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Sailor's Full Ink Lines Including Shop Exclusives Compiled In A Post?


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I really need to follow the syringe filling system. But my love of having pens with different filling systems may prove to be a hinderance. Currently looking for a reliable piston filler other than TWSBI.


About the P+M inks, sorry if I was rude there. Shouldn't have just written "they are not". A proper explanation would have been better.

Yes, reservation would be a better word, which he has used as well. They are taking your choices and will contact you again when the inks are available for payment. So WRE or other freight forwarders can't do anything until the 'add to cart' link is activated. They sell coffee too, so I've ordered some. :)


We have been talking for a while now, and he sent me some pictures of his store. I'll post them tomorrow if I get around on using the PC. :)

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I really need to follow the syringe filling system. But my love of having pens with different filling systems may prove to be a hinderance. Currently looking for a reliable piston filler other than TWSBI.

About the P+M inks, sorry if I was rude there. Shouldn't have just written "they are not". A proper explanation would have been better.

Yes, reservation would be a better word, which he has used as well. They are taking your choices and will contact you again when the inks are available for payment. So WRE or other freight forwarders can't do anything until the 'add to cart' link is activated. They sell coffee too, so I've ordered some. :)

We have been talking for a while now, and he sent me some pictures of his store. I'll post them tomorrow if I get around on using the PC. :)

No worries. Do let me know how the coffee turns out!

Ink, a drug.

― Vladimir Nabokov, Bend Sinister


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Dandyism, Sapphire, Ink of the Witch available now at Vanness: https://vanness1938.com/?q=Bungbox


New prices are reflected.

I know we have been aware of Sailor's price increase BUT it still is kinda shocking to see it in effect! I don't feel so bad about all those $35.00 bottles of BB I purchased when Vanness started carrying them. These are colors I have purchased already & besides Sweet Potato Purple I don't really care about any others. I have certainly paid MORE for other inks & probably will again but something about the $43.00 does seem startling when in "print."

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I should also start trying to convince my relative to go to Japan for vacations or holidays. :P

Reminds me, my cousin is about to get married, should I suggest him Japan for his honeymoon? :D


PS. - I really want to throw my phone out of the window. Hangs at least 15-20 times a day. I am going to ask Apple for a refund and go to android. I'd rather take such performance from a $200 android than a $900 Apple. Safari crashes 15 times a day and functions like a degenerate internet explorer.



We were heading to France and my iPhone died a few years ago, got a samsung and I really don't like it. I may actually (finally) switch from att to something else. I've kept the old contract forever because it had free data. sigh.

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LOL... :lol: I do my best to "suggest" to my friend a Japan getaway..... two have already fell for it, .. I am working on another one now.. ;)






We so think alike. she's thinking London more than Asia which makes me sad. I love London so it won't really be a hardship. As retired military I think I can even use the mail facilities at a US site in London which is a real plus!

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We were heading to France and my iPhone died a few years ago, got a samsung and I really don't like it. I may actually (finally) switch from att to something else. I've kept the old contract forever because it had free data. sigh.

From what I have heard, AT&T and Verizon are supposed to be the best in USA.

One of my colleagues in office who was on temporary secondment from USA To India had AT&T and didn't like it at all. He still kept it because he had some special data plan not offered to every customer because he had been using it for more than 10 years.

Not to mention he kept using the AT&T phone/sim while he was in India. o.O

Think about the international roaming charges. :o


On topic, pen & message doesn't even know that there is a shortage of diamond shaped glass bottles. :P

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From what I have heard, AT&T and Verizon are supposed to be the best in USA.

One of my colleagues in office who was on temporary secondment from USA To India had AT&T and didn't like it at all. He still kept it because he had some special data plan not offered to every customer because he had been using it for more than 10 years.



He probably had the same thing I did. They did something similar for the ipads when they first launched...free data for everyone.

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^i've had the same phone number for 7 years and I havenMt gotten anything from my operator. My dad has the same phone number since the last 18-19 years and he hasn't been offered anything too. :(


And I still remember the drama was put up with KN to release those inks the colors have been sourced from somewhere in weibo but you can look back at the thread sometime during july or page 40+


Here's the link for inky samples of the new kn inks i was right in both accounts lol

Ink color comments:








Money saved. Thanks Algester. :)

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I was just going through the sailor ink reviews and Maruzen inks, particularly Akane caught my attention. It's a wonderful red ink.


Can anybody link me to Maruzen Nihombashi store?


Edit: I only found the Maruzen store website, would that be okay too?

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No issues. I'll look for another red. :)

Although I have to admit that it's a very catchy name.

Thanks Tinjapan. :)

Maruzen has no online store so your stuck to go to the store itself

but as far as I know shops that wont sell ink on an online basis as far as I know is only Maruzen well then there's the department store-centric inks Takashimaya and Mitsukoshi having a set of bottles from time to time but since I dont have a clear direct source of info from these 2 department stores im in the blind

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Ah, I see. It's like a regular store where you have to visit to buy and there is no delivery service. I liked their sepia too. If their store is in Tokyo, I can probably get it, otherwise not possible.


On another note, my phone crossed the limit today. It deleted 10-15 contacts on it's own. I could retrieve some numbers from whatsapp to whom I had sent some or received some messages, but others I have no clue.

The phone is going back, and I will not settle with just a replacement or a reset. I'm done with Apple for this lifetime and will be taking a refund.

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Although the first batch was sold out within 3 minutes, you can still see a bit more details of colours.

Next batch will be available on 26th.

Apparently the store was packed with Chinese buyers and 'ink speculators' (yes, they exist!), and it was a complete scrum! They were indeed sold out in under 5 minutes.

I understand from a Japanese friend that recent problems with availability of Sailor inks aren't just about the lack of 'jewellery' bottles; many boutique ink sellers and stationery stores started to mark their online inks as Sold Out, or limiting the quantities sold to individuals, to stop the Chinese from buying up the entire stock line. Sailor-made inks are in high demand and are big business in China and inks are re-sold at high profits there. American buyers are small fry in comparison.

Verba volant, scripta manent

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The only store I know that follows this approach is Pen & Message and he limits it at one bottle per customer for each color, so a customer can only buy 8 bottles at most since that's the number of colors they have.

The other inks in Kingdom note are expected to be restocked in December, but sadly kingdom note doesn't follow the one bottle per color per customer approach.

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The only store I know that follows this approach is Pen & Message and he limits it at one bottle per customer for each color, so a customer can only buy 8 bottles at most since that's the number of colors they have.

The other inks in Kingdom note are expected to be restocked in December, but sadly kingdom note doesn't follow the one bottle per color per customer approach.

That hasn't always been the case. I've bought more than 1 of a colour in the past from P & M. I have the KN inks and it was very much easier to buy them before this year.

Verba volant, scripta manent

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Sorry, I didn't know that.

I don't like too many inks from the KN line so I'm okay with Chinese destroying the supplies. :)

I only like 5-6 inks from the 20 inks they have, so not too much of a loss. I just need Lidith Jay and mandarin duck.

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