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Kaigelu 356 Replacement Nibs?

Grape Bear

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Hi, everyone!


I have a Kailgelu 356, which writes pretty well, but is a little bit too fine for what I like to normally write with, which is a 0.9 to 1.0 italic stub. I was wondering whether it was possible to buy a #5 replacement nib to swap into this pen, and whether anyone has tried doing this before?


I wanted to get a knox nib to replace my current nib with but didn't want to do so if it's not going to work, as I don't have any pens that will use #5 nib.

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I don't think anyone has tried it yet.


The Knox nib will cost more than the rest of the pen...


What you could do is pull out the Kaigelu nib, and measure the diameter of the feed. If it's 5mm +/- a little, then the Knox #5 nib should work. If it's outside that range, it probably would NOT work. I'd do it myself now if I had my K356 with me, but it's at home at the moment. Sorry.





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thanks for the input!


i am addicted to cursive italic stubs at the moment, and anything in the higher price ranges are a bit out of reach for now. i may try your advice once my converter-full of ink runs out.

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thanks for the input!


i am addicted to cursive italic stubs at the moment, and anything in the higher price ranges are a bit out of reach for now. i may try your advice once my converter-full of ink runs out.


If you are not too particular about what pen are using, you could get a Jinhao x750/x450 or 159 (all of them solid quality pens) and get a bunch of #6 nibs, like:




This says "450", but they are interchangable between those I mentioned.


Then you can go wild grinding them and fail cheaply.




EDIT: I just saw your other thread ... the one thing these nibs *won't* give you is the line width you desire. But you can probably still get 0.8mm out of these mediums. Unless of course you go Terminator style and just snip off the entire tip, back to the steel. sbrebrown has a video on that. But you will have to treat these nibs as throwaway consumables that need to be replaced every now and then.

Edited by katerchen
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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought some nibs from Fountain Pen Revolution to see if their #5 nibs were a good fit in my Kaigelu 356. Both the #5 and the #5.5 were ok with the #5 being the better fit.


They supply a #5 stub nib for $7.00 with $3.00 postage worldwide. It might be worth a look.

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