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Sailor's Full Ink Lines Including Shop Exclusives Compiled In A Post?


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"a seasonal fruits color" I can understand. "a color table of the ink" I must admit I don't. Do you know what that means Algester?

I'll be honest I HAVE NO IDEA it could be as bad as what we could call as "engrish translation" however only a very niche people know what that actually means

so I made and emergency search

Nagasawa Kobe SOL (Spice of Life) Line

SOL Light Green


SOL Green


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Okay, it's time for me to weigh in on this thread. :P


#1. I've kind of decided to make it my mission to get all these random Sailor inks and test them out, and compare them to each other. Of course, that takes a long time, but I am still trying! If anyone finds new Sailor inks, please let me know so I can take one for the team and snag them.


#2. The SOL greens (two of them) and the Turner, Pushkin, and Vermeer (a blue ink), were LE inks from the Kobe line. I got them from cool-japan on ebay, but it looks like they aren't available anymore. Also, the SOL light green is AWFUL, in my opinion - check the review section, I'm pretty sure I posted something.


#3. I've got all the Onago-iro ones, and the Pen + Message ones are all on their way, soon to be here (probably Wednesday).

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The top one is the LE Kobe pink - I thought it was Renoir, not Pushkin. I still think it's renoir, actually. Start here and click forward for more up close shots of the pink.







Start here and click forward for shots of the insect and bird Kingdom Note inks.



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Onago-iro Sunlight filtering through leaves










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The top one is the LE Kobe pink - I thought it was Renoir, not Pushkin. I still think it's renoir, actually. Start here and click forward for more up close shots of the pink.


On the Kobe site, it's called ルノワールピンク in Katakana, which is basically using a Japanese alphabet to spell out "Renoir Pink." I don't know why the box says Pushkin. Secret art reasons? :)

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On the Kobe site, it's called ルノワールピンク in Katakana, which is basically using a Japanese alphabet to spell out "Renoir Pink." I don't know why the box says Pushkin. Secret art reasons? :)

it's not really shown since half the label is covered but it is indeed renoir pink sorry... :X

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Kakimori 3 Inks (also a place for good paper according to Virtu)



I'm not sure if it's a home made ink or Sailor did it but Kakimori has some demonstrator Sailor pens that look like the Crystal


Sankodo 名古屋シリーズ Nagoya Line

名駅ブルーグレー Meieki Blue Gray



山崎川桜 Yamazakigawa Sakura (Yamazakigawa Cherry Blossom)


覚王山レッドブラウン Kakouzan Red Brown


中川運河ブラウン Nakagawaunga Brown


大曽根ブルー Oosone Blue


大須レッド Oosu Red


熱田の森グリーン I'm confused... I'll take my guess here IF someone corrects me I'll be grateful Atsuta no Mori Green, Niita no Mori Green (Atsuta Forest Green, Niita Forest Green)


名古屋港ブルー Nagoyakou Blue


徳川園牡丹 Tokugawaen Botan


鶴舞ブルー Tsurumai Blue


桶狭間グリーン Okehazama Green


東山グリーン Higashiyama Green


白壁グレー Shirakabe Grey


四間道ブラック Shiken michi Black (I'm a bit lost with the translation goes to show how much I'm a foreigner)


名古屋城セピア Nagoyajou Sepia


HOLY (bleep) that was a lot of inks 15 INKS there's no sample for Atsuta Green so I hope someone can actually get one


Next will be Daimaru Inks also in the form of a fluted bottle

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Me too. I was going to pass on the pink from the other set, but this one I might snap up.


The other pink is just a liiiiiitle too lilac-y for me to love it. But I am all for peachy pinks.


Looks like this might be called Central - Harumeita Akarui Pink.

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What about the Iroshi inks by Sailor - I think there are five.


I also think the Maruzen Sepia ink in the vintage bottle is made by Sailor.


It's madness, I tell you, madness!!

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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Kakimori 3 Inks (also a place for good paper according to Virtu)



I'm not sure if it's a home made ink or Sailor did it but Kakimori has some demonstrator Sailor pens that look like the Crystal


Sankodo 名古屋シリーズ Nagoya Line

名駅ブルーグレー Meieki Blue Gray



山崎川桜 Yamazakigawa Sakura (Yamazakigawa Cherry Blossom)


覚王山レッドブラウン Kakouzan Red Brown


中川運河ブラウン Nakagawaunga Brown


大曽根ブルー Oosone Blue


大須レッド Oosu Red


熱田の森グリーン I'm confused... I'll take my guess here IF someone corrects me I'll be grateful Atsuta no Mori Green, Niita no Mori Green (Atsuta Forest Green, Niita Forest Green)


名古屋港ブルー Nagoyakou Blue


徳川園牡丹 Tokugawaen Botan


鶴舞ブルー Tsurumai Blue


桶狭間グリーン Okehazama Green


東山グリーン Higashiyama Green


白壁グレー Shirakabe Grey


四間道ブラック Shiken michi Black (I'm a bit lost with the translation goes to show how much I'm a foreigner)


名古屋城セピア Nagoyajou Sepia


HOLY (bleep) that was a lot of inks 15 INKS there's no sample for Atsuta Green so I hope someone can actually get one


Next will be Daimaru Inks also in the form of a fluted bottle

Kakimori's inks are their house blends of Private Reserve inks. I like the two I have.

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I'm checking out


I'm not sure what would be the stationary store in the building... if you can shed more light on the number of inks I'll be grateful

高島屋オリジナルインク 5月ピワ (Gogatsu Biwa) - May Loquat




I am planning to stop by Maruzen Nihombashi next week and will go across the street to check out Takashima again. A month or so ago they either had none or only a couple but of colors I was not interested in. So don't get your hopes up.

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大須レッド Oosu Red


熱田の森グリーン I'm confused... I'll take my guess here IF someone corrects me I'll be grateful Atsuta no Mori Green, Niita no Mori Green (Atsuta Forest Green, Niita Forest Green)


名古屋港ブルー Nagoyakou Blue


徳川園牡丹 Tokugawaen Botan


鶴舞ブルー Tsurumai Blue


東山グリーン Higashiyama Green



I want these!


Have you seen the PenGallery inks?


So many inks, so little time...

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The Pen Gallery inks are also called Hougado inks, and they are mostly sold out. Only the Bocchan Blue, the Redshirt, and Madonna Purple are still in stock. The two I wanted (the neat looking green and gorgeous looking dark violet) are sold out. Same with all the "Deep" colour ones (like moss ... :( ).


Sailor Huogadar Pen Gallery Custom Inks
Deep Indigo Blue Black
Deep Rust Black
Deep Moss Black
Bocchan Blue
Madonna Purple
Modaiko Violet
Uranari Green
Yamaarashi Sepis
The Redshirt


(courtesy of Harmless Dilettante)

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I submit that this thread should be password locked and the password communicated only to those FPN members with a proven net worth of 1 million or more..... ;)

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Yes, a net worth of 1,000,000 yen. ;)


I would have loved the Nodaiko Violet. Only 2000 yen/bottle (about $19.25 USD), plus shipping of course. :)


Maybe I shouldn't look at this thread anymore. :crybaby:

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