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Bexley Corona Blueberry Cream


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I just put in an order for a Bexley Corona Blueberry Cream with factory nib (medium). Does anybody have a sample of how it writes? Any feedback about this pen? How does it compare to the Bexley Poseidon Magnum II? Thank you.

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I purchased one about a year and a half ago, after having purchased one in the Summer Storm color the year before. They are great pens which hold a very good amount of ink (both mine are piston fillers), have smooth pistons and write every time I pick them up. Both have been continually inked since I got them. Mine have wet fine Jo Wo nibs which were tuned by Richard Binder. I think you will like the pen very much. Additionally, spare screw in nib units are $35.00 ($25.00 c/c style) from richardspens.com or indy-pen-dance.com. If you buy a spare one, which I would suggest, I recommend you get it from either of these sellers. As to a comparison with the Poseidon Magnum II pen you might look at Richards site and click on the "Compare Our New Pens Side by Side" section. The nibs tend to write as "western" widths so a bit on the wider side than Japanese sizes. Here is a handy guide:



Edited by MKeith

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" Patrick Henry

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I purchased one about a year and a half ago, after having purchased one in the Summer Storm color the year before. They are great pens which hold a very good amount of ink (both mine are piston fillers), have smooth pistons and write every time I pick them up. Both have been continually inked since I got them. Mine have wet fine Jo Wo nibs which were tuned by Richard Binder. I think you will like the pen very much. Additionally, spare screw in nib units are $35.00 ($25.00 c/c style) from richardspens.com or indy-pen-dance.com. If you buy a spare one, which I would suggest, I recommend you get it from either of these sellers. The nibs tend to write as "western" width so a bit on the wider side than Japanese sizes.


Thank you for the feedback, i will keep those two sites in mind. I really am planning to buy extra nibs. How do you rate the default gold-plated steel nibs on them, though? are they kinda springy? smooth with a touch of feedback?

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