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The Poa 2001 (Pompadour) Or Poa 2012 (Joseph Ii)


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Dear FPN friends, I manage to find a POA 2001 and 2012 in a MB boutique but my budget only allows me to buy one of them. I am more on the Pompadour for reason of its Meissen porcelain cap and hand-painted rose. May I have your views to help my choice, please ??



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Rightly or wrongly I've always considered the 2001 as a feminine pen. Of the two I'd therefore get the 2012.

My Collection: Montblanc Writers Edition: Hemingway, Christie, Wilde, Voltaire, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Poe, Proust, Schiller, Dickens, Fitzgerald (set), Verne, Kafka, Cervantes, Woolf, Faulkner, Shaw, Mann, Twain, Collodi, Swift, Balzac, Defoe, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Saint-Exupery, Homer & Kipling. Montblanc Einstein (3,000) FP. Montblanc Heritage 1912 Resin FP. Montblanc Starwalker Resin: FP/BP/MP. Montblanc Traveller FP.

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Oh man that's a hard one! I think the real question is "which one... first?" Lol and to that, I think the older POA 2001 should be gotten first since it may be harder to find later down the road (especially at a boutique). If it really is a question of one or the other and you don't plan to get both, I honestly like the look of the 2012 POA more and think it would be more universally appreciated in terms of the detail and color contrast. Of course, you should definitely get the one you love most and I hope you enjoy the one you choose!

I keep thinking about selling some of my pens but all that happens is I keep acquiring more!

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Oh man that's a hard one! I think the real question is "which one... first?" Lol and to that, I think the older POA 2001 should be gotten first since it may be harder to find later down the road (especially at a boutique). If it really is a question of one or the other and you don't plan to get both, I honestly like the look of the 2012 POA more and think it would be more universally appreciated in terms of the detail and color contrast. Of course, you should definitely get the one you love most and I hope you enjoy the one you choose!


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Having got all except the 2014, I have to say that both the 2001 and 2012 are in the Boutiques for a reason - they rank low on the list of desirable POAs and command low prices on the second hand / auction market. It would be interesting to see what MB want for them but you can pick up one BNIB for $1.5-2K if you look carefully. I would look at saving your money and getting one of the great POAs at Auction (Medici, Carnegie, Octavian, Gaius, Charlemagne - depending on your budget) - of from a dealer such as Bryant / penboard.

Montblanc POA Series

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if you are thinking to buy the older one I suggest to look at auctions... they are available, unused and at good discounted prices... check out Bonhams sales history... totally legit, I have bought many items from the. Also other auction houses in europe have great pen auctions too. take advantage. louis xiv one of my favorites were selling for around $1400 USD recently, that is a deal.

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Really depends on the price you have to pay.

The meissen 2001 is not popular and are sold used for a very low price (I have seen EUR 800,-) Unfortunately I was not quick enough.

My preferred supplier (no affiliation just a very happy customer):


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  • 4 months later...

Dear FPN Friends, thank you for the advices and I eventually picked the Pompadour. Here are some of the photos :wub: :wub:








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Congratulations !


i've had one and sold it because I didn't feel "in touch" with it....but I am considering to buy another one now... :rolleyes: In your pictures it looks magnificent !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You choose the right choiche... Pompadour is an hanmade work of art..!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Visit my professional pen website: http://www.penlover.it


The best place where you can find limited edition pens..!!

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