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Sailor's Full Ink Lines Including Shop Exclusives Compiled In A Post?


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  On 8/26/2014 at 2:14 PM, Algester said:

Daimaru inks


黒紅鳶 Kuro Aka Tobi (Black Red Kite)

長春色 Chou Shunshoku (Long Spring Scenery) Think Cherry Blossom viewing or Hanami in Japanese

威光茶 Ikou cha (Influencial Tea?)

鈍 色 Nibi iro (Dark Gray)

琥珀色 Kohaku Iro (Amber Color)

Do you know which Daimaru carries these?

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  On 8/27/2014 at 3:50 PM, Tinjapan said:
  On 8/26/2014 at 2:19 PM, Algester said:
Shousaikan Inks


青藍 Sei ran (Indigo Blue)

深山 Shin zan (Deep in the mountains)[/quote


Do you have an address for the shop that carries these?

港区南青山5-13-11 パンセビル1階


Open:11:00am > 20:00pm 水曜定休

This is for Shousaikan



電話011-231-1131 札幌市中央区南1条西3丁目2 営業時間10:00~19:00 次回休業日:9月1日(月)・8日(月)

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I hate you all so much. I thought it was nutty of me to get all the BungBox inks, now I have to get around a hundred more, before Kobe! Even with WRE that's around $3000 for these, plus another $1000 for all the Kobe's. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :bawl:

Edited by alarickc


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  On 8/27/2014 at 10:07 PM, alarickc said:

I hate you all so much. I thought it was nutty of me to get all the BungBox inks, now I have to get around a hundred more, before Kobe! Even with WRE that's around $3000 for these, plus another $1000 for all the Kobe's. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :bawl:


Wow, um, thats a lot of dedication to Sailor's custom ink line. I mean, I'd buy a few bottles if I happened to visit Japan but it's too much of a pain from USA.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

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  On 8/27/2014 at 10:13 PM, Csrae said:


Wow, um, thats a lot of dedication to Sailor's custom ink line. I mean, I'd buy a few bottles if I happened to visit Japan but it's too much of a pain from USA.

this is Japan's holy grail and I'm just bringing the attention to the inks that would probably will and have been under anyone's radar yet the weird thing is yet I'm a non-local... when I would assume some Japanese members actually contribute to the thread :X ohh well

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Usagiya Inks


well... the translation is already posted...







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Ok to recap

50 Nagasawa Kobe Inks

8 Shikisai

15 Bungbox

15 Kingdom Note

10 Onnago-iro Days

3 Standard inks

8 Pen and Message

2 Nano-Particle inks

8? Athena

8? Takeshimaya inks

15 Sankodo Inks

9 Hougado Pen Gallery Inks

6 Usagiya Inks

8 Bungo no Kura Rihei Inks

2 Shousaikan inks

5 Daimaru Inks


172 inks unless someone gives me a definitive number on the Athena and Takeshimaya inks WERE CLOCKING at 200 INKS PEOPLE and this is excluding the ink clinics that Sailor gives to people... what if they also share some of their recipes... :X

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  On 8/28/2014 at 2:21 AM, Algester said:

172 inks unless someone gives me a definitive number on the Athena and Takeshimaya inks WERE CLOCKING at 200 INKS PEOPLE and this is excluding the ink clinics that Sailor gives to people... what if they also share some of their recipes... :X


Eh, if you don't mind asking what are ink clinics? Are they pen or stationery stores?

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

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  On 8/27/2014 at 4:49 PM, Algester said:

港区南青山5-13-11 パンセビル1階


Open:11:00am > 20:00pm 水曜定休

This is for Shousaikan


AH! I thought that name rang a bell. I know this shop. Thanks.

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Sorry for the late post, got distracted.


Nihombashi Takashimaya was completely out of their inks. They still have a space for them on the shelf reserved with two empty Sailor ink boxes and still have the color sample cards hanging nearby. Earlier conversations with the clerks indicated that they want to resupply but they were unsure when or even if that would happen.


So at the moment there are no NT's original inks available.


Will check back whenever I stop by Maruzen and keep you posted.



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  On 8/28/2014 at 2:04 AM, Algester said:

this is Japan's holy grail and I'm just bringing the attention to the inks that would probably will and have been under anyone's radar yet the weird thing is yet I'm a non-local... when I would assume some Japanese members actually contribute to the thread :X ohh well

I AM local but finding out about these from you! How are you finding them?

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  On 8/28/2014 at 2:33 AM, Csrae said:

Eh, if you don't mind asking what are ink clinics? Are they pen or stationery stores?


The ink clinics are a special event held at various pen, stationary stores around the country. Check put my earlier thread titled "Custom Blended Ink, My Perfect Blue" for my first hand account of the experience. If you have any questions afterwards, please ask.



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  On 8/28/2014 at 3:22 AM, Tinjapan said:

The ink clinics are a special event held at various pen, stationary stores around the country. Check put my earlier thread titled "Custom Blended Ink, My Perfect Blue" for my first hand account of the experience. If you have any questions afterwards, please ask.



Is it kinda similar to a in-store promo for Sailor inks? I've heard of custom perfume blends for sale from famous companies (very expensive really) but custom ink blends are new to me. Thanks for writing about your earlier topic because it does look interesting. I admit in the USA the only major ink company would be Noodler's inks or Private Reserve which are nice but different compared to Sailor inks. I'm curious though if it's possible to attend FP-related events even with low to little knowledge of Japanese?


Although, I haven't been to Japan since a HS exchange trip but I'd like to add it to my wish list if I ever get the chance to travel again :]


So many inks, so many colors, and so little time.

Edited by Csrae

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

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  On 8/28/2014 at 3:30 AM, Csrae said:


Is it kinda similar to a in-store promo for Sailor inks? I've heard of custom perfume blends for sale from famous companies (very expensive really) but custom ink blends are new to me. Thanks for writing about your earlier topic because it does look interesting. I admit in the USA the only major ink company would be Noodler's inks or Private Reserve which are nice but different compared to Sailor inks. I'm curious though if it's possible to attend FP-related events even with low to little knowledge of Japanese?


Although, I haven't been to Japan since a HS exchange trip but I'd like to add it to my wish list if I ever get the chance to travel again :]


So many inks, so many colors, and so little time.

the ink clinics are the ink equivalent to the pen clinics also held by Sailor pen group where they travel around the various B&M stores in japan offering services for ink blends and pen repair the pen repairs are typically free AND YOU CAN BRING as many pens as you want :X but that really depends on you

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  On 8/28/2014 at 3:35 AM, Algester said:

the ink clinics are the ink equivalent to the pen clinics also held by Sailor pen group where they travel around the various B&M stores in japan offering services for ink blends and pen repair the pen repairs are typically free AND YOU CAN BRING as many pens as you want :X but that really depends on you


Sounds nice for FP fans there in Japan but it's a little awkward since I don't have right now any Sailor FPs other than a few student pens. The free repairs would be helpful =(

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

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Rihei Inks

富士山本宮浅間大社ジャパンレッド Fujiyama Hongou Sengen Taisha Japan Red (The Great Shrine's Library of Mount Fuji Japanese Red) I hope I got the context right I do know there is a Shrine near Mount Fuji but not a library...

筆楽宴 書落(かけおち)グリーン Fude kano utage Kakeochi Green (Kakeochi calligraphy green?)

にじますピンク Hajimasu Pink (First Pink?)

富士宮やきそばオレンジ Fujiyama Yakisoba Orange (Mount Fuji Yakisoba Orange)

富士山ブルー Fujiyama Blue

赤富士レッド Akafuji red (Red Fuji Red)

朝霧高原グリーン Asagiri Kougen Green (Morning mist on the Plateau Green)

富士山湧水アクアブルー Fujiyama Yusui Aqua Blue (Mount Fuji's Spring water Aqua Blue)

  On 8/28/2014 at 3:57 AM, Csrae said:


Sounds nice for FP fans there in Japan but it's a little awkward since I don't have right now any Sailor FPs other than a few student pens. The free repairs would be helpful =(

PS the pen clinics doesnt mean your tied to Sailor the pen clinics themselves are more of the heritage culture that Sailor has because it's a pen company that started as a pen repair company MEANING AS LONG AS THEY ARE FPs the... specialists will repair your pen regardless of brand it could be delta, pilot, vintage so on and so forth but if you also want a more through repair with parts Euro-box will be your go to person he will repair vintage IF you are in Japan anyway...

Edited by Algester
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