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Finding Replacement Nib For Waterman Le Man 100, Ideally Stub


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Is it still possible to get stub nibs from Waterman or do you know of any other source of replacement nibs for the Waterman 100 (besides random luck on ebay)? I would love to find a factory stub but would also be happy with a medium that could be custom ground to a stub


And if so, any idea of the cost? many thanks

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Have you tried contacting Waterman's service center in your country?


Beyond that, keep an eye on the FPN classifieds and eBay.

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As Koyote advised, you could try Sanford/Waterman in your country, but I doubt they will still have parts for that pen left.

Waterman concentrated repairs some years ago to the plant in France, and this now is moved to (or will move soon?) to Poland.


Even nibswaps on new pens had to go through France, although sometimes the local branch would just swap a unit with a new pen they had in stock (as has happened to me..)


There are companies that still have stocks on nibunits on past models, so you could try to google the internet.

Sometimes shops like Nibs.com carry them. (just checked, not at this moment)






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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otherwise pm member dboulonnais, he might have some

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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In Spain, "T&t reparaciones" might have some. At least I have bought some from them in the past. Those nibs are not cheap. you know.

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