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Demonstrator Festival 2014


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Wonderful collection!

May I suggest one you're missing?

The Sheaffer Nononsense demonstrator.

You can see mine here:




Unfortunately mine was discolored from being in storage a long time, but It was originally transparent.

Perhaps you can source one with no discoloration.


Oh dear... looks like I have more hunting to do! I was looking for a No Nonsense demo for quite some time, but I was eventually told the furniture was always gold - I guess that's not the case! Will have to go scouring now... =\


I have a total of 3 demonstrators, all relatively inexpensive (or just plain cheap when compared to the majority of your pens,) and only two of them would meet your criteria - a TWSBI Mini, Stipula Passaporto and a Fantasy Parker 51 Vacumatic Demonstrator made by Ariel Kullock.

How do you like the Kullock? It was actually that pen that made me institute the no-customs rule, otherwise I'd have a drawer full of Kullock variations. I never could figure out how to order a completely transparent (including cap) pen from him.

On the Hunt For:

1) Atelier Simoni ID Demonstrator Natural Rhodium (As if it existed.)

2) Moresi 2nd Limited Edition Delta Demonstrator

3) y.y. Pen Club #4 and #10

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I also happen to own a Kullock 51 all demo. I bought it because I think is the only demonstrator vacumatic available and... Well, that's cool.

Very nice pen, but very very very difficult to clean if you ink it... Got it in the bay. If you contact Ariel I am sure he can inform you about availability: he's a good guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...


And once again the family is complete! Thanks for the heads up Bigeddie!


- Your wallet has my apologies!

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love. -Carl Sagan

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I like your colletion.

Thanks! Honored to be your very first post! This is a great community, you should head over to the introductions forum and say hello!



- Your wallet has my apologies!

The 10% off first purchase and no VAT on shipments outside the EU helped =) I have two more recent acquisitions that'll I'll be posting about soon.

On the Hunt For:

1) Atelier Simoni ID Demonstrator Natural Rhodium (As if it existed.)

2) Moresi 2nd Limited Edition Delta Demonstrator

3) y.y. Pen Club #4 and #10

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Amazing collection. Definitely something to be proud of. Congratulations!

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


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I tried to come up with some you were missing and all I could determine was that you had your two Noodler's pens mislabeled.. :-(




Edit: Wait, do you have the TWSBI 530 and 540?

Edited by risingsun


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I tried to come up with some you were missing and all I could determine was that you had your two Noodler's pens mislabeled.. :-(




Edit: Wait, do you have the TWSBI 530 and 540?

Thanks for the heads up on the Noodler's pens - I just realized that because they were the same price I wasn't paying attention to how they were ordered.


I consider the TWSBI Diamond 5xx all variants of the same pen, so I just waited on the AL section which seems the most durable.

On the Hunt For:

1) Atelier Simoni ID Demonstrator Natural Rhodium (As if it existed.)

2) Moresi 2nd Limited Edition Delta Demonstrator

3) y.y. Pen Club #4 and #10

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Congrats once again on the great collection. Since you are the only person I know of that has both an Aurora Optima and a Sailor ProGear Realo, I was hoping you could provide some comparative shots and comments on the two when you get a chance? I have a new Optima that I am really enjoying and was toying with the idea of getting a ProGear Realo.

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Kenshiro, I had no idea there were that many demonstrators available. That's a very nice collection. Needless to say I am envious!


Do you have any favorites? Ones that you like to use the most? Ones that you don't? Ones that are easy to clean? Ones that are terrible to clean?


I have a clear TWSBI VAC 700 and a 580; they are both great pens, and very easy to clean. I also have a clear Pilot Custom 74. It writes as smooth as silk, and fits my hand perfectly when posted.


My girlfriend has a Pilot Prera. Once ink gets between the inner and outer caps its a bear to clean out.


Thanks for sharing your photos.

Edited by NobleDel
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What a grand collection you have there. Congratulations.

How is the Stipula twister? I almost pulled the trigger and bought one, I ended up holding out and hope Bryant hasn't sold out by the time I gather my nerves haha.



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  • 1 month later...

One more to add, this one is a little cheaper.

On an iPad and I can't seem to paste the link - J Herbin short cartridge pen, search on bureau direct, £8.95 currently.




Edited to add link.

Edited by Bigeddie

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love. -Carl Sagan

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  • 9 months later...

Beautiful collection. May I also suggest the FPR Jaipur? As standard it's a two-tone nib, but IIRC they'll fit their monochrome nib by request.



Platinum 3776 - F, Pilot Decimo - F, TWSBI Vac Mini - 1.1i

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I'm totally impressed. Sorry that I missed this thread back in 2014. I'm in love.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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  • 3 months later...

once again i know how serious forum rules are about bumping an old thread (exception for SOS or Special cases) but
WOW just WOW your collection of demonstrator is just jaw breaking you deserve a bump and a two hands down literally !!

+1 on your taste for the utmost clear demonstrators just like me, i like my demonstrator to be as clear or transparent as possible which includes but not limited to .. the feed, clips, rings, pistons, connectors and even the NIB !!

although nibs sounds crazy and impossible but my dream demonstrator pen would be a totally 100% clear transparent all PARTS :)

Crystal Clear Demonstrators are such marvels, each with their set of stories clearly written out for all to feast on.

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There is a new one coming for your collection ;)



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