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Very nice work again :)


Hte summe in Europe was very wet.... I therefor shot Pluvius wiht a staple gun... It helped it is sunny now :)


I yesterday published a rview of DA Document CMYK inks... A permanent Turquoise is in there





Amberlea posted an exensive review of this Turquoise too..


Do not worry about shooting Pluvius.... I only used a staple gun.... He will surive that.... No worries about Europe turning in to a desert soon :D


Thanks again and your reviews will always receive a warm (sunny :) ) welcome here

Thank you Peter! I just clicked on your review -- the turquoise looks beautiful and your review format is even nicer! I love how you show the evolution of all the different color mixes. I’m very visual, so (unfortunately for my budget) it makes me want to try mixing those inks... You should send your pictures to De Atramentis to use on their site, because they are very clear and do a good job of selling the product -- plus they make people want to try the entire range and mix and match (which I'm sure De Atramentis wouldn't mind!)


PS I may need to borrow your staple gun because Pluvius has not left us alone in Boston since Monday and it’s driving me crazy... :gaah:


Wow, another beautiful comparison, thank you! I only have Pelikan 4001 Turquoise, and I really like it; it's the only shade of blue I like

Thank you dragos.mocanu! I’m happy that you liked this comparison too! The Pelikan is a wonderful color and I’ve noticed some subtle pink sheen in it depending on the pen. For some reason I’ve gotten addicted to sheen lately, so I’m looking for it in most of the new inks I add to an already overcrowded ink drawer... I think it’s because it provides a good distraction when taking notes in lectures and has a little magic to transport you somewhere more exciting haha


Thank you for the comparison. Turquoise is a color I use very often in the last months.


To my eye, most of the inks shown are so similar that I see no point in buying more than 1-2 of them. In fact, I have Waterman, Pelikan and Diamine Havasu at home. Waterman and Pelikan are quite similar, well-bahaved, easy to find, not expensive (specially the Waterman), the Diamine Havasu being a little different but not much. Asa Blue has called my attention, but maybe because it is somewhat different than all the others.


For me, Waterman South Seas Blue is the winner (yes, I like the old name). I must try to mix it with different amounts of Waterman Florida blue to gert different shades of turquoise.

You’re welcome manolo! I use turquoise very often too. My goal is to live by the beach after grad school to be surrounded by turquoise water all time, but until then I keep turning to turquoise colored inks as a substitute. The Waterman and Pelikan look pretty close on Rhodia (which I guess is a good thing because it's a beautiful shade of turquoise) so like you I wouldn’t recommend that someone who has one rush out to buy the other. The biggest difference I've noticed is that the Waterman is a little wetter, so the wetness could be a way to help someone decide between the two.


PS I prefer the name South Seas Blue too; I don't find the name Inspired Blue very inspiring :P


PPS That’s a great idea to mix the two Watermans to get multiple shades of Turquoise! I would love to see your results if you do do it, because I've gone through most of what was in the vials of the Waterman blues samples that I have


This is FAB!!! Thank you.

Thank you amberleadavis!! I'm happy to hear you say so! Turquoise was an especially fun comparison because it’s one of my favorite colors and for some reason I hadn’t tried all of the samples in the same set of pens yet


One can never have enough turquoise :)

I agree stevesurf and that’s a beautiful pen by the way! You have me lusting over it now...


This is great. I have to say, Asa Blue is one of those inks I just keep coming back to.

Thank you Davros! Asa Blue is definitely a color I would recommend as a good staple for someone who loves beachy colors and is looking for something that is still fun but a little darker for everyday use. All of my pens are pretty wet but I’ve seen it look much lighter in some other reviews on here, so it could be a nice ink to play with and try to get a range of shades of beachy blues depending on the wetness of the pen.


Best Turquoise Color: Rohrer & Klingner Blu Mare


This is by far my favorite shade of turquoise. It offers a nice mix of blue and green that leans more towards the blue side (which I prefer). In a wet nib, it is the most vibrant of the turquoise inks tested - so vibrant in fact that it makes me want to pull out a pair of sunglasses B) . The ink has a good flow (though not as high as Bleu Pervenche) but is missing the high level of smoothness I look for in a go-to ink. However, I love the color so much that I did get a bottle.


What a great review! Very thorough and highly informative. THANK YOU!

I don't know if you have ever tried Waterman South Seas Blue, but I did my own comparison at home with all my blue inks, and I discovered that the Waterman really stood out as a beauty for me. You might like it!

Thank you for you nice words HalloweenHJB!! I haven't tried the Waterman SSB before the change to Inspired Blue, but it's a beautiful color and well behaved. From what I've read I think the color and performance should be the same between SSB and IB; has anyone on here tried both?


Oooooooo shiiiinnnnyyyyy! Wonderful comparison of some favorite hues. Great handwriting, too.

Thank you Sailor Kenshin! I'm still working on the handwriting; hopefully it will get better with every comparison haha


PS I love shiiiiinnny inks :P and am a big fan of this hue specifically too; it makes me want to get up and :bunny01: !

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Great comparison again. I can only agree with you on Herbin's Bleu Pervenche, as other Herbin inks its fantastic. Personally find Diamine Asa Blue to be very catchy specially with nib width between fine and medium, also brought Florida Blue, but not jet tested it. These are kind of my best side of blues. They are very interesting -all inks posted here-, not as boring student blue kind of stuff. Sorry blue lovers, this is strictly my opinion. :)

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Great comparison again. I can only agree with you on Herbin's Bleu Pervenche, as other Herbin inks its fantastic. Personally find Diamine Asa Blue to be very catchy specially with nib width between fine and medium, also brought Florida Blue, but not jet tested it. These are kind of my best side of blues. They are very interesting -all inks posted here-, not as boring student blue kind of stuff. Sorry blue lovers, this is strictly my opinion. :)


I agree completely! What you call "student blue" is exactly what I dislike about so many blue, blue-black inks. Certainly as bstnnyc shows in his excellent review, there are so many more interesting versions of blue, why should anyone be satisfied with those boring medium blue inks that we used as kids? ;)

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Great comparison again. I can only agree with you on Herbin's Bleu Pervenche, as other Herbin inks its fantastic. Personally find Diamine Asa Blue to be very catchy specially with nib width between fine and medium, also brought Florida Blue, but not jet tested it. These are kind of my best side of blues. They are very interesting -all inks posted here-, not as boring student blue kind of stuff. Sorry blue lovers, this is strictly my opinion. :)

Thank you VivienR! Like you, I have a soft spot for Herbin and Bleu Pervenche in particular. PS with the three colors you've chosen you have a perfect range of tropical blues! :happyberet:

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Didn't see these mentioned so thought I'd throw them in.


Thank you for adding these two inks inks stonezebra! I was hoping to have a sample of the Sheaffer for the review so this is wonderful.

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Nice comparison!


I'm not a huge fan of bright turquoise-y blues, and Noodler's Navajo Turquoise is kind of my go to. But your comparison makes me want to try some others, or at least break my sample of Kon-peki out!

So many inks, so little time...

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Nice comparison!


I'm not a huge fan of bright turquoise-y blues, and Noodler's Navajo Turquoise is kind of my go to. But your comparison makes me want to try some others, or at least break my sample of Kon-peki out!

Thank you A144! Unfortunately, I'm a sucker for pretty much all kinds of blues with very few exceptions so I've accumulated more of them than I will ever use and yet I'm always looking for more blues... :headsmack: You should give in to temptation and break out that sample!

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  • 2 months later...

Very fine review! I have never liked turquoise ink, probably because when I was growing up in the '50s, using Sheaffer student cartridge pens, there was a girl in our class who liked the Sheaffer Skrip turquoise cartridges. Some of the other girls (never the guys!) might have used them too, but this girl would take the cartridge out of her pen and suck on it! She always had turquoise-stained lips, tongue, and teeth. We boys all agreed that this was part of the gross, icky nature of girls. I've often wondered whether she was ever rushed to a hospital because someone thought she was cyanotic.


All that said, I broke down last week and ordered a bottle of Kon-peki. We'll see.

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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Hi bstnnyc,

First of all I would like to thank you for all your wonderful reviews and thoughts. That's really great. I would like to know what you meant by Caran D'ache Turquoise is very thin and Omas and Visconti Turquoise are light. What do you exactly mean by "thin" and "light" ? For me these two terms (thin and light) mean the same thing actually.

All the best





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Very fine review! I have never liked turquoise ink, probably because when I was growing up in the '50s, using Sheaffer student cartridge pens, there was a girl in our class who liked the Sheaffer Skrip turquoise cartridges. Some of the other girls (never the guys!) might have used them too, but this girl would take the cartridge out of her pen and suck on it! She always had turquoise-stained lips, tongue, and teeth. We boys all agreed that this was part of the gross, icky nature of girls. I've often wondered whether she was ever rushed to a hospital because someone thought she was cyanotic.


All that said, I broke down last week and ordered a bottle of Kon-peki. We'll see.

That's a great story haha I love how a smell, color or taste can be associated so strongly with a memory. I was just rereading one of my favorite books, Huysmans' A rebours, and it is filled with similar examples. I would love to hear what you think of Kon-peki!

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Hi bstnnyc,

First of all I would like to thank you for all your wonderful reviews and thoughts. That's really great. I would like to know what you meant by Caran D'ache Turquoise is very thin and Omas and Visconti Turquoise are light. What do you exactly mean by "thin" and "light" ? For me these two terms (thin and light) mean the same thing actually.

All the best





Thank you Patrick I'm happy you liked the review! Unfortunately, I learned the proper terms from Amberlea after working on this comparison :) The CdA felt very thin or rather there was a lot of surface tension when writing with it. And, the lack of glide on the page combined with my heavy hand and the flexi nib was almost painful -- to the point that it reminded me of going to the dentist :P


The Omas and Visconti were light in color - the two lightest shades of turquoise in the comparison. I tested them a while back, but I think the Omas offered a better flow and had less surface tension than the Visconti. I hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions!





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AH :wub: , thank you!


I've tried to find the words to describe what I'm feeling and not confuse others. The problem with describing an ink as "lubricating" to describe the feel of the ink gliding across the paper, is that "lubricating" to ink manufacturers means it has agents which lubricate the pistons. (See Noodler's and Monteverde) So, I don't use the term lubricating if I can avoid it.


The viscosity (or resistance to flow) only sometimes catches what you are trying to describe and surface tension often confuses the newbies. The surface tension might not be big deal if you live in Holland, but it's a HUGE problem when you live 620m above sea level and use TWSBIs.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I normally prefer photos but since I am staying with my parents for the holidays and they have a scanner I wanted to give it a shot and try adding some scanned images that are a bit more zoomed in. I could not edit my original post so I will paste them here. If these are helpful I can add some as well for the other comparisons. Let me know!




Edited by bstnnyc
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Terrific additions.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I'm happy you liked them! I will update the other comparisons I've done with scanned images as well then. Do you know if it is possible to edit the original posts?

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Not after this long. You can, however, just add the new scans. It's nice to see the comparisons.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Thanks a lot for your great reply bstnnyc. We are so lucky to have you on this website. I have added you to my list of friends. I wish you all the best for 2015.



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Not after this long. You can, however, just add the new scans. It's nice to see the comparisons.

That sounds good! I will add them as new posts. I just finished scanning a couple of them :)



Thanks a lot for your great reply bstnnyc. We are so lucky to have you on this website. I have added you to my list of friends. I wish you all the best for 2015.



Thank you for your kind words Patrick! I really love this website; I have learned so much and continue to learn so much from the people here, so it is a pleasure for me to help in any way I can.


Have a wonderful 2015!



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