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Pen Shows Near Boston Area?


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Hello friends! Do you guys know about any kind of pen show that happens near the Boston area? If not, what happens on the east coast that its not in NYC?



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In the past, there was a pen show held in the Boston area called the New England Pen Show, championed by Rob Morrison. It was hosted at the Holiday Inn on Washington St in Somerville. In 2013 it moved into Boston itself. I don't think it was held in 2014. I also see a newcomer to the scene called the Commonwealth Pen Show, which was held this past September, also at the Holiday Inn in Somerville. Not sure if this is a competing show to the New England Pen Show or a successor.


There is a Long Island Pen Show held at Hostra University on Long Island. There is always the DC Pen Show, which is sort of looked at as one of the largest in the US, although I think it has been renamed to the Baltimore-Washington International Pen Show. Just this past weekend, there was a show in Philadelphia and I believe there is another one in Atlanta in April.


You can check HERE for a nice list of some know pen shows held both here in the US as well as internationally.

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My understanding is that Commonwealth is a successor to Boston (or was the same show, just re-named). I was hoping to be able to go up to that one last fall, but travel plans fell through.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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The Commonwealth Pen show was held September 28, 2014 in Somerville, Mass. I was lucky enough to have lost my pen to some sharp-eyed finders keeper only days prior to the event and so had an almost total lack of reasons to dream up excuses to stop avoiding not going, and am I ever glad I did. Or didn't. Anyway, I got a great deal on an Edison from Richard Binder and (I think) Mrs. Binder that I could not be more satisfied with, which he fine tuned for me faster than I knew what was going on, and they were somehow able to provide for below list price. Almost 5 months later I still have that pen and use it every day, and since I don't particularly want to lose it just so I can go to the 2015 show, I'm now searching for a cheapy I can kiss off without guilt. See the link in this thread for more info: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/274850-boston-pen-show/

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