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Frankfurt - Super5


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Like most people I like novelties, especially when it comes to inks and fountain pens. You know - I've been looking for grail ink for three years and there's always chance it's still ahead of me :)

When I came across Super5 inks mention on Goulet's site, I thought the bottles looked cool and - in a way - familiar.


The names of cities were cool as well. Colors looked really nice on swabs. My dear friend google helped me to investigate.

Super5 inks are sold by Format-Darmstadt GmbH on papierlabor.de site. The company offers also calligraphy pen and converter and some papers.

The inks are made by my second favourite ink maker - Rohrer & Klingner. Check their "regular" inks here.

That's good news. Really. They know what they're doing and you can expect good quality from R&K. The quality they indeed deliver.

So why Super5 inks are much more expensive than R&K inks. First of all - they're pigmented (I believe), then there need to be some margin for the distributor. At 20 euros / bottle yhey're not cheap. However unlike Caran d'Ache or Iroshizuku they offer not only more than satisfying quality, good flow and good lubrication but also added value of waterproofness and lightfastness.

Last week I was given the whole set. I'm going to review it and post comparison of the full line. Soon.

The colors are really great. Honestly. They're also extremely waterproof.

I've already reviewed Atlantic, Australia, Darmstadt, Dublin and Delhi, check them.

Today let's take a look at Frankfurt - Super5's brown. I like it.




Ink Splash

Mondi 120 g


Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Software ID


Color Range


Oxford recycled, 90 g - Kaweco Sport Classic, eyedropper mode, B









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You know I like my browns... my browns have to be a little murky. This is a nice brown, but I would add a couple of drops of Dublin.. and get something murkier.. :P


Thanks for reviewing the whole series Vis... now, if we can get them at 50% off .. that would really be SUPER!!! :D




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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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Currently your ink review are my favorites to view :-)


The Super5 inks appeal a lot to me (I' m a big R&K fan myself and Scabiosa, Altgrün, Verdigris, Sepia,... Are allt-ime favorites) so many thanks for showing them as I just learnt from your reviews about them.


I will need to get them in the future! ...just know I got myself busy with ordering the (almost) complete range of Organics Studio inks in fear not being able to get 'em later with their unsure business future.





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You know, if you ever want to exorcize those ghosts, they can come haunt my caboose.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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