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Black Friday/cyber Monday/boxing Day, For Fountain Pen Products?


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Hello, there are certain pens, inks and other stuff I wish to buy, just wondering if I should order now or wait for black friday. Are fountain pen products known for deep discounts on black friday or cyber monday?

Specific vendors I am considering include Amazon and cultpens (this only because I want the cultpens mini pen, not available anywhere else).

For the rest, Amazon currently seems cheaper than the usual FP sellers, after considering shipping.


Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.


P.S. I would be ok with waiting for Boxing Day since cultpens is in the UK, if it will get me a sale price.

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No experience with "Cultpens" but keep in mind that some online vendors do offer free shipping (usually with a minimum purchase) during the holiday season. This can mean a savings of $8-10.00 or so which could be a bottle of ink or a nice pad of paper.


Use your own judgement and monitor FPN for announcements on special pricing, deals and reduced or free shipping during "the Season"!

“Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because if you do it today and like it, you can do again tomorrow!”

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Amazon have been saying that their Black Friday deals will include pens. I'd assume the same for Cyber Monday.

Moshe ben David


"Behold, He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps!"

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IME, specialty/niche based products seldom have the spectacular sales that white goods and other commodities/appliances do.

True bliss: knowing that the guy next to you is suffering more than you are.

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Thanks for all the comments. I seriously doubt there will be any deals, but might as well wait till friday next week and see.

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Thanks for all the comments. I seriously doubt there will be any deals, but might as well wait till friday next week and see.

Cult Pens have 10% off up to Christmas - I have the code at home but it is something like "XMAS2014"

I will confirm later.



My Pen Wraps are for sale in my Etsy shop

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Isellpens.com had spectucular unannounced deals last year on a number of pens.


Thanks for the pointer, isellpens price on the mini jewelria pen is the lowest I have seen so far in my search, cool!

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I'll be watching this closely. I don't dare venture out of the house on either of those days. Having access to a computer and internet can be just as damaging to the wallet though.

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I know what you mean, I came to buy a couple of things, but look at that shiny thing over there too . . . :P

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Went ahead with an isellpens order, thinking price cannot get any lower, got a strange message:


"Thank you for placing your order. Your order number is xxxx.
Your order will be shipped at our earliest convenience."
Weird, never seen wording like that in an order before. It hasn't been too long yet, it's just, weird.
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Went ahead with an isellpens order, thinking price cannot get any lower, got a strange message:


"Thank you for placing your order. Your order number is xxxx.
Your order will be shipped at our earliest convenience."
Weird, never seen wording like that in an order before. It hasn't been too long yet, it's just, weird.



Just a more genteel way of saying it'll go out on the next truck.

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Considering they have the best price on the web for a Monteverde Poquito, it is probably just persnickety of me, but 'genteel' is not exactly the word that comes to mind . . . . :huh:


Anyway, it is no big deal, it has only been 24 hours since the order, I guess I can reasonably wait 2 or 3 days to hear whether they have shipped or not. :ninja:

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isellpens (no affilation, just a satisfied customer) ships very quickly and they have some of the best shipping costs around.

"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."

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Karas Kustoms are offering 20% off all weekend - code is BLACKFRIDAY

Pelikan M205 F Rohrer & Klingner Verdigris - Pilot VP F Iroshizuku Kon-peki - Pilot Falcon SF Iroshizuku Tsutsuji

Lamy Safari EF Noodlers Black - Lamy Al Star 1.1 Private Reserve Rose Rage - Lamy Safari F Diamine Flamingo Pink - Lamy Al Star F Waterman Inspired Blue

TWSBI 580AL F - Omas Violet - TWSBI 580AL M De Atramentis Sherlock Holmes - TWSBI Vac700 F - Diamine Grey

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We'll be having a Black Friday sale, Friday only starting with an update scheduled to go up at 9 AM. Everything on the main sales page will be 20% off.

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