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Who Is Attending And Selling At The Dallas Pen Show 2014?

Brontosaurus Pluto

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My budget is:

1. The cash I have been able to stash back since the Little Rock show

2. I'm bringing 4 very nice LE pens to sell so however many of them I sell adds to (1.) above



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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You people are cruel....I don't have a job right now and you are all tempting me beyond words, lol....but I do have a little bit squirreled away. I'm pretty sure it's nowhere near Brian's budget!!! :P I like the way you think!! (Yeah, I will be giving you some greenbacks again this year.) :)

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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Note I said "was" the rule. :) I actually buy very few pens these days, usually they come to me since I often times cannot get away from the table for long enough to look at all the rest of the pens at the show.

www.esterbrook.net All Esterbrook, All the Time.
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I will be driving in on Saturday and arriving about noon-ish for my first pen show experience. I know vendors at many non-pen shows tend to start packing up several hours early. Is this true of pen vendors as well? Please, please, please tell me this isn't the case...

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for those that need to catch a flight, they will leave early. Many, ourselves included, will stay to the bitter end. We are usually the last to leave the ballroom at the end of any given show. :)

www.esterbrook.net All Esterbrook, All the Time.
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I will be there, driving up early Friday morning and staying til Sunday. Last year they didnt have name tags or show bags so I may bring a show bag from another pen show and may even make my own name tag. Thanks for reminding me about the card, mine arrived a few weeks ago, now I need to locate it. Looking forward to meeting some/most/all of you

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The Admissions table will have some generic FPN name tags. Pick one up and label yourself!



Sweet, I will keep an eye out for one, thanks.

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Anyone coming in around 9pm on Thursday night want to share a ride from the airport to the hotel? I've got a rental car booked, but could just as easily (happily) take a taxi instead and share the ride. Or you could come along in the rental car and defray some of the costs.


PM me if this would work for you.



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for those that need to catch a flight, they will leave early. Many, ourselves included, will stay to the bitter end. We are usually the last to leave the ballroom at the end of any given show. :)

Thank you! I am looking forward to it!

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I will be there most of Friday and until 11 on Saturday. I might come back on Sunday, but I'm not sure. This will be my fourth Dallas show, and I'm looking forward to it. One more day of work first ...

"Life is too big for words, so don't try to describe it. Just live it."

- C.S. Lewis


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Bags are packed, pens boxed up, I am so ready for some Dallas Pen show time! Can't wait to see all ya'll !



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Today the fun starts!!!!! Heading out in a couple of hours to do my first blush shopping, then tomorrow with ScienceChick! We are planning to be there at open.


Does anyone still want to try to get a group together or is this going to be ..."if we see ya, we see ya" kind of thing? (Name badges with FPN names...) Please?


I'm going both today and tomorrow 'cuz I'm a geek like that... ;)


(Well, that and I'm not working right now.) :lticaptd:



Edited by TXKat

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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Who would know about antique dip pens and handles?? (Not me...lol) I'm not sure what I have and if they are of any value or if I should sell them. I don't have that many pens, but I know almost nothing about most of them. (Including what some of them are, lol.) Mine is a grouping of junk drawer stuff. Do I dare put them all in a ziploc and bring them to ask questions? I figure today might be a slow enough day for that.



So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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Worked late last night so I can get off in time to come to the show this evening (Friday). Looking forward to saying hello to some of you.

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Spent the whole day at the show, my first. Kudos to Danny who tweaked three pens at such a reasonable price that I bought an Esterbrook from him. Recommend him highly! It was good to meet several of you today.

Edited by T4TEXAS

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

- Jack London


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