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Is Tomoe River Paper Changing?

D Armstrong

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Edited by hardyb

The Danitrio Fellowship

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So, I have an update. My contact had a successful trip to Japan, and has figured out what the problem was. As suggested here earlier, she did indeed simply choose the wrong variety, which looked identical to the sample I had provided. Evidently there are more than a few varieties of TR paper, and the one she chose was for offset printing, which has little sizing on it.


She has brought back with her a couple of complete Tomoegawa sample books, so we will be headed down to the paper warehouse (always a pleasant phrase, that) with our wettest noodles for some test runs. It will be interesting to see just how many varieties of TR there are...


In any case, thanks very much for the various input and suggestions. It was definitely a help for her to know what may have been the issue. And it's definitely a triumphant thing to still have an FP-friendly TR paper available!

David Armstrong

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So, I have an update. My contact had a successful trip to Japan, and has figured out what the problem was. As suggested here earlier, she did indeed simply choose the wrong variety, which looked identical to the sample I had provided. Evidently there are more than a few varieties of TR paper, and the one she chose was for offset printing, which has little sizing on it.


She has brought back with her a couple of complete Tomoegawa sample books, so we will be headed down to the paper warehouse (always a pleasant phrase, that) with our wettest noodles for some test runs. It will be interesting to see just how many varieties of TR there are...


In any case, thanks very much for the various input and suggestions. It was definitely a help for her to know what may have been the issue. And it's definitely a triumphant thing to still have an FP-friendly TR paper available!


Sample books sound delicious!

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I love my Tomoe River pads and notebook - I'm glad to hear they are apparently not going to change paper or disappear. I also love Life and MD notebooks, though - I try to keep a variety of paper around since different types seem to work best for certain types of writing (i.e. dip nib pens versus fountain pens).

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Heh. You should try sample books in a huge warehouse full of Japanese paper...


Man, that sounds like a dream come true - and a potential nightmare for my budget...

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Heh. You should try sample books in a huge warehouse full of Japanese paper...


Sounds like bliss! I already go crazy at Shepherds' as it is :) All that beautiful paper...

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So, I have an update. My contact had a successful trip to Japan, and has figured out what the problem was. As suggested here earlier, she did indeed simply choose the wrong variety, which looked identical to the sample I had provided. Evidently there are more than a few varieties of TR paper, and the one she chose was for offset printing, which has little sizing on it.


She has brought back with her a couple of complete Tomoegawa sample books, so we will be headed down to the paper warehouse (always a pleasant phrase, that) with our wettest noodles for some test runs. It will be interesting to see just how many varieties of TR there are...


In any case, thanks very much for the various input and suggestions. It was definitely a help for her to know what may have been the issue. And it's definitely a triumphant thing to still have an FP-friendly TR paper available!


I really like Tomoe paper and it's smoothness. Please do update us after looking through the samples, as I'm curious to know if they make a paper with the same smoothness as the tomoe we know and use know that is maybe a touch thicker and more opaque.

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  • 4 months later...

wheeeeew!! reading this thread beats any suspense novel I've read !! the terrible fear of "tomoe blotting paper!!"... was too much to accept!!


the ending was great!


... btw: I have a couple of Bibles at home and one of them has a paper that looks and feels identical to tomoe.. (really... identical!!) I tried a little line of ink in one of the blank pages at the end.. and it bled and feathered..! I could not belileve it... Now I get it! :)


Cant wait for my next order of TR !! << seriously addictive!



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  • 1 year later...

There is a similar problem going on now with TR 68gsm White paper - either a faulty batch or a major wholesaler ordered the wrong variety of TR.

See thread https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/311072-tomoe-river-68gsm-from-uk-bad-experience/



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