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Opening A Stubborn Osmiroid

Fox Point

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It looks like the shellacking was accidental, so thankfully the Very Hard shellac did not go past the point of easy reach. Of course, I did not manage to find a toothpick, needle, thin piece of plastic or anything but a twig, which, well, worked. Miniature twig chisels, for the truly archaic among us... It might not be perfect, but the section now goes on and off and it is ready for a new sac!


This is the chisel just before sharpening again. There is also still a tiny bit of ink in the threads (or in the shellac!)



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I now understand how the last user could have accidentally gotten shellac all over the internal threads with a too-enthusiastic application of shellac, as the attachment point is directly next to the internal threads. I don't, however, understand why they didn't clean them after, or just not put the section back in until the shellac had dried... post-115139-0-99290100-1413791400_thumb.jpg

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Somebody got into a hurry I guess. Half hour is not too long to wait to get a proper job done...


Enjoy! Looks like you got a good job done there and if you ever have to replace the sac again, it will be a trivial swap job on not a huge ordeal like this time!

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Agreed, thank you again!


Now to get some rapido-eze and properly tackle the Rapidograph, which was so mysteriously stuck in my head as a "radiograph"... Any comments on using heat to try and get the piston mechanism out? The parts pen which came with it was easy to disassemble, but I really am quite worried about breaking the piston knob. Surely that won't be glued in place by potential ancient indian ink? If heat is a no, should the whole pen just be completely soaked in rapido-eze?


Fox Point

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The Koh-i-noor technical ink that was commonly used in those pens has properties similar to india ink when dried. I would wait on the rapido-eze and soak it well prior to using heat or forcing the piston or point further. It should dissolve most any leftover gunk in the pen. As it begins to loosen, you can put it back into the bath again to work into the threads and joints. Patience....slow and steady wins the race. Keep Calm and Pen-flush on.


Good job on the Osmiroid!

"Not a Hooker Hooker, but rather a left-handed overwriter."

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