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Broadest Sailor King Of Pen Nib For Cursive Grind?


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Just need some advice. I'm looking to add a KOP ebonite some time in the next month or so. I normally prefer broader nibs, and I have a Realo with a broad nib ground to CI. This nib, writes more like a medium as I expected.


Now with the KOP, does the broad write broader than the 911 Realo or is it just as wide?


What would you recommend as the best base to have ground to a broad CI; the equivalent of a European broad, a standard broad or a Naginata Togi B nib?

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I have two KOP B nibs, they both write like Western mediums at best. Nice nibs, but not suitable if you want a B CI/stub.

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The Naginata-Togi Broad.

could you realistically have a NT recut as a cursive italic? wouldn't the design of the tipping on the nib make this difficult? A genuine query as have never heard of anyone doing this?

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I have a KOP with abroad nib. Actually, I think it's more narrow than the 1911 21k broads. Mine is almost a western fine, leaning towards a medium at most.

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could you realistically have a NT recut as a cursive italic? wouldn't the design of the tipping on the nib make this difficult? A genuine query as have never heard of anyone doing this?


ArchiMark had his KOP Naginata-Togi Broad ground to a cursive italic by Mike Masuyama. He seems quite happy with it, last I heard. PM him if you want to know more! :)

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Another possibility might be to get the nib retipped and then ground to a cursive. I think Greg Minuskin does both things. Perhaps you can check with him too. I don't know which of the other nibmeistes does retipping as well.

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Another possibility might be to get the nib retipped and then ground to a cursive. I think Greg Minuskin does both things. Perhaps you can check with him too. I don't know which of the other nibmeistes does retipping as well.


John Mottishaw does it too. I believe he taught Greg Minuskin how to re-tip and grind nibs.

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The broadest one is the Zoom nib.


there is the ef f m b and z , Z is like the double broad, similar to the platinum C or BB in european pens.

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The broadest one is the Zoom nib.


there is the ef f m b and z , Z is like the double broad, similar to the platinum C or BB in european pens.


They do not offer the Zoom nib on the KOP which the OP wanted. The broadest nib for KOP is the King Eagle nib, and given the cost and handicraft of that nib, grinding it to a cursive italic would be a waste. As I said earlier, the Naginata-Togi Broad is probably what the OP wants to use.

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They do not offer the Zoom nib on the KOP which the OP wanted. The broadest nib for KOP is the King Eagle nib, and given the cost and handicraft of that nib, grinding it to a cursive italic would be a waste. As I said earlier, the Naginata-Togi Broad is probably what the OP wants to use.

isnt the king cobra the broadest nib that Sailor has unless it doesnt fit the KoP section?

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isnt the king cobra the broadest nib that Sailor has unless it doesnt fit the KoP section?


AFAIK they don't produce the King Cobra in the size of the KOP nib.

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