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Lamy 1.1Mm Gold Stub Nib


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"If Lamy won't produce it, I'll do this myself."


Just a short brag... :lol:

I've got a spare Lamy B nib in the mail today and my Dremel and I have done something to it.



Since taking the picture I've now ground the tip down from the top a bit too to increase the effect on the writing once there is a lot of ink between the nib and paper, thus increasing the effect the italic has. Thanks for the suggestion :)


P.S: There have been 5 training nibs directly before this one today. 2 Rex office pens again as they are now on sale and 3 Lamy Steel nibs. These will probably go into PIF sometime soon - as well as an architect grind that I just did out of pure boredom :lol:


Edited by bardiir

My Pens/Nibs (inked/active): Lamy Studio/Vista/Joy (XXF slight-flex custom | 14k EF | EF | F | 14k M | M | B | 14k 1.1 custom | 1.1 | 1.5 | 1.9), TWSBI Diamond 580 (F | Pendleton BadBoy | Zebra G | F.P.R. semi-flex), Pilot Falcon EF, Penkala Vintage 14k semi-flex, Pilot Parallel (2.4 | 3.8 | 6.0)

http://www.fp-ink.info/img/button.pngI'm still looking for help/data/supporters/sponsors for my Ink Database - It already contains over 900 Inks but is still low on data about the inks except on the Inks I got myself or where I found nice data sheets. So Im looking for these: InkSamples mailed to me, Permissions to use InkReviews - preferable by people who have a lot of InkReviews online, InkReviews mailed to me so I can scan them, Sponsors that will help me to finance InkSamples, People willing to trade InkSamples (list of available Inks from me is available via PM request - please include available Inks)

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  On 8/18/2014 at 6:53 PM, arran said:

Well done.

How did you manage the dremel?

Left hand Dremel, right hand Fountainpen with nib (without ink) | basically i just held the dremel static and then dipped the nib against the grinding disc at slow rotational speed, the whole thing took about 3 minutes to grind, abrasion time alone without inking up in-between and checking progress - does this answer your question or did you think about something else when you write "manage".

Used a korund grinding disc btw, diamond grinding discs eat away at the iridium at an alarming rate and I'm not comfortable with that degree of abrasion. The korund ones are pretty mild and you got more time to correct errors before there is a lot of material gone.

Edited by bardiir

My Pens/Nibs (inked/active): Lamy Studio/Vista/Joy (XXF slight-flex custom | 14k EF | EF | F | 14k M | M | B | 14k 1.1 custom | 1.1 | 1.5 | 1.9), TWSBI Diamond 580 (F | Pendleton BadBoy | Zebra G | F.P.R. semi-flex), Pilot Falcon EF, Penkala Vintage 14k semi-flex, Pilot Parallel (2.4 | 3.8 | 6.0)

http://www.fp-ink.info/img/button.pngI'm still looking for help/data/supporters/sponsors for my Ink Database - It already contains over 900 Inks but is still low on data about the inks except on the Inks I got myself or where I found nice data sheets. So Im looking for these: InkSamples mailed to me, Permissions to use InkReviews - preferable by people who have a lot of InkReviews online, InkReviews mailed to me so I can scan them, Sponsors that will help me to finance InkSamples, People willing to trade InkSamples (list of available Inks from me is available via PM request - please include available Inks)

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I've sanded this down with 12000grit micro mesh and 1µ .3µ .1µ .05µ mylar now. Glassy smoothy goodness :wub:


This is btw a pretty basic grind. I've got a Pendleton nib for my TWSBI, and I can't even tell what material/tools you would need to create that grind he did to that nib, especially the cuts on the sides and flex thinouts below the nib. Let alone that dexterity to manage such a precise tool then. So I'm very far away from beeing a nibmeister or anything like that but shaping the point to a stub is actually pretty easy and I'm quite happy with the result now :)



Edited by bardiir

My Pens/Nibs (inked/active): Lamy Studio/Vista/Joy (XXF slight-flex custom | 14k EF | EF | F | 14k M | M | B | 14k 1.1 custom | 1.1 | 1.5 | 1.9), TWSBI Diamond 580 (F | Pendleton BadBoy | Zebra G | F.P.R. semi-flex), Pilot Falcon EF, Penkala Vintage 14k semi-flex, Pilot Parallel (2.4 | 3.8 | 6.0)

http://www.fp-ink.info/img/button.pngI'm still looking for help/data/supporters/sponsors for my Ink Database - It already contains over 900 Inks but is still low on data about the inks except on the Inks I got myself or where I found nice data sheets. So Im looking for these: InkSamples mailed to me, Permissions to use InkReviews - preferable by people who have a lot of InkReviews online, InkReviews mailed to me so I can scan them, Sponsors that will help me to finance InkSamples, People willing to trade InkSamples (list of available Inks from me is available via PM request - please include available Inks)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/29/2014 at 10:39 PM, Oldtimer said:

At what angle do you grind? Easier said than done, i guess.


Well there is not only a single grind on this nib. The nib looks somewhat like this:



The whole front nib has been ground to a 45° (approx) angle and then the front of it smoothed down, the rounding is a bit exaggerated, it's very sharp on the front. The top of the 45° plate can be used as a BB nib with the pen upside down. If the pen is used upside down and in a very low angle it can produce EF lines, but that is only partly usable, not a comfortable writing position anymore and it has inkflow issues.


The nib is cut around 1-2° oblique because the lamy grip combined with my hand positioning causes the nib to be a small bit off-center otherwise or I would need to grip it strangely.

Edited by bardiir

My Pens/Nibs (inked/active): Lamy Studio/Vista/Joy (XXF slight-flex custom | 14k EF | EF | F | 14k M | M | B | 14k 1.1 custom | 1.1 | 1.5 | 1.9), TWSBI Diamond 580 (F | Pendleton BadBoy | Zebra G | F.P.R. semi-flex), Pilot Falcon EF, Penkala Vintage 14k semi-flex, Pilot Parallel (2.4 | 3.8 | 6.0)

http://www.fp-ink.info/img/button.pngI'm still looking for help/data/supporters/sponsors for my Ink Database - It already contains over 900 Inks but is still low on data about the inks except on the Inks I got myself or where I found nice data sheets. So Im looking for these: InkSamples mailed to me, Permissions to use InkReviews - preferable by people who have a lot of InkReviews online, InkReviews mailed to me so I can scan them, Sponsors that will help me to finance InkSamples, People willing to trade InkSamples (list of available Inks from me is available via PM request - please include available Inks)

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On the older pictures: idk could be r&k alt goldgrûn.


On the newest one: Some organics studio Gregor Mendel was still in the feed apparently. Noodles Borealis black is following and this it's a mix of it.

My Pens/Nibs (inked/active): Lamy Studio/Vista/Joy (XXF slight-flex custom | 14k EF | EF | F | 14k M | M | B | 14k 1.1 custom | 1.1 | 1.5 | 1.9), TWSBI Diamond 580 (F | Pendleton BadBoy | Zebra G | F.P.R. semi-flex), Pilot Falcon EF, Penkala Vintage 14k semi-flex, Pilot Parallel (2.4 | 3.8 | 6.0)

http://www.fp-ink.info/img/button.pngI'm still looking for help/data/supporters/sponsors for my Ink Database - It already contains over 900 Inks but is still low on data about the inks except on the Inks I got myself or where I found nice data sheets. So Im looking for these: InkSamples mailed to me, Permissions to use InkReviews - preferable by people who have a lot of InkReviews online, InkReviews mailed to me so I can scan them, Sponsors that will help me to finance InkSamples, People willing to trade InkSamples (list of available Inks from me is available via PM request - please include available Inks)

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Looks awesome!

Fav. PensMB 146, Pilot Falcon, TWSBI VAC 700.

Fav. Inks:  Pilot Iroshizuku Yama Budo & Yama Guri; Diamine Syrah, Oxblood & Eclipse; J. Herbin Rouge Hematite & Vert Reseda; Noodler's Black, Red Black & Zhivago.

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