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What is the UGLIEST pen ever produced ?


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Lamy 2000. Even a Waterman Sérénité is less ugly. At least it (the latter) looks less antiseptic.

The Lamy 2000 has absolutely no style or character.




Well, de gustibus, I think. I like the Lamy 2000 very much.

I also like the looks of the Serenité a lot, but it's too expensive for me.

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Lamy 2000. Even a Waterman Sérénité is less ugly. At least it (the latter) looks less antiseptic.

The Lamy 2000 has absolutely no style or character.




Well, de gustibus, I think. I like the Lamy 2000 very much.

I also like the looks of the Serenité a lot, but it's too expensive for me.


I agree. I like the looks of both these pens as well.


I'm not a big fan of yellow gold. For me, the ugliest pen would have to be something like the Pelikan M7000 Majesty Anniversary Edition:



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Lamy 2000. Even a Waterman Sérénité is less ugly. At least it (the latter) looks less antiseptic.

The Lamy 2000 has absolutely no style or character.




Well, de gustibus, I think. I like the Lamy 2000 very much.

I also like the looks of the Serenité a lot, but it's too expensive for me.


I agree. I like the looks of both these pens as well.


I'm not a big fan of yellow gold. For me, the ugliest pen would have to be something like the Pelikan M7000 Majesty Anniversary Edition:




I am still lost why Pelikan did such a Robo Cop like pen.....

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And, this one with a feather.



Why would you attach a peacock feather to a perfectly-nice industrial-looking pen like that? Agh.


Well, in French, a fountain pen is a "stylo plume"....and "plume" is feather - so it makes perfect sense to me :D

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Well, de gustibus, I think. I like the Lamy 2000 very much.


Same, and I couldn't disagree more about the lack of style or character. It's Bauhaus - that is its style.


Vancouver Pen Club


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<img src='http://airbornecombatengineer.typepad.com/photos/weapons_fireams/americanderringerpenpistol.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />


I wouldn't mind having this baby in my shirt pocket as a backup to my C/C gun. I know there would be a market for this baby here in South Florida. B)

Ball-point pens are only good for filling out forms on a plane.

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The Core and the MB Diego Rivera

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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OK. I officially announce that from this moment, I'm running a Rotring Core Shelter Home.


"Give me your tired, your poor,


Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,


The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,


Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,


I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus

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I have two Rotring Cores, too: one primarily black and the other orange. They're both very good writers. I like them!

Mine is an XS nib, firm but quite smooth and good flow. Do you have both the XS and XL nibs? If you have the XL, how would you describe it? Is it just a slightly thicker version of the XS?

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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Maybe it's been mentioned, perhaps not (I confess to not reading the entire thread), but Michael's Fat Boy pens are at the top of my list. Not only are they heavy and hard to write with, they are hard to look at too.


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I have two Rotring Cores, too: one primarily black and the other orange. They're both very good writers. I like them!

Mine is an XS nib, firm but quite smooth and good flow. Do you have both the XS and XL nibs? If you have the XL, how would you describe it? Is it just a slightly thicker version of the XS?


I prefer the XL, which is generally smoother and ever so slightly stubbish. Love it. I think Cores are too functional to be really ugly.


There's an existential ugliness above and beyond the visual cacophony that most LE/SE have. It's hard to pick between them. Aside from being a funny looking pen, the MB Diego Rivera elides key elements of what made Rivera Rivera. The bird poop looks especially ridiculous on top of that cap. Still, it would be hard to say that it's really any worse than the Gandhi pen.

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The Legs of M have killed every other "ugliest pen" thread stone dead.




With link back to the source, in case anyone wants one.


I'll see your legs and raise you ants:




I took this photo at INK in Minneapolis earlier this year. Same designer.


Ok, I take legs, ants and raise you people doing nasty things over a poor pen...

(I am talking about the guys on the far right...)



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