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Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2015


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Attila : Sunset or sunrise..its a very attractive ink. Your script is very very attractive too !!

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Love your script!


Here's the newest three tine addition to my collection, a Duocraft Music Pen:












It's even more flexible than my Waterman 14 music nib.

Awesome Music nib. Three tine well complimented by your scripting ... Congrats !

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Today at the office: Omas Paragon Bronze Arco with rose gold stock stub.



Sigh, I'm in love! OMG


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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I come on this site, especially this post to see what people have posted. I am amazed, jealous and frustrated all at the same time. All these beautiful pens and amazing penmanship.


Hahahaha that's why I love this thread too.. pure pen pron ;)

Today at the office: Omas Paragon Bronze Arco with rose gold stock stub.



Gorgeous. I think the rose gold trim is stunning with this celluloid :puddle:



That blue on the M605 is really pretty. :wub:

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My Fountain Pen of the Day is Italix Parson's Essential


Beauty From England




vaibhav mehandiratta

architect & fountain pen connoisseur


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I don't know how you have been able to garner all the elegant Stubs on the earth ????



Haha, yes, it has been my goal for many years to corner the world market in stub nibs, but no one 'til now has been bold enough to suggest it. Alas, there are too, too many stubs, the competition is fierce, and I am but one man alone against so many. They actively seek to thwart my efforts, these ... competitors. Just look at the post above by Houston who shows us his beautiful Paragon and yet does not reveal the nib. Is he concerned about me? Afraid? No, I think not. He is jousting with me, taunting me with the image my mind conjures of his factory stub. Of course they are rare, seldom seen, closely guarded. He no doubt feels safe, separated as we are by half a continent and an ocean. But is he? IS HE? Hmmmm.

How small of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.

— Samuel Johnson


Instagram: dcpritch

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Haha, yes, it has been my goal for many years to corner the world market in stub nibs, but no one 'til now has been bold enough to suggest it. Alas, there are too, too many stubs, the competition is fierce, and I am but one man alone against so many. They actively seek to thwart my efforts, these ... competitors. Just look at the post above by Houston who shows us his beautiful Paragon and yet does not reveal the nib. Is he concerned about me? Afraid? No, I think not. He is jousting with me, taunting me with the image my mind conjures of his factory stub. Of course they are rare, seldom seen, closely guarded. He no doubt feels safe, separated as we are by half a continent and an ocean. But is he? IS HE? Hmmmm.


:lticaptd: :thumbup: You just made my day.

I am no longer very active on FPN but feel free to message me. Or send me a postal letter!

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Just got my TWSBI Mini in white with rose gold and a Pendleton Brown adjusted fine italic/stub nib. It's so much fun to write with. I think it will end up being one of my "long-distance writers," pens that I can write and write and write with for long periods of time. It fits my hand well when posted.


And of course my Sheaffer Sovereign. My current "cold-dead-hands" pen. (along with a couple of others) I can't help it. The giant nib just looks so nice, it's smoooooth and classy and the Blue Velvet is perfect in it.


edited to add: looking at the two nibs side-by-side gives you an idea of just how big that Sheaffer nib is in proportion to the rest of the pen. When posted, the Sheaffer is only about 1/2 cm longer, but the nib is almost twice as wide at the widest.


Second edit: So, out of curiosity, I measured. The nib on the Sheaffer is 9mm across at its widest and the visible part is 22mm tall. That's on a pen which is 145mm posted and 127mm closed. So, it's about the size of a #6 nib on a shorter pen. Just thought I'd share my worthless observations



Edited by AAAndrew


“When the historians of education do equal and exact justice to all who have contributed toward educational progress, they will devote several pages to those revolutionists who invented steel pens and blackboards.” V.T. Thayer, 1928


Check out my Steel Pen Blog. As well as The Esterbrook Project.

"No one is exempt from talking nonsense; the mistake is to do it solemnly."


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Attila : Sunset or sunrise..its a very attractive ink. Your script is very very attractive too !!

Thank you! :)


Today at the office: Omas Paragon Bronze Arco with rose gold stock stub.



OKay, that's just....WOW! This material is so amazing!


Haha, yes, it has been my goal for many years to corner the world market in stub nibs, but no one 'til now has been bold enough to suggest it. Alas, there are too, too many stubs, the competition is fierce, and I am but one man alone against so many. They actively seek to thwart my efforts, these ... competitors. Just look at the post above by Houston who shows us his beautiful Paragon and yet does not reveal the nib. Is he concerned about me? Afraid? No, I think not. He is jousting with me, taunting me with the image my mind conjures of his factory stub. Of course they are rare, seldom seen, closely guarded. He no doubt feels safe, separated as we are by half a continent and an ocean. But is he? IS HE? Hmmmm.

Houston should beware of the Guardian of the Stubs! :lol:

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Here's the newest three tine addition to my collection, a Duocraft Music Pen:












It's even more flexible than my Waterman 14 music nib.


I have one of these, too, and they're are out of this world!


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It is called (surprise...):


Don't Just Tell Us About The Pen You're Using, *show* Us! - 2015-II


That topic can be found at the address:










Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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