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Inky T O D - Color Swatches - Blue - Please Post Your Pictures And Tell Us Your Thoughts


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I personally think Turquoise deserves its own separate TOD swatch thread.


I was surprised to see how close Sheaffer Peacock blue is to the modern Slovenian Skrip Turquoise. I may have to hunt down a bottle of the Skrip.

Edited by ErrantSmudge
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I personally think Turquoise deserves its own separate TOD swatch thread.


I was surprised to see how close Sheaffer Peacock blue is to the modern Slovenian Skrip Turquoise. I may have to hunt down a bottle of the Skrip.


Make it so!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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Diamine "True Blue" (my mixture: 2 parts of Diamine Sapphire + 1 part of Diamine Asa Blue).

(first 2 photos are a comparison with Iro Asa Gao).
Edited by aurore

Seeking a Parker Duofold Centennial cap top medallion/cover/decal.
My Mosaic Black Centennial MK2 lost it (used to have silver color decal).

Preferably MK2. MK3 or MK1 is also OK as long as it fits.  
Preferably EU.

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Diamine "True Blue" (my mixture: 2 parts of Diamine Sapphire + 1 part of Diamine Asa Blue).

(first 2 photos are a comparison with Iro Asa Gao).



Well that match is spooky. Shading and everything just the same. Well done Aurore!

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Well that match is spooky. Shading and everything just the same. Well done Aurore!


Thank you :) Actually those photos are inaccurate, in fact this "True Blue" is less purple than Asa Gao - hence I call it a True Blue - and has got even more shading. The behaviour is comparable and both are similary vibrant. I will add some scans later and a brief review. Amazing ink and dirty cheap to make (especially in Europe). Almost an ultimate blue.

Edited by aurore

Seeking a Parker Duofold Centennial cap top medallion/cover/decal.
My Mosaic Black Centennial MK2 lost it (used to have silver color decal).

Preferably MK2. MK3 or MK1 is also OK as long as it fits.  
Preferably EU.

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Re a separate thread for turquoise... I may have misunderstood Amberlea's post but I creat4ed such a thread here.




If that's not legit she should feel free to kill it. I promise not to sue. (I would never sue a lawyer;-)

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I'll add it to the list.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I see you already used turquoise to color the link to UV inks. I can see the problem with making that link invisible;-) Not many fonts available on this site. You might want an outline font for UV, or maybe something ghostly;-)

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Yay Bob Hayden! I will go help populate the Turquoise thread.

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dezorz, thanks for the comparison! I don't see that much of a difference, so personally I would go for the least expensive, as Sailor inks are difficult to obtain.

Do they behave all in the same way? Or one smudges more, or is more water resistant, or has better drying time, or something like that?

And what's your favorite?


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dezorz, thanks for the comparison! I don't see that much of a difference, so personally I would go for the least expensive, as Sailor inks are difficult to obtain.

Do they behave all in the same way? Or one smudges more, or is more water resistant, or has better drying time, or something like that?

And what's your favorite?

yes, they are very similar.

souten used to be cheapest. now, when buying kobe directly from theirs rakuten store, kobe inks are cheapests.

my favourite is 17, lightest, but most shading and haloing properties with just enough sheen.

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  • 1 month later...

Again, a fine and generous gentleman has graciously sent me new inks to try out.


Here is a sample of BLEU des PROFONDEURS (Blue of the [Ocean] Depths).




I confess that this is not in my favorite color range —although there are some dark violet blues that I really do like, such as Diamine Sargasso Sea. But what really disappoints me about this ink is the dullness and lifelessness of the color once it dries. Does anyone else feel the same about this ink?



Edited by HalloweenHJB
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Dull and lifeless is an apt description. I don't see much shading.


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Another fresh, "exclusive" ink from Diamine —and this one is really beautiful!




I really like the color of this one —much more than Skull & Roses, which for me is a bit too dark and too purple. Jalur Gemilang is in the middle of the blue range, and it really appeals to me. The sheen is also very prominent, but unlike other inks of this type, it has a very good dry time.




As always, many thanks to the generous and wiley, JL, alias BarkingPig. You're the best!

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HalloweenHJB...Diamine Jalur Gemilang is gorgeous, "Tangled Up in Blue" as Dylan wrote.

Walk in shadow / Walk in dread / Loosefish walk / As Like one dead

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The luxurious-feeling Diamine Midnight.

The sheen looks subdued because this is a scan.



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  • 3 months later...

Blue and more blue 😊

I think Noodler's eel turquoise looks more like a light blue.

Dostoyevsky is a bit too light for my taste.

And I need to put the Blue Jazz in another pen, because none of the shimmers cone out, and shaking leads to a mess 😂😂 Love the color though.


My other favorite is actually the cartridge that came with my overly cheap fountain pen from the Lidl.


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Eel inks are good for removing stains.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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