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Sailor's Full Ink Lines Including Shop Exclusives Compiled In A Post?


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Found it. It's two and a half hours from my home....won't be going there anytime soon. Might order some though!


Thanks....I think

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  On 8/30/2014 at 9:55 AM, Tinjapan said:

AND there are limited edition inks that only come with a pen.

STOP... I was already drooling at the nihonbashi Takeshimawa Secret edition Pro gear and the usagiya lumiere pro gear BUT I HAVE NO OKANE and they are also LE pens :X

Edited by Algester
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  On 8/30/2014 at 12:01 PM, Algester said:

Mine is a bit different. Not in any catolog. Bought it at Itoya in Tokyo and saw one Tuesday in Maruzen. It is completely clear with silver fitting and a single tone (silver) 21k nib. I knew it was a limited production when I bought it but did not know at the time that so few were made.


Maruzen also had a large wooded Sailor pen that I have not seen in any catolog, but I have not yet looked for this one. It seems that Sailor makes small runs of several models that are not the full blown limited edition with serial number pens nor made only for certain stores or events.


They have a lot out there.

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Hougado Pengallery


黒苔 Kuro koke Deep Moss Black

古錆 Furu sabi Deep Rust Black

泥藍 Doro ai Deep Indigo Black

紫紺 Shikon Deep Purple black

Currently both ink lines are out of stock


PS: If I do make someone really poor because of this thread I do not hold the responsibility as you have bought these inks at your own volition plus I'm still a NEET

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You may be a NEET (whatever that means), but here you are also an ink-abler!


You are right in saying that we each individually must accept our own responsibility and know when to just say "No More Ink"!


Thanks for all your work in compiling the list. I'm only in possession of 4 of the 200+ colors, put proudly display and share samples of them when I can. Two more bottles are in the pipeline, and 6 is a very nice number!

Edited by Sinistral1

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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Double post

Edited by Sinistral1

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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I'm sorry I tried but I could not looks for Maruzen New Century Eternal Blue it seems to be different from the usual Athena line if ever it's still probably in nihombashi but again both inks are made by sailor... man this is one elusive search

http://bbink.blog.jp/archives/12026089.html I only found this most recent blog post but currently no known info I can find about the Athena line itself

http://www.sailor.co.jp/event <-- lists Sailor's clinics including the ink

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Are you talking about Maruzen Ranga, Akane, Eternal Blue, River Blue and one other blue I can't remember the name of? They also have a Sepia in a vintage bottle that is very nice. All made by Sailor.

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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  On 8/31/2014 at 5:27 AM, Sinistral1 said:

Are you talking about Maruzen Ranga, Akane, Eternal Blue, River Blue and one other blue I can't remember the name of? They also have a Sepia in a vintage bottle that is very nice. All made by Sailor.

aye the Athena line the Eternal Blue has been repackaged to be part of the Athena line

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Maruzen regular line and LE inks.


The three LE Maruzen inks that I know are Nihombashi Akane (300 bottles) still available, Nihombashi River Blue (300 bottles, I think), sold out, and Nihombashi Kirin (200 bottles), sold out. The regular production inks have a round label on the box and a printed label on the bottle cap. The LE inks, at least these three, have a hexagonal label on the box and the ink name is hand written on the bottle cap label.


Perhaps some explanation is in order. Each year for the past several years, various stationery and Department stores in Japan host fountain pen fairs. Many of these stores have limited edition inks and or pens commissioned for each year's event. This year's event at Maruzen featured around half a dozen, possibly more, limited edition pens. Makers of these LE pens include Sailor, Nakaya, Ohashido and several European makers as well.


To the best of my incomplete knowledge, Sailor is the only company that makes these LE event inks. I do not when these pen fairs began nor when LE pens or inks started to be commissioned for them other than they stretch back to a time long before I developed an interest in either. Knowing this, it is my belief that someone starting out in recent years to collect the entire ink line has embarked upon a journey to an impossible to attain goal.


Many of the inks, many, many more than we know are loooooonnng since sold out. Probably so for some before blogs and the like made it possible to upload pics and info on them. The only way to gain knowledge on even the existence of some inks would be to comb the used book stores in Japan for back issues of the magazines where these pen fairs were advertised. Not impossible but the nearest thing to it for most of us of humble means and real jobs. There are just too many colors, made for too many stores, made of too small a quantity for too many years.




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