively dry stub and it's kind of an orchid color, but it's definitely purple in many of my other pens.

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I'm using Lavender Purple right now in a Sheaffer No Nonsense and am reminded that, like many inks, it is best in a wetter pen.


agreed.... no fear of smear...

Edited by torstar
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got my first bottle today--I'd get a sample, but I've long wanted a shoe bottle--as a part of a quest for purple perfection. While it's too early to tell for sure, my quest may be over. This ink manages to be firmly purple while maintaining it's dignity. I've not found another firmly purple purple that I feel like I can take seriously. I routinely use, and love, Shigure and Poissure de Lune, but they aren't purple enough when I'm having a purple fit.

Yet another Sarah.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got my first bottle today--I'd get a sample, but I've long wanted a shoe bottle--as a part of a quest for purple perfection. While it's too early to tell for sure, my quest may be over. This ink manages to be firmly purple while maintaining it's dignity. I've not found another firmly purple purple that I feel like I can take seriously. I routinely use, and love, Shigure and Poissure de Lune, but they aren't purple enough when I'm having a purple fit.


~ displacermoose:


When a purple fit occurs, Montblanc Lavender Purple is my ink of choice.

It's a purple's purple.

Glad you're enjoying it, not to mention the handy shoe bottle.

Tom K.

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  • 1 month later...

co-worker still pleased as punch over a fill of his pen with this ink.


~ torstar:


That's really nice!

It's a friendly ink which wins over others.

I never hesitate recommending it to anyone who asks for an ink other than shades of blue or black.

Tom K.

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~ torstar:


That's really nice!

It's a friendly ink which wins over others.

I never hesitate recommending it to anyone who asks for an ink other than shades of blue or black.

Tom K.


I wholeheartedly agree with you! It was the first non-traditional ink I bought, after a long period of using exclusively blue and black inks of the most popular brands. I haven't looked back since.

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It's not my cup of tea but sometimes it's nice.


I prefer duskier purples like scabiosa.

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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It's not my cup of tea but sometimes it's nice.


I prefer duskier purples like scabiosa.


I also prefer duskier purples, but Montblanc Lavender Purple is nice in a wetter pen.

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  • 3 months later...

Very interesting and thanks for sharing, perhaps a good alternative instead of the Waterman encre violette.

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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This is one of my very favorite inks. Along with this, I also really enjoy DeAtramentis Pearl Violet and Rohrer & Klinger Aubergine. Both are different than Lavender Purple in color, but still have the rich, silky, royal purple that I love.

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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I like MontBlanc Lavender Purple...especially when used in a XXF or XF nib. The color is a bit darker and looks more like a color of royalty.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Tom Kellie and Old_Inkiehand, at least to my perception MB has over the last ten or so years exponentionally stepped up its game in the ink.


Competition is a good thing, gets the creative juices flowing for companies that want to be a going concern.

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This is how my ink arrived last week from Amazon Prime.

The box bothered me some however of all the bottles of MB ink I purchased I never saw a made in Austria sticker and a sticker that said New Item.

Plus the sticker that tells if the box was opened was broken with no expiration date on it.

Needless to say I returned the bottle.



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