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What pen is your Holy Grail?


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The Sailor "Creatures of the Deep" with an ocean sunfish. It's one of my favorite fish for how weird it is, and not a very common design on anything! I have no anticipation of acquiring it, but I love the way it looks.



I'll come up with something eventually.

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For you, I think maybe it's less the one grail, than it is every goblet, chalice, cup and bowl set on the table that day.


Are you saying that I go "OOH -- shiny!" too much? :lol:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I just literally bought it (EEEEEP!!!): nickel plated trim medium nib Parker Vac in silver/grey. (drops mic)

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It was a Parker 51 aeromentric with a good medium nib. Then I discovered that the English Parkers have just the nibs I like. From then on, it was easy. I even bought a few spare "medium-to-broad" nibs from a fellow in the UK. I've been re-nibbing all my 51's that had worn down nibs. Eureka!


Now my grail is a large and thick Vacumatic with a good medium nib, or a vintage Duofold with a real medium nib. I've seem some "sold" pens at Da-vid's Vacu-mania site...expensive!! Still, I love Parkers, and especially pre-1960 Parkers. I call them: "Fountain pens from before ballpoints". It's a family thing: my mom got my dad a Vacumatic when he was sent to a carrier in the Pacific. Dad said, later, "I wrote a lot of letters with that pen". A 2-year old (or three?) who happens to be me found it and smashed it. Then I got a Parker 45 when I was 12 or 13. Used it forever.


The TV commercials for the Snorkel reminded me of a mosquito. Not a good association! By 1960, the only big-time pen-makers in the US were Parker and Sheaffer. Warterman had collapsed (carried on by a French subsidiary) and Evershap had sold out to Parker. The Big 4 became the Big 2.

Edited by welch

Washington Nationals 2019: the fight for .500; "stay in the fight"; WON the fight

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SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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I suppose it's down to another custom. Something in the vein of a Master Scrivener, materials, clip, nib, etc. still in flux.

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Are you saying that I go "OOH -- shiny!" too much? :lol:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


Maybe. Or maybe a grail pen is just so cool it needs an entourage.

Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur.

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Maybe. Or maybe a grail pen is just so cool it needs an entourage.



Oh I can just imagine my husband's face if I told him that.... :rolleyes:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Visconti Homo Sapiens Bronze, a yellowish tortoise Pelikan with black finials (no matter which one) and Montblanc Franz Kafka. A more attainable one - Waterman Expert Precious :D

I can see the Visconti HS as my Grail pen, as well

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Parker 51, single jewel yellowstone, extra fine nib.



Interesting choice.

So did you get the one on eBay last week?

San Francisco International Pen Show - The next “Funnest Pen Show” is on schedule for August 23-24-25, 2024.  Watch the show website for registration details. 

My PM box is usually full. Just email me: my last name at the google mail address.

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I wasn't even looking. This is more of a long range objective.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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Probably some derivative of the Sailor King of Pens, whether the Classic LB5, the Ebonite KoP, or the Green Mosiac KoP.


I have it on my mind that if/when I ever go on a trip to Japan, I'll pick up a KoP as a souvenir of my trip while there.

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I don't think my grail pen exists: which is why it's a grail pen.

I know what form it takes: piston nib; nice heft (like Pelikan M 215); smooth nib; not a spade nib.


Got to exist somewhere, but so far as elusive as a unicorn.

Edited by mercurius
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- first we'll build a wooden badger ...

But is any pen worth the merciless taunting of the French k-nig-hts?

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