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A Problem ---- Or Not ---

Charles Skinner

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This post likely has no purpose, -- but -- here goes. I am a user and not a collector of pens. Being "tight" with my money, I see little reason for having a pen IF I am not going to write with it! "To each his own," to coin a phrase. That being said, about ten pens, more or less, have found their way into my eight inch high "German beer stine" on my desk. I have some favorites, of course, which get more use than some others, but all are nice and worth keeping and using. I struggle with finding time to actually USE all ot the pens! Usually, I have about four, or so, pens inked at a time, and usually at least three of them are "favorites," I rock along for a week or so in this mode, and then, I look over at the pens not being used, and think ---- "Hey! I have not used ________ in awhile! I need to ink it up!"


So, my question is ----- Do you have a hard and fast rule that you will use ALL your pens ----- if you are just a user and not a collector --- in a certain order? Or do you just let "the spriit move" you ---- as far as pen selection?


At times, I think I should have a pen for each color of ink I have. That might make life eaiser. But, if I do that, my desk is not large enough to place each bottle and pen down in some sort of order. --- (too much other foolishness on my desk for that to work) ---


This is really a "non-problem," ---- I guess. --- Perhaps I just have too much time on my hands, in addtion to ink stains ---- and an enlarged muscle between my thumb and index finger on my right hand, from too much pen use!


If this post "rings a bell" for you, please share your ideas.


Excuse mistakes, if any.


C. S.

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I can't imagine following a set schedule, I just write with what I feel like at the time. I only keep a couple inked at a time, but if say, my OB MB 34 runs out, depending on what I feel like I'll either refill it, or flush it and put it away until the next time the mood strikes me to use that pen, and ink something completely different, like my F Sailor 1911m. If you do enjoy writing with all your pens, they'll all get their use, and you won't be stuck to some rigid schedule writing with something you're not in the mood to use.

The Highlander was a documentary, and the events happened in real time.


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I have pens I never use (my combos, for example, though almost all are restored and useable). I have more pens than I could use in a week. Very likely I could go with a different pen each week and get through half the year. Last year i decided to have one pen inked continuously with the same ink for a year. Others rotated in and out through the year, but that Edison with Diamine Imperial Purple stayed steady. I intended to do the same this year with a different pen, but I haven't held up my end of the bargain very well (I think I'll work on that today and choose one pair for the duration).


I don't rotate in order, but i do make a semi regular switch from mostly modern to mostly vintage and back. Pens that don't get used this year will be sold, I think.


Sharon in Indiana

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." Earnest Hemingway

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I am more a FP user than a collector at the moment.


I only have a few pens I don't use, and they are mostly duds. But I do have a lot of inked pens, mostly matched to ink color and I rotate through them for various things. Right now I have 25 inked pens, which all get used at least once a week.


My most-used pens are inked with black. But I also use a lot of blue, and I'm looking for a replacement for old formula Black Swan with English Roses which I haven't found yet. And I use a fair amount of green and red.


I also have a few pens I have at the ready with various wide nibs, because if I run across an ink I might want to buy, I will also try a small sample with a wider nib to see how it acts. I don't have any wide nibs inked now, but I will probably next week.

Edited by Vgimlet
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I am strictly a user. I have one pen that is constantly inked, two others that get inked about once a month, and then four or five that are almost never used. These last were acquired in the process of finding "my pen" (the one that is used constantly). Every so often I feel bad that they sit empty for six months or more at a time -- and maybe some day I will let them go to new homes -- but mostly I just enjoy using The One and studiously ignore the others. :-)

色即是空,空即是色 (心經

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I keep a dozen or more inked, because I like using different nibs and colors for a variety of occasions and papers.


For example, a Mottishaw XF MB 149 with MB iron gall blue black for a daily work pen, because the copy paper at work is poor quality.


A luscious stubbish factory BB 146 with Aurora black for thick 100% cotton stationery for a personal note. I find that a personal note written with a wide stub just looks better than a spidery thin line, especially on nice thick stationery.


Depends on your needs/desires.

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Hello Everyone,


I am a user as well. (Sounds like group therapy). :D


I really like using Lamy Studios and Sheaffer Preludes. These tend to be my "daily writer" pens; e.g., I have two Preludes. When it comes time to flush one out for regular maintenance, (say after two or three refills), I'll take that one out of service and put the second one in service for two or three refills, and then I'll switch back again. That is basically how I operate with all of my pens.


Best regards,




PS: Any pens that don't pass muster are sold off or given away.

Edited by LamyOne

- He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me; and I in him. (JN 6:57)

- "A woman clothed in the sun," (REV 12.1); The Sun Danced at Fatima, Portugal; October 13, 1917.

- Thank you Blessed Mother and St. Jude for Graces and Blessings obtained from Our Lord.

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Why do we need hard and fast rules about our pens?????


Unlike you I do collect, and try to use most of my FP's but this is done purely on whim and nothing more.


Enjoy what you have, for me that is the most important part of owning and using a FP..



"may our fingers remain ink stained"

Handwriting - one of life's pure pleasures

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I love to try the next pen to see if it's better than what I have now. Over the years, I've acquired a few tried and true pens, my Lamy 2000 and two Pelikan M200's. Always inked. Cleaned out my old pens about six months ago and am working on a set of Noodler Ahabs and Konrads. Three Ahabs and six Konrads. Love the pens because of the adjustability of the pens. All have 1.1 mm nibs, all have been adjusted for flow to my likes. When I get tired of them, I will phase them out and fill up my Lamy Safaris, Studios, Bexleys, etc. Of course, it may be years before I get tired of my Noodler pens. Thank you, Nathan.




From a person's actions, we may infer attitudes, beliefs, --- and values. We do not know these characteristics outright. The human dichotomies of trust and distrust, honor and duplicity, love and hate --- all depend on internal states we cannot directly experience. Isn't this what adds zest to our life?

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When I empty a pen, it gets flushed, cleaned, dried, and stored. I then pick up the next pen in line, fill with ink, and then start writing. I keep about five pens inked at any time, and no other rules required.



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Some people thrive on choice. Others don't. I definitely belong to the latter group and prefer a minimalist approach to pens. However, I have now got about 13 pens--every one an excellent writer. I like to use two at a time at home and two at a time at work. I have a core group of about four pens I adore madly. The rest I like and they serve a purpose (e.g.my red 205 for grading).


Still, the cheaper pens I used to love (my beat up Lamy Al-star and Safari,) tend to be a bit neglected these days. I keep them for sentimental reasons.


I don't need any more pens and I can't afford any pens at the moment. But I still like looking at pens.

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I'm a user. Right now I've got 7 inked, 5 dry (not counting the 7 colored Varsities and the Speedball in either category), and use is by "as the spirit moves me."

Until you ink a pen, it is merely a pretty stick. --UK Mike


My arsenal, in order of acquisition: Sailor 21 Pocket Pen M, Cross Solo M, Online Calligraphy, Monteverde Invincia F, Hero 359 M, Jinhao X450 M, Levenger True Writer M, Jinhao 159 M, Platinum Balance F, TWSBI Classic 1.1 stub, Platinum Preppy 0.3 F, 7 Pilot Varsity M disposables refillables, Speedball penholder, TWSBI 580 USA EF, Pilot MR, Noodler's Ahab 1.1 stub, another Preppy 0.3, Preppy EF 0.2, ASA Sniper F, Click Majestic F, Kaweco Sport M, Pilot Prera F, Baoer 79 M (fake Starwalker), Hero 616 M (fake Parker), Jinhao X750 Shimmering Sands M . . .

31 and counting :D



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I have a few too many pens. I'm planning some kind of a PIF soon (once I finish filming reviews).


That said, I use pens as I want to. Certain pens are inked all the time. Others have a specialized purpose which means they are only inked for that purpose. Finally, some never seem to get used. These need to be part of the PIF I have planned.


I prefer to find out which pens I naturally use. Those which I don't naturally use...need to go.

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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I definitely have favorites in my pen collection that get used way more than the rest, but every now and then, I'll pull out one that hasn't been used in months and use it for a couple of weeks until I remember why I was not using it in the first place. I have considered selling some of my pens before, but I could never bring myself to do it because there are unique things that I like about every one of my pens.

Parker 51 Aerometric (F), Sheaffer Snorkel Clipper (PdAg F), Sheaffer Snorkel Statesman (M), red striated Sheaffer Balance Jr. (XF), Sheaffer Snorkel Statesman desk set (M), Reform 1745 (F), Jinhao x450 (M), Parker Vector (F), Pilot 78g (F), Pilot Metropolitan (M), Esterbrook LJ (9555 F), Sheaffer No-Nonsense calligraphy set (F, M, B Italic), Sheaffer School Pen (M), Sheaffer Touchdown Cadet (M), Sheaffer Fineline (341 F), Baoer 388 (F), Wearever lever-filler (M).

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