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Black Friday/cyber Monday/boxing Day, For Fountain Pen Products?


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Anyone know where to find black Friday fountain pen deals on Amazon? I saw someone mention they were including pens, but how do you find out where the deals are? Are any dealers who sell through Amazon releasing a discount code I could use?


I'm really hoping to find a bargain on a Pelikan M405 or M605 in Blue.

John L

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Cultpens is great.


I had a good discount on a Parker Duofold Demi today with Amazon's Black Friday deals. Got it for £65. Hunting high and low for signs it might take a cartridge converter.. There's hints on the web it does, but no real suggestion which. But for a 18k nib section it's cheap (i think).



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Hey Group!


I'm hoping for the "write" Black Friday deal on a Pelikan M205 Blue Marble Fine point. Best price I've seen is $105 from IguanaSell (https://www.iguanasell.com/products/pelikan-classic-m205-fountain-pen-blue-marble-chrome-trim-801973). If anyone sees it for less, please let me know. Thank you!

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Wait, Cyber Monday refers to shopping discounts?

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Amazon is flogging Waterman pens at a large discount. Carene's in particular.



I've never found Amazon's pen prices particularly good. A quick search at Fountain Pen Hospital provides a better deal than Amazon.

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I've been watching the Black Friday Weekly deals on amazon.ca all week and Sheaffer and parker pens have been sporadically showing up on sale.


In fact, I picked up a Sheaffer 300 for 47C$ (35USD) and a Sheaffer Prelude for 49C$ (36USD)

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I've never found Amazon's pen prices particularly good. A quick search at Fountain Pen Hospital provides a better deal than Amazon.


I believe that the reference was possibly for Amazon.co.uk who are selling the Waterman Carene Black GT at GB£55.99. It's currently out of stock though. I think it is a very good price. :)

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Hey Group!


I'm hoping for the "write" Black Friday deal on a Pelikan M205 Blue Marble Fine point. Best price I've seen is $105 from IguanaSell (https://www.iguanasell.com/products/pelikan-classic-m205-fountain-pen-blue-marble-chrome-trim-801973). If anyone sees it for less, please let me know. Thank you!

That is a pretty good price for that pen. By waitING you might only save a few bucks and might not get the nib you want.


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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