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New Theory On Origin Of Montblanc White Top Logo


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Among Montblanc collectors there are different opinions on the origin of the white star logo which was introduced by Montblanc in 1913.
Holten/Lund introduce a new theory in their book Montblanc in Denmark 1914-1992 - The Untold Story:
"The origin of the star logo has been discussed among pen collectors for many years. Though no solid proof the authors of the book believe it is no coincidence that the Montblanc headquarters from 1908 was situated in the Hamburg borough "STERNSCHANZE". The word "STERN" is "STAR" in English - STERNSCHANZE means STARFORTIFICATION (a fortification with the shape of a STAR)."
The old fortification "Sternschanze" was situated only a few hundred meters from the Montblanc headquarters in Bartelstrasse/Schanzenstrasse. Shops and restaurangs used (and still uses) a white star as symbol of the district of Schanzenstern. The old Sternschanze fortification is long gone - today there is a beautifull hotel situated on the place - an old watertower rebuild to Hotel Mövenpick am Wasserthurm. When visiting Hamburg (Traditional Hamburg Penshow Oct. 3rd) I always order a room with a viev to the old Montblanc factory.

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That's interesting - I had assumed it simply represented snow on the top of Mont Blanc :)

UK-based pen fan. I love beautiful ink bottles, sealing wax, scented inks, and sending mail art. Also, thanks to a wonderful custom-ground nib by forum member Bardiir, I'm currently attempting calligraphy after years of not being able to do so due to having an odd pen-grip :D

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That's interesting - I had assumed it simply represented snow on the top of Mont Blanc :)

Ditto....could have been a happy coincidence ......serendipitous, and so the name of the mountain + STERNSCHANZE gave someone the idea.


Like many others, imagine, I never know whether to refer to it as a star or snowcap.... so generally use both :unsure:

Edited by chunya
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That's interesting - I had assumed it simply represented snow on the top of Mont Blanc :)


Considering they mention this in marketing material I though it was a given.

My Collection: Montblanc Writers Edition: Hemingway, Christie, Wilde, Voltaire, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Poe, Proust, Schiller, Dickens, Fitzgerald (set), Verne, Kafka, Cervantes, Woolf, Faulkner, Shaw, Mann, Twain, Collodi, Swift, Balzac, Defoe, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Saint-Exupery, Homer & Kipling. Montblanc Einstein (3,000) FP. Montblanc Heritage 1912 Resin FP. Montblanc Starwalker Resin: FP/BP/MP. Montblanc Traveller FP.

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Fact #53 of 90 placed on Facebook by MB on 15th August states:


Did you know that the white snowcap, which adorns every Meisterstück cap, symbolises the peak of the Mont Blanc mountain with its six glacier valleys?

My Collection: Montblanc Writers Edition: Hemingway, Christie, Wilde, Voltaire, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Poe, Proust, Schiller, Dickens, Fitzgerald (set), Verne, Kafka, Cervantes, Woolf, Faulkner, Shaw, Mann, Twain, Collodi, Swift, Balzac, Defoe, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Saint-Exupery, Homer & Kipling. Montblanc Einstein (3,000) FP. Montblanc Heritage 1912 Resin FP. Montblanc Starwalker Resin: FP/BP/MP. Montblanc Traveller FP.

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Fact #53 of 90 placed on Facebook by MB on 15th August states:

Did you know that the white snowcap, which adorns every Meisterstück cap, symbolises the peak of the Mont Blanc mountain with its six glacier valleys?


In his landmark opus "The Montblanc Diary & Collectors Guide" (1993) Jens Rösler says:



"Registration of the white star as a trademark January 14 "


"Star symbol put on the cap at the suggestion of W. Dziambor"

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a lovely tale never knew so much was behind a logo , Good to know will share it with other people should also know about it !!

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What does it mean ? do you have any idea !!


To see a connection when there probably isn't one.


The Star is also a Magen David / Hexagram, but I don't know if there is a connection with Judaism or Kabbalah.

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