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Sailor's Full Ink Lines Including Shop Exclusives Compiled In A Post?


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  On 9/3/2014 at 4:44 PM, Sinistral1 said:

I have a question. I think Maruzen is the name of the store and they have more than one location. And, each location can have a different set of exclusive Sailor-made inks. The question is, where does the name Athena fit into all this? Is it like our Target stores here are actually owned by a company named Dayton-Hudson. One of their "store brands" is Archer Farms. Archer Farms products might be made by yet another company.

It gets confusing when some people refer to it as Athena Akane and another calls it Maruzen Akane. Just curious.

All the above is correct except that there is just one store, as far as I know, which has LE inks. That is their first store at Nihombashi. You must go to that store to get the Maruzen Athena LE Inks.


Recently I have not been able to find their entire line of non LE inks at any one location but I can order the colors that are not at any particular store, Excepting the LE inks.

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  On 9/3/2014 at 7:51 PM, Sinistral1 said:

How can I buy stock in the Sailor company :)

Not allowed to anymore. There are many who do but, as an American you are no longer allowed to hold stocks out side of America. Thanks to a series of laws starting with the Patriot Act and many more which have followed in recent years, I as an American can not hold stock in companies here in Japan were I live. Nor can I hold stock in US companies for I have a foreign address. Same is true for bank accounts and insurance.


So, whenever you hear in the news about how successful the US crusade against tax evaders is, please know that many of the folks caught up in this are like me, were law abiding citizens one day and tax criminals the next with out any change in activities. Further, because I won't tell the IRS all my Japanese wife's financial info including account numbers and balances, transfers and credit card purchases nor pay taxes based upon her income added to mine, I am one of these criminals. the penalty for not spying on wife for the IRS is 300% of my "overseas" holdings. As I live overseas, I owe the IRS 300% of all I have, not because I cheated on my taxes, I paid all my income taxes owed locally, but because I have not filed information returns that are illegally required of one group of US citizens and not of others.


Sorry to interject this in to this thread, but most people are completely unaware of this and most who are, are powerless to do anything about it. This is truly taxation without representation as there are no senators nor representatives in the US legislature for Japan. And yes, I am hopping mad about it. My only recourse, is for those who do have the right to vote learn of this and take action on my, our behalf. A long shot perhaps, but there seems to be no other solution for us.


So long story short, although you may be able to buy stock in Sailor corp. it is illegal for Americans to do so.

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Is there any one site where I can view the Maurzen regular ink (non LE) colors?

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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  On 9/3/2014 at 11:44 PM, Sinistral1 said:

Is there any one site where I can view the Maurzen regular ink (non LE) colors?

I haven't found one, in fact, I haven't even found one for their non LE inks. It has been a while since last I checked, but I could not even find them on the Maruzen website.

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Are most of these stores little shop fronts on winding narrow streets in the older parts of Tokyo, run by 10th generation descendent sir the original owner, or modern stores on streets next to Starbucks and Banana Republic with gleaming glass display cases and I-Pad cash registers? Maybe a little of each.


I'm thinking about the difference between there being so many of them, while here, it sounds like there is only one major pen store left in NYC (the Fountain Pen Hospital). The Japanese must really love their writing instruments!

Edited by Sinistral1

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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  On 9/4/2014 at 12:12 AM, Sinistral1 said:

Are most of these stores little shop fronts on winding narrow streets in the older parts of Tokyo, run by 10th generation descendent sir the original owner, or modern stores on streets next to Starbucks and Banana Republic with gleaming glass display cases and I-Pad cash registers? Maybe a little of each.

I'm thinking about the difference between there being so many of them, while here, it sounds like there is only one major pen store left in NYC (the Fountain Pen Hospital). The Japanese must really love their writing instruments!

Maruzen is a huge book seller and smaller staitioner in Japan. Their main stores are several stories with only a portion of one floor devoted to fountain pens. They also have smaller stores within department stores.


The other store I know personally which also have their own inks are very fashionable boutiques with young clerks. Bung Box's proprietor is a youngish women if I am not mistaken.


Daimaru is a large department store. Joyful Honda is a home center, crafts and art store, summer market, gardening center, nursery + all in one.


There may be those small shops tucked away in the winding back streets with ancient store keepers that have their own inks, but I do not which of the inks posted in this thread they may be.


Yes, the Japanese do love the WRITTEN word. They have not lost their hand writing skills. Unlike in the US and Great Britain where cursive hand writing is no longer taught in many public schools, writing with a brush is still a requirement in Japan. Still universally required, I think. Resumes, for one, still must be hand written. My college students hand writing in English puts mine to shame. Far better than what comes out of US colleges these days.

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Gunma Series

15 colors of the Joyful inks fron Gunma prefecture

伊香保マゼンタ Ikaho Mazenta (Ikaho Magenta)

嬬恋リーフグリーン Tsumagoi Leafgreen

草津グリーン Kasatsu Green

尾瀬エメラルド Ose Emerald

渡良瀬ミント Watarase Mint

水上ターコイズ Mikami Turquoise

片品ラピス Katashina Lapis

四万ライラック Shima Lilac

武尊オリーブ Taketaka Olive

榛名グリーン Haruna Green

谷川岳ブルー Tinigawadake Blue (Mount Tanigawa Blue)

赤城バイオレット Akagi Violet

妙義アンバー Myougi Anba- (Myougi Amber) if I were to use Initial D Myogi Amber

浅間セピア Asama Sepia

上州焼きまんじゅうブラウン Joushuu Yakimanjyu Brown (Joushuu Yakimanju Brown)


I'm not sure I can actually post the images of the inks at this rate... this was just as I promised the translation of the inks only :X I already posted this back then

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It looks like they have some nice greens and brown. The label is classy, too.

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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Tinjapan is probably just suggesting alternative translation to smell: fragrance, aroma, bouquet, scent.


Anyway, my Edison Beaumont emptied out today and I refilled with the Sailor Kobe #38 Kitanozaka Night Blue, and wow is this color dark! A very deep deep blue. A bit of feathering on via Linen paper, but that could be due to leftover water from cleaning the pen. OK on the regular cheap paper.

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  On 9/5/2014 at 9:39 PM, white_lotus said:

Tinjapan is probably just suggesting alternative translation to smell: fragrance, aroma, bouquet, scent.





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Here is the complete list of Maruzen Athena inks, regular line.


I stopped by their Marunouchi store and they were kind enough to give me a color copy of their sample sheet. I hope to post it later. For now, here is the list.


Sepia, Lilac, Hatobanezu, Eternal Blue, Gyokuro, Aobajou, Koubai and Renga. Eight in all.



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Here is the scan of the color photocopy of the color chart that Maruzen gave me. The colors will not be true but should give an idea. And it at least provides a complete list.





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