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S T Dupont Bleu Royal / Royal Blue

Morbus Curiositas

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S T Dupont Royal Blue









Dear FPN Friends,


This fancy looking bottled was given to me :D received it from the Divine Fountain Pen heros down here :lol:




Rik van Doornmalen (middle) and Dennis van De Graaf (right)


of the Fountain Pen heaven called




http://www.lacouronneducomte.nl :wub:


Merci Rik, Dank je Dennis.... Thanks a lot :D





St Dupont Royal Blue specs and description


The Colour is a nice blue... It is nohting special....

...that nothing special is not meant to have a negative connotation....


It is just that Royal Blue is sort of THE standard Blue ink ..... At least in Dutch primary schools..


Well I love the colour :wub:






check the comparison with Pelikan 4001Royal Blue


Down here are some of the technical specs (as suggested by Ann Finley 2007)

(not copied in but for this ink)

points 1-5 1 = :( 5= :)

Fountain Pens: Kaweco Calligrapy 1,4 Italic and Diplomat Excellence A M nib

Paper: Leonardo Ringbuch,average quality school note book made in Austria

Drying time: Faster enough 10 seconds points 4

Flow: very smooth even in both the cheap and potentally scratchy Italic points: 5

Lubrication: medium wet points: 4

Feathering : None points 5

Bleeding: nada points 5

Shading: little to medium points: 3

Waterproof: Survives a SMALL drop points: 2

Package: Very distintive luxury bottle points: 5


EU Go For the Magic Duo Dennis & Rick from La Couronne Du Comte... http://www.lacouronneducomte.nl ...Just write them an E-mail http://info@lacouronneducomte.nl

Writing Samples

Well as some of you might know I have a very broad interest.... I am a reading addict and an inkoholic :puddle: :happyberet: .... So I will combine these interests down here in the writing samples.

The Age Enlightenment (1650-1780) was andstill is of utmost importance for todays (Western) society. It lead to the French revolution, the seperation of powers (though that was Montesquieu). It gave us freedom and motivated us to be critical and reasonable.... Reason over blind Authority :thumbup:


This is Photo taken outside.... The weather was gloomy :(




Too Conclude,


I like the ink. It is not so highly saturated But I guess no Royal blue is (check comparison wiht Pelikan on the sampler sheet)

I love the colour because it is a vivid happy blue :D

Well and those wise words by the 2 Frenchies are still up to date today :notworthy1:

Warmest Regards


Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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VERY NICE - was that you in the center?


I have the prior version of this ink. I think it has become bluer. Great review!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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VERY NICE - was that you in the center?


I have the prior version of this ink. I think it has become bluer. Great review!

Nope not on the picture.... The man in the middle is Rik the partner of Dennis the man on the right,,,


I am less http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/Morbus_Curiositas/PeterenSabineint_zpsacabbde4.jpghandsome :)


I am the one on the left haha..


Taken on this years Jazz Festival in my Hometown Breda (NL)

Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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Nope not on the picture.... The man in the middle is Rik the partner of Dennis the man on the right,,,


I am less http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a617/Morbus_Curiositas/PeterenSabineint_zpsacabbde4.jpghandsome :)


I am the one on the left haha..


Taken on this years Jazz Festival in my Hometown Breda (NL)



You are not less handsome, you are more sepia!!


Thank you for sharing this wonderful ink and the many other contributions you make!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Dear Morbus, I have a bottle of this ink exactly like yours and unfortunately found significant fading after a few days of writing with this ink - the ink becomes chalky pale blue in colour and loses the rich purple undertones. Do you find that too? I'm trying to determine if I have a faulty batch. ...


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Here is what Dupont Royal Blue looks like after a few days in my Quo Vadis diary....attachicon.gif20141217_175558.jpg

Have not checked that yet....


Will let you know in a few days

Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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OH MY - that's an outrageous amount of fading.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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OH MY - that's an outrageous amount of fading.

yeah tell me about it:-( am so disappointed especially I had it shipped all the way from Netherlands to Australia. This ink ain't cheap either....

Edited by Tritonus
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Write them and complain. It should not be that bad. I'll try and scan the 2013 fade results from the prior batch of Blue so you can see it.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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  • 4 months later...

That fading reminds me of my bottle of Caran d'ache Idyllic blue, which fades worse than my Quink Washable Blue. Such a disappointing ink, why is it so hard to find a nice royal blue?

My Vintages:

Sheaffer Triumph, Saratoga, Targa Slim and Targa Standard; Waterman 3V and 52 1/2V; Mabie Todd Swan Self Filler x 2; Eagle Unbreakable in sterling silver; Eversharp Bantam; Parker Duofold Lucky Curve BCHR and Duofold in red hard rubber; Spors Co. glass nib pens x 4; Conklin 2NL and 20P.

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I love the ink but absolutely hate the bottle. I have several extra-large Orpheos which have very large nibs. I can just barely fill them when the bottle is new. After about three fills I can no longer get the pens to draw any ink, the ink level is too low because the bottle is so shallow. And it's totally impossible to pour out of that wide-mouth bottle. What were they thinking???

Bill Sexauer
PCA Member since 2006

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I love the ink but absolutely hate the bottle. I have several extra-large Orpheos which have very large nibs. I can just barely fill them when the bottle is new. After about three fills I can no longer get the pens to draw any ink, the ink level is too low because the bottle is so shallow. And it's totally impossible to pour out of that wide-mouth bottle. What were they thinking???

You are right there.... And those saolor bottles are the same nuisance to me....#


My advice in this case a small syringe and needle. Safety needles for syringes. These are blunt and meant to draw up fkuids from smaal medicine bottles

Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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I saw the bottle on their website, made me interesting for the bottle. I have enough and completely captivated by other blacks, but the bottle makes me think about to buy a bottle of ink.

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  • 3 years later...

OK, it is 2018 now. I'm using cartridges and I agree with the fading. It comes out as a vibrant colour, but once it is dry it doesn't look much different form Parker's Royal Blue ink. I find MontBlanc's RB much more vibrant and lively.

Edited by sandy101
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Actually, the sailor bottles are rather clever. If you have a sailor pen, and you dip it into the bottle to refill it, the design is such that you only immese the nib, but not the collar of the secion, which means less ink gets wasted. Of course, it doesn't help when you are using a non-sailor pen with a huge nib - then you have a slight problem.

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Actually, the sailor bottles are rather clever. If you have a sailor pen, and you dip it into the bottle to refill it, the design is such that you only immese the nib, but not the collar of the secion, which means less ink gets wasted. Of course, it doesn't help when you are using a non-sailor pen with a huge nib - then you have a slight problem.


about 85% of my pens with #5 and bigger nibs don't fit the inkwell. Not even my 1911S can fill from it, let alone a 1911L or KOP.


Your ink bottle should at LEAST fit your brand's pens!


It's a clever idea in better bottles. Platinum has the inkwell as does namiki and they work much better.


The sailor bottle is too fat and too short.

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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